United Thread 2015/16

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United fans don't seem capable of differentiating between hatred of, and fear of, United. They equate the former with the latter and, in the vast majority of cases, the two are mutually exclusive.

I hate them. For so many different reasons it's hardly worth bothering to list them here but, suffice to say, if I did need to quantify my hatred for Manchester United Football Club there wouldn't be a scale yet discovered that was capable of accurately reaching the level to which I have reached.

I don't, however, fear them. Simply put Manchester City have got a superior group of football players than Manchester United. Winning this seasons title is in our own hands, if we play to the level we are capable of playing to then there's simply nothing United can do about it, as a group, and as individuals, their players are not able to compete with ours. The trajectory our club is on, when compared to how United are being (miss) managed, the methods employed by, and the motivation behind, our owners when compared to the Glazers, everything points towards the present, near, and distant future being a far more healthy place for a City fan than for a United one. If we were to revisit the situation in a decades time I'd be absolutely astounded if our trophy haul for that period didn't dwarf whatever trophies United had managed to accumulate in that same period. I don't believe in putting targets, or specific predictions, in place, but the period 2015/16 to 2025/26 will see City win a lot, LOT more than United do.
So what you are saying is that you hate the image that 'United' has of itself, and instead of aspiring to maintain and portray that image, 'United' as a club and fans should all drone on about a former chairman selling dodgy meat and turfing Munich survivors out of homes. Yeah, that would be a really beneficial and worthwhile exercise. Let's drag up every bad that's happened in the last 100 years and wear it like a badge!! Can you name any club or organisation that would do such a thing?

And if your club is so holier than thou, why don't you denounce human rights abuses in UAE, or is that too much of a taboo subject? Buying and selling women like pieces of meat, human trafficking, stoning, flogging, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom to marry, freedom to be gay, apostasy, rape, torture...I suppose you don't care how dirty the hands are that give you the money, as long as they keep on filling the coffers.

Your current owners combined with Thaksin Shinawatra have so many skeletons in the closet, they are tantamount to bond villains.

I was wondering how long it would take you to equate ADUG and Sheikh Mansour with everything that western society finds wrong with the Middle East. The US execute children for crimes they've committed, damn Red Football and those Glazers for not stopping this. Gun crime in the US is rife, what's Avram Glazer doing about that? Nothing, that's what. Greedy, lazy fecker.

If you honestly believe that Sheikh Mansour, or the Abu Dhabi United Group, has any real power or ability to do anything about the way the Middle East as a region, and Abu Dhabi specifically, deals with these kinds of things then you're either naïve, or more likely, wilfully ignorant. He's one man within a nation of many very powerful men. That would be like landing the blame for the atrocities conducted during the war in Afghanistan and Iraq at the door of John Prescott (Deputy Prime Minister at the time), simply ludicrous.
This post could have been written by the revisionist propaganda department at the swamp. He's a typical rag who has at best a patchy knowledge of his own club's history coupled with a selective memory.

For a start he can't even spell Eddie Colman's name correctly and Tommy Taylor was 26 so hardly "a young boy".

The whole point is that the way the Munich survivors were treated WAS unique. The club had deliberately underinsured the players as a cost saving exercise for a start. What do the maximum wage, contract terms and austerity got to do with anything? Jackie Blanchflower and Johnny Berry were two badly injured survivors among those evicted from club houses and Berry was fired by letter. Only captain Roger Byrne's family was exempted from eviction. On the 10th anniversary of the disaster Mark Jones's widow and son received complimentary tickets for a game. His son said that was the only time the club had contacted them since 1958 and disdained the petty and insulting offer of a couple of tickets 10 years after the event.

In 1998, after the club combined the 40th anniversary Munich benefit match for the families with Cantona's farewell match and then paid him £90,000 in 'expenses' out of the benefit fund, Ray Wood's wife said "We just want the club to give us some dignity Offer some recognition to those who died, who gave their lives for Manchester United and gave birth to a legend. What the plc is doing is immoral, leaving us just as rubbish, simple vermin....Suddenly, the game has become the Eric Cantona roadshow while the survivors are like dancing bears at a circus. I saw those terrible scenes in hospital after the crash. I stayed at Ray's bedside for eight weeks and I was there when Duncan Edwards died....The airline flew us out to Munich and gave us daily expenses. Even my local priest offered help - but there was nothing from United."

At a dinner in 1998 Bobby Charlton was giving a speech in which he said not a day goes by that he doesn't think of his friends who died at Munich when Harry Gregg shouted down the table "Then why the fuck haven't you done anything for them all these years?" (At that time Charlton had been a director at United for 14 years).

There are plenty of other stories about the gobshite way the club treated other survivors including Albert Scanlon and Kenny Morgans.

Fucking superb post Laser! Read it and weep shallowman.
Your vile club has cynically and relentlessly milked this tragedy for naked commercial gain for 58 years. Even for the 50th anniversary derby it was agreed that both teams and their mascots would turn out in plain 1958 style shirts with no sponsor's name. What did the rags do? They sent their mascots out in full AIG kit. They also plastered an AIG logo on the official 50th anniversary banner.
And you think all this is somehow normal or excusable
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Stoning? This rag clown has been watching too much Life of Brian. If he actually did any research he'd know that although the UAE has the death penalty it's rarely used. A few murdrerers have been executed in recent years by firing squad which is the only legal method of execution. Most death sentences are commuted. Many US states execute far more people and often for less.

The point is that your club has a dark history which is deliberately suppressed to maintain a squeaky clean image. It's all smoke and mirrors though but as long as the world at large remains blissfully ignorant then all's well. Kim Jong-Un would be proud of your PR department.
So what you are saying is that you hate the image that 'United' has of itself, and instead of aspiring to maintain and portray that image, 'United' as a club and fans should all drone on about a former chairman selling dodgy meat and turfing Munich survivors out of homes. Yeah, that would be a really beneficial and worthwhile exercise. Let's drag up every bad that's happened in the last 100 years and wear it like a badge!! Can you name any club or organisation that would do such a thing?

And if your club is so holier than thou, why don't you denounce human rights abuses in UAE, or is that too much of a taboo subject? Buying and selling women like pieces of meat, human trafficking, stoning, flogging, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom to marry, freedom to be gay, apostasy, rape, torture...I suppose you don't care how dirty the hands are that give you the money, as long as they keep on filling the coffers.

Your current owners combined with Thaksin Shinawatra have so many skeletons in the closet, they are tantamount to bond villains.

are you going back your assertion up with some direct facts that link our owner to your claim or is it just a tarring with a brush exercise
are you going back your assertion up with some direct facts that link our owner to your claim or is it just a tarring with a brush exercise
Haha is he bollocks as like, he's a know nothing clown spouting shit he's heard a mate say in the pub
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