United thread 2017/18

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It's 4.59 I thought I would stay up a lot longer than normal just so I got a few.more hours to hate the red SCUM a bit more !!!!
Ps SCUM is not used enough anymore on this forum, are we going soft or are we snowflakes
To busy sussing if Woodward is a man child or just gets to giddy with deals. I hope it is the latter. I say that because if he loves it then getting him to stop will be the devils own job. Considering he is a commercial deal maker the longer he has a say the longer they stay stuck making money but not winning the big stuff.

One for the manager, one for commercial Ed. one for the manager, one for commercial Ed. Long may it continue.

Adrian Mole that fronts the United Stand has all the insight of a rather dim, pathetic spoilt child. He is appallingly stupid! Gobsmackingly stupid! He has no discernible intellect at all, his ramblings consist of one vacuous cliché after another. He is defined by his sense of entitlement.

He is the finest example of a sad life made liveable by association with greatness, hence his greatest anxiety is generated by any suggestion that the rags greatness might be under threat.
Adrian Mole that fronts the United Stand has all the insight of a rather dim, pathetic spoilt child. He is appallingly stupid! Gobsmackingly stupid! He has no discernible intellect at all, his ramblings consist of one vacuous cliché after another. He is defined by his sense of entitlement.

He is the finest example of a sad life made liveable by association with greatness, hence his greatest anxiety is generated by any suggestion that the rags greatness might be under threat.

Now leave brent alone, he is sat in his bedsit in nottingham in his fred the red pyjamas crying into his coco waiting for sachez.
Now leave brent alone, he is sat in his bedsit in nottingham in his fred the red pyjamas crying into his coco waiting for sachez.

To give him his due he has relentless energy but coupled with his ignorance he's like a football equivalent of a Jehovah's Witness. All the tired clichés are there, Emptyhad, Fraudiola, oil money, that is to be expected but what marks him out is his denial of what my dad called the bleedin obvious, the undeniable fact that Sanchez is going to Utd for the money. In United Stand World, City matched Utd's bid and Sanchez chose Utd because it was a great club "and why wouldn't he?". All evidence to the contrary is dismissed as nothing more than the media's bias against Utd and Mourinho in particular. His take on Arsenals's position in these negotiations and that of Mkhitaryan is bordering on the bizarre.

The only rag on YouTube worth watching is Adam McKola, don't get me wrong he hates City, but he's bright and sadly for him that prevents him from finding comfort in ignorance.

Howson on the other hand is as dumb as a door knob.
Christ on a bike! It's getting ugly! They're going to burn Mkhitaryan at the stake unless he pisses off....


Watch your back mate!

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