United Thread 2014/15

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Henkeman said:
squirtyflower said:
Henkeman said:
They must be pretty confident of landing another midfielder. Otherwise selling even Cleverly would be bonkers.
having bought Herrara and Di Maria?

Still short of options in central midfield.
they are, but getting rid of Clevz doesn't mean automatically there's a replacement lined up

surely they wouldn't get rid of an Academy world superstar for a foreign mercenary
squirtyflower said:
Henkeman said:
squirtyflower said:
having bought Herrara and Di Maria?

Still short of options in central midfield.
they are, but getting rid of Clevz doesn't mean automatically there's a replacement lined up

surely they wouldn't get rid of an Academy world superstar for a foreign mercenary

Let me re-phrase....any rational, sensible club, that isn't spraying money around like a drunken millionaire with a coke habit, would want to ensure the position is covered before letting him go.

They aren't - Herrera is home grown remember?
Clevadonna for £8million, I didn't know Aston Villa had that much money to piss away.
LVG on 3 man defence "i think we have no problems when opponent has ball as we defend very good. Our problem is when we have the ball"

ho ho ho
Henkeman said:
squirtyflower said:
Henkeman said:
Still short of options in central midfield.
they are, but getting rid of Clevz doesn't mean automatically there's a replacement lined up

surely they wouldn't get rid of an Academy world superstar for a foreign mercenary

Let me re-phrase....any rational, sensible club, that isn't spraying money around like a drunken millionaire with a coke habit, would want to ensure the position is covered before letting him go.

They aren't - Herrera is home grown remember?

Have we got any Villa fans on here? Would like their take on this as if I was a Villa fan I'd be fuming! Owner stops putting money in for transfers, tells the boss he's on a strict budget (think they've only spent 600k on Keiran Richardson this summer) and then now it looks like their wasting 9 (NINE!) Million on Cleverley! Unbelievable Jeff!
No6 said:
bazbarrybazzer said:
LVG on 3 man defence "i think we have no problems when opponent has ball as we defend very good. Our problem is when we have the ball"

ho ho ho

You've got to be shitting me? He really said THAT?!?

Must have been his twin brother watching from the touchline these past few games

My rag colleague just emailed it to me, it`s taken from redcafe.net twitter i think.

Needless to say, my rag mate was facepalming when he read it.

Beautiful chicken.
Marvin said:
fulabeer said:
"Spending their own money" Where has the money come from?
I thought they only made a small profit last year due to a tax credit. I know they have improved sponsors and TV money this year, but is it worth 200 million plus?
The £200m will be spread over around 5 years, and the uprated contracts with Chevrolet and Addidas raise more than that. But there are reported performance clauses. And they can't keep doing this window after window.

Barcelona will be out of the market now for 12 months, and Utd wont be able to repeat this on such a scale in the future so the way is being cleared for City in 12 months time
They can wear Addidas to get a good grip when they have to push the Chevrolets to the garage.
What defines this for me is that their 'debt' is paying for their player purchases. Yes they make money but, their debt payments are massive which need servicing. If it was their money, the banks would say something about that!
LoveCity said:
Villa and Hull have made bids of around £9m for Tom Cleverley... unbelievable, the myth of United continues and they get good money for one of the most useless midfielders I've seen in a while.

9 mill for a player trading up is good business. ;)
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