US Politics Thread

I’m guessing the writers these grifters hire to make up this BS aren’t part of the writers strike in Hollywood.

They just endlessly throw out all the trigger names and words, see what sticks, run with it for a while, then start all it over again. It keeps the base warm and it deliberately exhausts the sane.

I’m guessing the writers these grifters hire to make up this BS aren’t part of the writers strike in Hollywood.

By all accounts Ted is genuinely one of the smartest people in Congress. I wonder if he ever looks in the mirror and questions his actions. Is he really that desperate for power that he just says everything he knows the idiots will lap up despite not believing a word of it?
By all accounts Ted is genuinely one of the smartest people in Congress. I wonder if he ever looks in the mirror and questions his actions. Is he really that desperate for power that he just says everything he knows the idiots will lap up despite not believing a word of it?

I really don’t know sometimes. By most metrics Cruz has achieved more in life than most but to debase yourself like this seems so incongruent to what one would deem successful. I’d like to believe he is able to look at his family with a straight face and they all just accept these are the “sacrifices” he needs to make but to what end? Cruz will never be President so I don’t know why he thinks all this is worth it.
I really don’t know sometimes. By most metrics Cruz has achieved more in life than most but to debase yourself like this seems so incongruent to what one would deem successful. I’d like to believe he is able to look at his family with a straight face and they all just accept these are the “sacrifices” he needs to make but to what end? Cruz will never be President so I don’t know why he thinks all this is worth it.
He’s knows he might be vulnerable to being primaried as long as MAGA has a stranglehold on the GOP. He also knows TX will lean blue in 20 or maybe fewer years. He’s going to ensure he’s in the Senate til then.
You’ve just both agreed and disagreed with the post you replied to. Your post is meaningless word soup from a moron.
If you struggle with understanding, ask.

He said the U.S. doesn't send money to Ukraine. He is wrong, the U.S. does. That's a separate point.

That the U.S. also enrich the Military industrial complex is of no value to those of us on this side.

The claim that U S. Must continue indefinitely to support Ukraine's war efforts is both sully and unrealistic.
That's only the debate because it's all the right wing, anti-science cunts have left after 50 years of backtracking as each and every position on the issue has proven false.

1. There's no such thing as global warming
2. Yes, global warming exists, but humans aren't the cause.
3. Yes, global warming exist and humans caused it, but none of these proposals will solve it anyway.

You're only arguing number 3 because you were born too late to argue number 1 and 2 (or it's become too embarrassing to do so publicly and admit you were hoodwinked by the propaganda of huge corporations that stand to lose out from acceptance of climate change).
The science denialism about global warming has indeed tracked the viewpoints 1 through 3 you outline above.

In 2006 or so I was a global warming skeptic. Michael Crichton - the sci-fi author of Jurassic Park fame - had expressed doubt that global warming was real and as a fan of the author - and at the time, a Republican - I agreed with his viewpoint. My brother too was a global warming skeptic - and the argument from the Right at that time was position 1 from your post.

Fast forward to 2010 and I had become a believer in climate change. The evidence was overwhelming. Meanwhile, the Right - and my brother's view - had moved from position 1 to position 2.

Nowadays, the Right is still against doing anything about climate change - mostly they've come to position 3.

Another argument that seems popular with the Right is that climate change isn't a big deal. The ocean will rise a bit and we'll simply move inland.

And throughout all of this denialism timeframe, the Right have been supremely confident that they somehow know more than the scientists and other experts who urge action to curb the effects of climate change: their arrogance is astonishing.

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