United Thread - 2023/24

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Couldn’t resist easing into Sunday with a scan of the caff. Just occasionally you come across a post where you just have to tip your hat. Stand up RedTiger….

View attachment 92403
A unusual amount of insight there. Most United fans are completely deluded as to the influence Ferguson’s naked greed and vanity has had on where the club now finds itself.

Due to the highly opaque nature of their finances it’s impossible to know, of course, but I suspect they need (more than want) this sum of money to clear the decks with the rest of their ailing business. It’s difficult to conceive in the current climate of a series of malls in pretty shitty locations being anything other than a huge (and increasing) liability. There is simply no point in selling if they cannot cover their wider liabilities.

I reckon they’ll have done the sums, taken into account the huge cash that United generates to keep the whole Ponzi scheme going, and have decided sit tight, wait and hope that the situation improves at some point in the future. I’m sure the 2025 thing is a red herring. I reckon they’ll sell if/when they can get themselves out of the financial shit that their anachronistic business has put them in.
Only £10 Billion?

Why are the Glazers holding out for such a cheap price? Everyone knows Nitid are worth at least £50 Billion as a club. All that Istree doesn't come cheap.
Heres a Sunday morning message to Mr Falcao and the other lurking rag, Ardenee or what ever he's called.
If you are selling your business in a few years time you do not spend huge amounts on infrastructure, why would you ?
You don't even get any plans or costings done, why scare off a potential buyer.
That means nothing bar a lick of paint will be done to the crumbling wreck now living up to its name, OLD trafford. The training ground is the same, it will be stuck in the 80's with no upgrade.
Come 2025, if they don't sell no work will be done by the Glazers, why would they?
If they do sell a new ground etc would be at least another 3 years off. All the while you will have dropped further and further behind Brighton and the other new challengers.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday, I know I will.

Stop talking dirty you had me at here’s
Seems legit that Nick Harris, a total laughing stock in the industry is the guy the Glazers would go to with a huge scoop…..
10 billion quid, what a fucking joke. Who in their right mind would pay that for a joke club that needs a new team, a new stadium and a new training ground?

On the same scale, my semi-detached is for sale, and I'm open to offers, but only above £1.5 million.

Fucking hell, these Glazers are going to win the P J Swales Memorial Trophy every year for the next decade. What a skip fire! Thank you, God, for not making me a Rag. (Mind you, my IQ is above 80, so obviously you didn't mean I should be one.)
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