United thread 2018/19

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I heard something similar but the person saying it seemed to think it was in Peg's contract rather than being a universal rule of thumb.
It could well be Pam. As others note however the cap fits to well.

A lot of stuff I let through my mental grate however this sits to nicely and to me at least sticks out like a sore thumb as "true".

For our purposes it matters little but like others I believe this to be part of the post bacon 101. This deserves elaboration... let me finish this cig and I'll follow why
All out of contract at the end of the season
De Gea

I thought it was an Arsenal thing to let players run down their contracts
Eye off the ball or mismanagement by Woodward ?
thats basically their starting eleven and I genuinly wouldnt take a single one of them here

Edit: maybe De Gea could step in for Bravo;)
Ragcafe are clamouring for Zidane. Utter buffoon's, they need a complete rebuild with younger player's. Zidane, if stupid enough to take the job, doesn't seem the sort to build a young team over 3 or 4 years. He wouldn't last 2 years at the swamp :)
Ragcafe are clamouring for Zidane. Utter buffoon's, they need a complete rebuild with younger player's. Zidane, if stupid enough to take the job, doesn't seem the sort to build a young team over 3 or 4 years. He wouldn't last 2 years at the swamp :)
I don't think he's dumb enough.
Mourinho deserves some credit. Hear me out!

So, as I've said in previous posts, there's a load of shit going on at United that goes past the manager.

For starters, their owners are completely ignorant of what is happening at the club, despite constantly being there at matches. This is a family that have come in, saddled the club with over half a billion pounds of debt and used the club as nothing more than a cash cow. On top of that, the actual man who bought the club, the one that was actually interested in sport, never bothered to show up, so you're left with all his kids running the show despite the fact they clearly have no knowledge of how anything sporting works. Maybe Malcolm knew something?

So next up, they hired a guy to run things on a day to day basis whilst they're busy with the struggle of going from billionaires to multi-billionaires. So who do they pick? They have the whole world to choose from, because in 2013 who wouldn't want a shot at running the biggest sporting brand on the planet? The best sporting and business minds must have been queuing up for the role when they heard David Gill was stepping down. So anyway, they go for the comically named Edward Woodward. A money man, one who's only notable achievement in sport was plummeting Manchester United into hundreds of millions of pounds worth of debt helping advise the Glazer family with the takeover. So essentially a complete jobsworth, perfect for the role of milking the cash cow dry.
Seriously, he's done a fantastic job with them financially. Their brand value and their revenue has soared, and it's well documented how many sponsorships they've been bringing in to support both these important financial aspects. They've managed to consistently sign high profile footballers over the years under his tenure and that's only added to the pot. Commercially, they're so far ahead of the game in many ways. Credit to the guy.

But erm, the problem is, is that whilst he's good at making money, he's not so good at, you know, running the business. For starters, he does a completely shit job supporting David Moyes. Fellaini and Mata aside of course. Could you imagine if they were still at the club today?! But he does such a bad job that Moyes's career ends up heading down the toilet. But OK! That was set up before he came in, now's his chance to shine. So all he has to do is think a few years ahead. How does he want them to play? How can he retain that United philosophy they love to brag about? What players will be there? What does he want for the club?

The answer of course, is that he wants more money. That's why the Glazers hired him. So who better to appoint than the highly reputable Van Gaal? It makes sense. He's a good manager, at least he was as evidenced the success he's had at literally every job he's worked. The only thing that they needed to do was support him, and his very specific style of play. And how to do that? Well, buy him the players he needs. But hold on, Woodward has decided to completely revamp everything behind closed doors and change the scouting system, so now it appears they don't do their research anymore. So when Van Gaal asks for players, he gets players that don't fit his team, but players that have brand value instead. £60 million on Di Maria without any research? Why not?! Up and coming hot dog eating champion Luke Shaw for £30 million, without any research? Why not?! Super injury prone superstar striker Radamel Falcao on loan, without any research? Why not!? Think of the shirt sales now and in 10 years time. Crazy! On top of that, it turns ou they haven't done their research on Van Gaal himself, and they naively agree to get rid of all the senior players they had with any leadership and signs of ability. Ferdinand, Evra, Fletcher, Welbeck and BEBE! This'll surely work out!

Turns out this didn't work out. And again, another, even poorer season later, with some even more questionable outgoings and incomings, they come to their senses and sack the guy. Immediately after he wins them a trophy. If only money could buy class. But here's the kicker. They didn't sack him because his performance was bad. No. It turns out the team next door goes out and hires the most highly prestigious manager in the world; having done so after years of planning. So Ed responds by immediately bringing in the other most highly prestigious manager in the world, Jose Mourinho. For branding's sake. Without research? You guessed it! It's not like he'd only just left his previous club months before in a state of then carnage. Because otherwise, it would have been crazy to hire him. Especially when you consider how much of a short term guy he is. But money, so...

Moving forwards, and two years of similarly brand motivated transfers later, it turns out, things aren't right. Except to add to the kicker, now they've replaced their scouts with a newspaper and based their targets off whoever their rivals want to sign. Never mind supporting the manager too much, barring the odd player here and there, if the mood's right. And so all those players signed, 3 generations of shit from 3 generations of managers, all signed for name and not for specific ability. It turns out, none of them can play together in any system worthwhile. It turns out, losing all those leaders has left the dressing room in a state of complete weakness. It turns out, signing players on ridiculous wages despite not being worth it can cause tension. It turns out, all the players that are worth anything have an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't be out of place on a Liverpool forum. It turns out, signing a bunch of prima donnas has done nothing to actually move the team forwards on the pitch, and has only increased the negative media attention. It turns out, maybe Edward Woodward isn't too great at his job of running a football club.

And these players, boy are they bad, at least in the head. When your biggest name player, the 25 year old teenager yet to hit his potential, your then captain, Paul Pogba comes out after a ridiculously embarrassing defeat, you want him to be an example. But unfortunately, he was an example of all that's wrong. He casually admits they weren't good enough and didn't care, in a way that would suggest he doesn't care about not caring. All the players, are weak. All the players, have no confidence. All the players, just want to go home. The only players they can rely on, are Mata and Fellaini. How the fuck are they still there? Errors, sadness, consistently terrible decision making, and that's the good players.

All in all, everything is just so miserable. The owners don't care about the club. The EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIRMAN™ doesn't care about the club. The players don't care about the club. And now even the fans don't care about the club. And to make it worse everyone associated with the club hates everyone else associated with the club. Even celebrity ginger Scholesy!

So enter Jose. A manager tasked with an impossible job of bringing up a sinking ship. A short term mastermind, this shouldn't be beyond him, at least initially. But a manager saddled with an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't look out of place in the Manchester United changing room. A man who unironically named himself the Special One.

So this is where he deserves credit, because as he looks around and sees his boat going down, and everyone involved trying to form mutinies upon one another, what does he do? What does anyone worth their sanity do in a situation like this? Most people would look for solutions. Most people would try and calm the crew down. Most people would make it clear to the rest of the world that everything is ok. But Jose is the special one. He has to be the centre of attention.

So what does he do on this sinking ship, stranded in the middle of the ocean with this crew desperate to get off? Well, he forms a mutiny on himself and goes and fucking deploys the anchor doesn't he? Because by god, nobody, and I mean nobody, dares to get in the way of a Mourinho sabotage job.

And that's where he deserves credit. Because he gets to be remembered as the man who destroyed Old Trafford, despite the fact it was already going down and was practically dead. Despite the fact everyone else had spent years working on its demise, he comes in and lands the final blow, so he gets to say, 'I did it!'.

Because to outdo the Glazers, Ed Woodward, Bobby Charlton, Giggs, the players, the tealadies, the fans, the media, and everyone else in the destruction of Man United; And to somehow unite them all together to hate him in the process; That truly takes a special one.

tl;dr Jose's a bit of a knob.
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Mourinho deserves some credit. Hear me out!

So, as I've said in previous posts, there's a load of shit going on at United that goes past the manager.

For starters, their owners are completely ignorant of what is happening at the club, despite constantly being there at matches. This is a family that have come in, saddled the club with over half a billion pounds of debt and used the club as nothing more than a cash cow. On top of that, the actual man who bought the club, the one that was actually interested in sport, never bothered to show up, so you're left with all his kids running the show despite the fact they clearly have no knowledge of how anything sporting works. Maybe Malcolm knew something?

So next up, they hired a guy to run things on a day to day basis whilst they're busy with the struggle of going from billionaires to multi-billionaires. So who do they pick? They have the whole world to choose from, because in 2013 who wouldn't want a shot at running the biggest sporting brand on the planet? The best sporting and business minds must have been queuing up for the role when they heard David Gill was stepping down. So anyway, they go for the comically named Edward Woodward. A money man, one who's only notable achievement in sport was plummeting Manchester United into hundreds of millions of pounds worth of debt helping advise the Glazer family with the takeover. So essentially a complete jobsworth, perfect for the role of milking the cash cow dry.
Seriously, he's done a fantastic job with them financially. Their brand value and their revenue has soared, and it's well documented how many sponsorships they've been bringing in to support both these important financial aspects. They've managed to consistently sign high profile footballers over the years under his tenure and that's only added to the pot. Commercially, they're so far ahead of the game in many ways. Credit to the guy.

But erm, the problem is, is that whilst he's good at making money, he's not so good at, you know, running the business. For starters, he does a completely shit job supporting David Moyes. Fellaini and Mata aside of course. Could you imagine if they were still at the club today?! But he does such a bad job that Moyes's career ends up heading down the toilet. But OK! That was set up before he came in, now's his chance to shine. So all he has to do is think a few years ahead. How does he want them to play? How can he retain that United philosophy they love to brag about? What players will be there? What does he want for the club?

The answer of course, is that he wants more money. That's why the Glazers hired him. So who better to appoint than the highly reputable Van Gaal? It makes sense. He's a good manager, at least he was as evidenced the success he's had at literally every job he's worked. The only thing that they needed to do was support him, and his very specific style of play. And how to do that? Well, buy him the players he needs. But hold on, Woodward has decided to completely revamp everything behind closed doors and change the scouting system, so now it appears they don't do their research anymore. So when Van Gaal asks for players, he gets players that don't fit his team, but players that have brand value instead. £60 million on Di Maria without any research? Why not?! Up and coming hot dog eating champion Luke Shaw for £30 million, without any research? Why not?! Super injury prone superstar striker Radamel Falcao on loan, without any research? Why not!? Think of the shirt sales now and in 10 years time. Crazy! On top of that, it turns ou they haven't done their research on Van Gaal himself, and they naively agree to get rid of all the senior players they had with any leadership and signs of ability. Ferdinand, Evra, Fletcher, Welbeck and BEBE! This'll surely work out!

Turns out this didn't work out. And again, another, even poorer season later, with some even more questionable outgoings and incomings, they come to their senses and sack the guy. Immediately after he wins them a trophy. If only money could buy class. But here's the kicker. They didn't sack him because his performance was bad. No. It turns out the team next door goes out and hires the most highly prestigious manager in the world; having done so after years of planning. So Ed responds by immediately bringing in the other most highly prestigious manager in the world, Jose Mourinho. For branding's sake. Without research? You guessed it! It's not like he'd only just left his previous club months before in a state of then carnage. Because otherwise, it would have been crazy to hire him. Especially when you consider how much of a short term guy he is. But money, so...

Moving forwards, and two years of similarly brand motivated transfers later, it turns out, things aren't right. Except to add to the kicker, now they've replaced their scouts with a newspaper and based their targets off whoever their rivals want to sign. Never mind supporting the manager too much, barring the odd player here and there, if the mood's right. And so all those players signed, 3 generations of shit from 3 generations of managers, all signed for name and not for specific ability. It turns out, none of them can play together in any system worthwhile. It turns out, losing all those leaders has left the dressing room in a state of complete weakness. It turns out, signing players on ridiculous wages despite not being worth it can cause tension. It turns out, all the players that are worth anything have an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't be out of place on a Liverpool forum. It turns out, signing a bunch of prima donnas has done nothing to actually move the team forwards on the pitch, and has only increased the negative media attention. It turns out, maybe Edward Woodward isn't too great at his job of running a football club.

And these players, boy are they bad, at least in the head. When your biggest name player, the 25 year old teenager yet to hit his potential, your then captain, Paul Pogba comes out after a ridiculously embarrassing defeat, you want him to be an example. But unfortunately, he was an example of all that's wrong. He casually admits they weren't good enough and didn't care, in a way that would suggest he doesn't care about not caring. All the players, are weak. All the players, have no confidence. All the players, just want to go home. The only players they can rely on, are Mata and Fellaini. How the fuck are they still there? Errors, sadness, consistently terrible decision making, and that's the good players.

All in all, everything is just so miserable. The owners don't care about the club. The EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIRMAN™ doesn't care about the club. The players don't care about the club. And now even the fans don't care about the club. And to make it worse everyone associated with the club hates everyone else associated with the club. Even celebrity ginger Scholesy!

So enter Jose. A manager tasked with an impossible job of bringing up a sinking ship. A short term mastermind, this shouldn't be beyond him, at least initially. But a manager saddled with an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't look out of place in the Manchester United changing room. A man who unironically named himself the Special One.

So this is where he deserves credit, because as he looks around and sees his boat going down, and everyone involved trying to form mutinies upon one another, what does he do? What does anyone worth their sanity do in a situation like this? Most people would look for solutions. Most people would try and calm the crew down. Most people would make it clear to the rest of the world that everything is ok. But Jose is the special one. He has to be the centre of attention.

So what does he do on this sinking ship, stranded in the middle of the ocean with this crew desperate to get off? Well, he forms a mutiny on himself and goes and fucking deploys the anchor doesn't he? Because by god, nobody, and I mean nobody, dares to get in the way of a Mourinho sabotage job.

And that's where he deserves credit. Because he gets to be remembered as the man who destroyed Old Trafford, despite the fact it was already going down and was practically dead. Despite the fact everyone else had spent years working on its demise, he comes in and lands the final blow, so he gets to say, 'I did it!'.

Because to outdo the Glazers, Ed Woodward, Bobby Charlton, Giggs, the players, the tealadies, the fans, the media, and everyone else in the destruction of Man United; And to somehow unite them all together to hate him in the process; That truly takes a special one.

tl;dr Jose's a bit of a knob.
Very nice summary indeed
Respect, senility truly has set in & yet plenty of fans prepared to still double down on him. Fitting crash & burn ahead
Mourinho deserves some credit. Hear me out!

So, as I've said in previous posts, there's a load of shit going on at United that goes past the manager.

For starters, their owners are completely ignorant of what is happening at the club, despite constantly being there at matches. This is a family that have come in, saddled the club with over half a billion pounds of debt and used the club as nothing more than a cash cow. On top of that, the actual man who bought the club, the one that was actually interested in sport, never bothered to show up, so you're left with all his kids running the show despite the fact they clearly have no knowledge of how anything sporting works. Maybe Malcolm knew something?

So next up, they hired a guy to run things on a day to day basis whilst they're busy with the struggle of going from billionaires to multi-billionaires. So who do they pick? They have the whole world to choose from, because in 2013 who wouldn't want a shot at running the biggest sporting brand on the planet? The best sporting and business minds must have been queuing up for the role when they heard David Gill was stepping down. So anyway, they go for the comically named Edward Woodward. A money man, one who's only notable achievement in sport was plummeting Manchester United into hundreds of millions of pounds worth of debt helping advise the Glazer family with the takeover. So essentially a complete jobsworth, perfect for the role of milking the cash cow dry.
Seriously, he's done a fantastic job with them financially. Their brand value and their revenue has soared, and it's well documented how many sponsorships they've been bringing in to support both these important financial aspects. They've managed to consistently sign high profile footballers over the years under his tenure and that's only added to the pot. Commercially, they're so far ahead of the game in many ways. Credit to the guy.

But erm, the problem is, is that whilst he's good at making money, he's not so good at, you know, running the business. For starters, he does a completely shit job supporting David Moyes. Fellaini and Mata aside of course. Could you imagine if they were still at the club today?! But he does such a bad job that Moyes's career ends up heading down the toilet. But OK! That was set up before he came in, now's his chance to shine. So all he has to do is think a few years ahead. How does he want them to play? How can he retain that United philosophy they love to brag about? What players will be there? What does he want for the club?

The answer of course, is that he wants more money. That's why the Glazers hired him. So who better to appoint than the highly reputable Van Gaal? It makes sense. He's a good manager, at least he was as evidenced the success he's had at literally every job he's worked. The only thing that they needed to do was support him, and his very specific style of play. And how to do that? Well, buy him the players he needs. But hold on, Woodward has decided to completely revamp everything behind closed doors and change the scouting system, so now it appears they don't do their research anymore. So when Van Gaal asks for players, he gets players that don't fit his team, but players that have brand value instead. £60 million on Di Maria without any research? Why not?! Up and coming hot dog eating champion Luke Shaw for £30 million, without any research? Why not?! Super injury prone superstar striker Radamel Falcao on loan, without any research? Why not!? Think of the shirt sales now and in 10 years time. Crazy! On top of that, it turns ou they haven't done their research on Van Gaal himself, and they naively agree to get rid of all the senior players they had with any leadership and signs of ability. Ferdinand, Evra, Fletcher, Welbeck and BEBE! This'll surely work out!

Turns out this didn't work out. And again, another, even poorer season later, with some even more questionable outgoings and incomings, they come to their senses and sack the guy. Immediately after he wins them a trophy. If only money could buy class. But here's the kicker. They didn't sack him because his performance was bad. No. It turns out the team next door goes out and hires the most highly prestigious manager in the world; having done so after years of planning. So Ed responds by immediately bringing in the other most highly prestigious manager in the world, Jose Mourinho. For branding's sake. Without research? You guessed it! It's not like he'd only just left his previous club months before in a state of then carnage. Because otherwise, it would have been crazy to hire him. Especially when you consider how much of a short term guy he is. But money, so...

Moving forwards, and two years of similarly brand motivated transfers later, it turns out, things aren't right. Except to add to the kicker, now they've replaced their scouts with a newspaper and based their targets off whoever their rivals want to sign. Never mind supporting the manager too much, barring the odd player here and there, if the mood's right. And so all those players signed, 3 generations of shit from 3 generations of managers, all signed for name and not for specific ability. It turns out, none of them can play together in any system worthwhile. It turns out, losing all those leaders has left the dressing room in a state of complete weakness. It turns out, signing players on ridiculous wages despite not being worth it can cause tension. It turns out, all the players that are worth anything have an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't be out of place on a Liverpool forum. It turns out, signing a bunch of prima donnas has done nothing to actually move the team forwards on the pitch, and has only increased the negative media attention. It turns out, maybe Edward Woodward isn't too great at his job of running a football club.

And these players, boy are they bad, at least in the head. When your biggest name player, the 25 year old teenager yet to hit his potential, your then captain, Paul Pogba comes out after a ridiculously embarrassing defeat, you want him to be an example. But unfortunately, he was an example of all that's wrong. He casually admits they weren't good enough and didn't care, in a way that would suggest he doesn't care about not caring. All the players, are weak. All the players, have no confidence. All the players, just want to go home. The only players they can rely on, are Mata and Fellaini. How the fuck are they still there? Errors, sadness, consistently terrible decision making, and that's the good players.

All in all, everything is just so miserable. The owners don't care about the club. The EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIRMAN™ doesn't care about the club. The players don't care about the club. And now even the fans don't care about the club. And to make it worse everyone associated with the club hates everyone else associated with the club. Even celebrity ginger Scholesy!

So enter Jose. A manager tasked with an impossible job of bringing up a sinking ship. A short term mastermind, this shouldn't be beyond him, at least initially. But a manager saddled with an incredible amount of insecure arrogance that wouldn't look out of place in the Manchester United changing room. A man who unironically named himself the Special One.

So this is where he deserves credit, because as he looks around and sees his boat going down, and everyone involved trying to form mutinies upon one another, what does he do? What does anyone worth their sanity do in a situation like this? Most people would look for solutions. Most people would try and calm the crew down. Most people would make it clear to the rest of the world that everything is ok. But Jose is the special one. He has to be the centre of attention.

So what does he do on this sinking ship, stranded in the middle of the ocean with this crew desperate to get off? Well, he forms a mutiny on himself and goes and fucking deploys the anchor doesn't he? Because by god, nobody, and I mean nobody, dares to get in the way of a Mourinho sabotage job.

And that's where he deserves credit. Because he gets to be remembered as the man who destroyed Old Trafford, despite the fact it was already going down and was practically dead. Despite the fact everyone else had spent years working on its demise, he comes in and lands the final blow, so he gets to say, 'I did it!'.

Because to outdo the Glazers, Ed Woodward, Bobby Charlton, Giggs, the players, the tealadies, the fans, the media, and everyone else in the destruction of Man United; And to somehow unite them all together to hate him in the process; That truly takes a special one.

tl;dr Jose's a bit of a knob.

It makes you think of the Khaldoon interview where he states my job is really easy because I surround myself with the best people to do the job.
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