US Politics Thread

Pro Trump?

Putin will be proud?

What are you waffling on about?

No wonder your country is fucked politically if this is the level of debate you get.
I take it all back. You're apparently not anti-Democracy.

You're simply a fucking stupid useful idiot, willing to forcefully opine about Biden's mental state with zero clue about how Biden has performed in the past.
I take it all back. You're apparently not anti-Democracy.

You're simply a fucking stupid useful idiot, willing to forcefully opine about Biden's mental state with zero clue about how Biden has performed in the past.

No worries Camilla.

To be fair, you manage to make Biden sound cognitive so well done on that at least.
I’ve never used the word candy to describe sweets, so not very likely.

It’s a poor analogy because my solution is theoretically feasible and in a country that’s heading towards civil war and societal breakdown, I don’t think you can pontificate around the immutability of anything anymore.

In fact your response underlines why the US is in the state it is - because of this mystical document that no one dare challenge or question, or even openly contemplate materially changing - so thanks for underlining my point.
I don’t agree that there will be civil war nor societal breakdown nor is the Constitution a “mystical document no one dare challenge” (they’re called Amendments because they amend) — in fact the entirety of the Supreme Court’s (and the Judiciary branch’s) job is to “interpret” the law which by definition cannot encompass every possible permutation or situation. I don’t think the current situation is a result of structural problems with the system. I’m prepared to argue both for and against the Electoral College, for example. With in the two party system there are (or were) very wide swaths of caucuses that in other nations would be separate parties. The system of checks and balances among the three branches of government has been tested by rogue actors but is holding generally (albeit shakily on a relative basis right now). Many posters here have mentioned the influence of money in politics and while the US is largely free of a lot of the open graft and corruption we see in other nations I agree that the system needs likely significant reform AND that it’s not really in the vested interest of the powerful nor those elected to actually reform it.

At the end of the day, as someone wrote, despots rise in times of desperation or decadence. What bothers me about the “both guys are so bad” argument is that it’s a gateway drug to “I’m going to disengage from the process because both guys are so bad.” And that’s what got us Trump in the first place, helped on by an amoral (at best) MAGA coalition willing to lie to make their opposition look as bad as possible, a complacent profit-centric media, and — lest we forget — an explosion in the ease of use and availability of social media that allows propaganda to spread (and in a world of deep fakes this may get worse).

The reality is — IMO — despite the frailty issue Biden isn’t “so bad” — he’s a confirmed moderate, a pragmatist, hono(u)rable and moral, who stepped into the breach when only relative extremists (Sanders and Warren) were options. Now I thought as I said he should have announced he’d be one term during his term (as Jerry Brown did in CA before Newsom came in). He could have helped smooth the way for the next generation, whomever that is, and he hasn’t. But regardless, he’s the last man standing between the people and Donald Trump. We owe him — as we’d owe whomever it was — every bit of support possible to defend ourselves from an option who openly wants to end American democracy to protect himself from personal legal consequences.
Pretty much this - as anyone who's followed my recent pushback against @blueinsa


If nothing else, at least he managed a few words with these two of late.

I’m off, enjoy your POTUS ;-)
Right. The problem is none of them have an answer at all, at least not a rational one they can defend.
I mean as said the other day, if we are dealing in hypotheticals, Newsom is a straightforward and rational answer. Of course it has to be hypothetical as understandably nobody if note was willing to run against Biden.

Wrong reply.

Biden is the best candidate for US President, bar none.

Why? Because I've had 3 years+ of Biden and I love and agree with everything he's done (bar the Afghanistan withdrawal which I agree with in principal but which I think could have been better handled).

Biden seems like a village idiot nearly every time he takes the stage.

But Biden's policies are nearly always in accord with what I'd like to happen.

As I've previously said, limit Biden's public appearances - he's inevitably going to say something stupid/commit a gaffe/stutter - only reinforcing the MAGA narrative.

Look - if your guy is shit at public appearances and is ACE at policy - it'd be stupid to have your guy make public appearances. And that guy is Biden.
As said the other day, I quite like Biden and think he has done a pretty decent job with the cards he was dealt.

What surely even the most ardent Biden fan cannot argue with though is that he has a ‘perception’ problem:

1. People perceive him to be too old and in mental decline. Is it true? Maybe, maybe not. Clearly his stutter causes some of what people perceive as gaffes, but also he has noticeable made some glaring errors, which is to be expected at 81.

2. People perceive his economy to be doing poorly, when the reality is quite different. They don’t care about job figures, they see items in shops being more expensive than 4 years ago and despite being cheaper than 12 months ago think Biden must be doing badly.

The question is how do you change that perception to get the people who voted Biden holding their nose 4 years ago to do so again.

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