United Thread - 2022/23

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Neville on a new podcast (Diary of a CEO) saying City will never be as big as utd. Don't have the history apparently.

To be fair to him (and not saying I agree with him fully) he speaks well on other stuff to do with politics, mental health, the media in this country etc.
The man, with a small m, is a **** of the highest order.

We are so small, yet he can't stop talking about us.
Neville on a new podcast (Diary of a CEO) saying City will never be as big as utd. Don't have the history apparently.

To be fair to him (and not saying I agree with him fully) he speaks well on other stuff to do with politics, mental health, the media in this country etc.
He's a bit of a ****. And anyone who says "this will never happen" because of "before" is a fucking idiot. So to summarise, Neville is an cunting idiot.


Only Ronaldo earning more, so between £300k-£375k a week.

30 years old, never played in the Premier League being given a 5 year contract.

Mental numbers really.

Only coming for the money if he does. Utd are pretty good at providing one last huge payday (pension) for players the wrong side of 30. Hopefully they will never learn.
I started home dialysis 2 nights ago, and am getting used to my peritoneum being filled with a liquid to clean out my blood of toxins. For 8 hours overnight, I have 2 litres at a time put in, held for an hour, taken out, and repeated 3 further times before the programme is finished. At the moment, it feels as if my body has been given a thorough beating, but this will settle down.
Unfortunately, reading this thread is making me laugh so much that am literally having to hold my sides to try and stop the pain.

Please don't let it stop.
I just read this post mate, putting rivalries aside, may i wish you all the best for the future.
I'm willing to bet my left nut they'll fight between themselves at the protest, get the game called off, cause an absolute mess, police, arrests, get deducted/fined, piss off the dippers, PL and Sky plus all televisions involved in it and make a more disastrous start of the season than they can imagine.

All for it, I'll make sure I'll crack a cold Moretti this Monday, as i booked the day off work for a longer weekend. After that I'll fuck my wife in her David Silva shirt.
No chance of a points deduction, they didn’t get one last time. Quietly brushed under the carpet like all their wrongdoings. Cunts
as the out of control "juggernaut" careers to the brick wall that is the end of the window added to the more players who say "nah" will just result in ever more desperate ever more overpriced signings. The defining category for them is the have to be "big signings" - they will then over pay to not improve - its a story we have all read for a decade but it just gets worse foe them - laughably lol !
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