United Thread - 2022/23

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Honestly, I hope they sign Casemiro, Joao Felix and Rabiot. They will tank and cost a fortune. They could sign peak Maradona, Pele, Zidane, Kompany, Aguero, Silva and Yaya and every single one would be useless once their dreadful staff get hold of them.

Of course, they've got absolutely no chance unless they offer vast amounts of money every week. And, of course, it's only us who can do that!

Seriously though, whoever they sign will go through the same routine - probably play well for the first season then tank. Big style. Can you name a SINGLE player since the pisscan left who's improved? I can't - they've all gone downhill. If you sign for them, you sign for money it's really that simple. If you want to be a potential Ballon D'Or winner then you don't.

Their transfer policy is all over the shop and they aren't learning are they? One minute they want to sign a 33 year old has been (Arnautavic) for £7m the next it's £110m for Joao Felix. Seriously, it's not even sensible is it? If you have £110m to spend on a 'striker' then I'd have been putting bids in for Mane, Salah, Jesus, Kane, Lewandowski and Aubameyang. I genuinely wonder how far down the list Arnautavic was - I suspect he was No #1 and Joao Felix is #20.

The biggest problem they have - and genius Pep showed everyone this - is the keeper. He is a brilliant shot stopper but cannot play with his feet. He's a luxury Nick Pope, but on luxury money. No other club in Europe wants an expensive shot stopper. They won't be able to sell him, but Ten Haag knows he isn't the keeper he needs.

The next problem they have is right back - £50m Bisaka can't trap a ball or attack. He is at odds with what the manager will want, a ball playing full back. Shaw is fine.

Next, the central defenders - all of them - have no confidence in the keeper or the other clowns they are playing next to. Maguire and Martinez are suited to playing out from the back but confidence is a problem. Varane must think the coaches are cunts, it's the only I think he's not playing.

In midfield, Fred and McTominay are pointless. Both have got far worse as they've been 'coached'. They both have to leave. Fernandes is just a moan and Sancho looks like a Watford sub. How have they ruined a player like that so quickly? Eriksen is cheap - it's the only reason he's there. He's not a top class player. Van Der Beek hates the club, but knows he is on top whack £££.

Rashford and Martial are being coached to be awful. Put either of them in another club and they'll do well. Even Ronaldo thinks the set up is garbage.

Fair play to the pisscan, he's done a far better job on them than I could do. He's wrecked that club and I can't see them challenging us for 10 years - at least.
He's a good player but he's everything United should be avoiding and just shows how badly run they are.

Why spend £60 million on a player with a limited shelf life left and zero value at the end of his contract? If United were on the cusp of winning something and he's the final addition, it makes sense, but they're not, they need an entirely new squad and even if things go perfect for them, by the time they become even remotely competitive again, his time will be up.

They're spending a shit load and getting nowhere. They should be spending that on a highly thought of younger player they can build a midfield around not somebody on the way down. He's just another Matic a few years on. It's hilarious how they continue to make the same errors. Long may it continue.

And what's even funnier is I expect the United fans to lap it up, just like they did with Ronaldo and Sancho and all the others.
I started home dialysis 2 nights ago, and am getting used to my peritoneum being filled with a liquid to clean out my blood of toxins. For 8 hours overnight, I have 2 litres at a time put in, held for an hour, taken out, and repeated 3 further times before the programme is finished. At the moment, it feels as if my body has been given a thorough beating, but this will settle down.
Unfortunately, reading this thread is making me laugh so much that am literally having to hold my sides to try and stop the pain.

Please don't let it stop.
Best wishes to you, not an easy process to go through but gives you life, hope all goes well.
Honestly, I hope they sign Casemiro, Joao Felix and Rabiot. They will tank and cost a fortune. They could sign peak Maradona, Pele, Zidane, Kompany, Aguero, Silva and Yaya and every single one would be useless once their dreadful staff get hold of them.

Of course, they've got absolutely no chance unless they offer vast amounts of money every week. And, of course, it's only us who can do that!

Seriously though, whoever they sign will go through the same routine - probably play well for the first season then tank. Big style. Can you name a SINGLE player since the pisscan left who's improved? I can't - they've all gone downhill. If you sign for them, you sign for money it's really that simple. If you want to be a potential Ballon D'Or winner then you don't.

Their transfer policy is all over the shop and they aren't learning are they? One minute they want to sign a 33 year old has been (Arnautavic) for £7m the next it's £110m for Joao Felix. Seriously, it's not even sensible is it? If you have £110m to spend on a 'striker' then I'd have been putting bids in for Mane, Salah, Jesus, Kane, Lewandowski and Aubameyang. I genuinely wonder how far down the list Arnautavic was - I suspect he was No #1 and Joao Felix is #20.

The biggest problem they have - and genius Pep showed everyone this - is the keeper. He is a brilliant shot stopper but cannot play with his feet. He's a luxury Nick Pope, but on luxury money. No other club in Europe wants an expensive shot stopper. They won't be able to sell him, but Ten Haag knows he isn't the keeper he needs.

The next problem they have is right back - £50m Bisaka can't trap a ball or attack. He is at odds with what the manager will want, a ball playing full back. Shaw is fine.

Next, the central defenders - all of them - have no confidence in the keeper or the other clowns they are playing next to. Maguire and Martinez are suited to playing out from the back but confidence is a problem. Varane must think the coaches are cunts, it's the only I think he's not playing.

In midfield, Fred and McTominay are pointless. Both have got far worse as they've been 'coached'. They both have to leave. Fernandes is just a moan and Sancho looks like a Watford sub. How have they ruined a player like that so quickly? Eriksen is cheap - it's the only reason he's there. He's not a top class player. Van Der Beek hates the club, but knows he is on top whack £££.

Rashford and Martial are being coached to be awful. Put either of them in another club and they'll do well. Even Ronaldo thinks the set up is garbage.

Fair play to the pisscan, he's done a far better job on them than I could do. He's wrecked that club and I can't see them challenging us for 10 years - at least.

How dare you group felix in with those others!
Let them sign Christ on a bike. They’ll still finish fucking 6-7th as long as Slabhead and Trashford still start for them.

They are absolutely dogshit, in fact, i am insulting dog faeces by a straight comparison. But a couple more signings like this, and their adoring fans will slowly start sucking that lovely yank dick, whilst drowning in the jizz of mediocrity. Fucked club.
Hope Casemiro doesn’t go there, he’s far too good for that shit.

They need to be scrabbling around on deadline day for someone shit in the Belgian league or French 2nd division because every one of their transfer targets has turned them down.
In a way I hope Ronaldo leaves them, he is the only player capable of scoring for them. I would have 0 trust in the Rags scoring anything with Bruno, Martial, Rashford and Sancho.
Neville on a new podcast (Diary of a CEO) saying City will never be as big as utd. Don't have the history apparently.

To be fair to him (and not saying I agree with him fully) he speaks well on other stuff to do with politics, mental health, the media in this country etc.

Interesting view point from the font of all knowledge, file it next to…….

Not in my lifetime
You can’t buy success

I have no interest in being bigger but I wouldn’t bet against this juggernaut called City. Maybe Ratty can sit down & watch VHS videos from blockbuster whilst looking at his Kodak snaps.
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