US Politics Thread

Paradox of tolerance. You can’t extend a policy of engaging in good faith towards a group of people who have no desire to engage in good faith. Tolerating a group who define themselves by their intolerance. History shows it doesn’t work and when you’re at this stage it’s already probably too late. Their mind is made up.

We can sit here debating and philosophising over the negatives of actions like this which are overtly anti-democratic. We can reach out to change minds. Try to connect with people and understand the underlying concerns that have led to such a situation. People have been trying to do that for many years already. Ultimately, if what Republicans want is a totalitarian state, then the people voting for one are not going to listen to those saying otherwise. There is no “correct” thing to do in this situation.

I don’t think anybody seriously thinks Biden is going to roll out Seal Team 6. All we can really do at this stage is hope there’s enough good people in the right places to stop the worst from happening. The time for engaging and educating to prevent democracy from deteriorating passed the USA by decades ago.
The issue is, Trump will have no compunction not at least trying to roll out Seal Team 6, which was my point.

But generally agree with everything you have said.
This could be a good thing and bad timing for Trump.

It's better this has happened before people vote and not after.

Dems need to push that he has just made himself King and most Amercans are brought up to despise that idea and everyone bar complete Maga nuts will now make sure they vote against him.

For me this has just secured the Dems any undecided voters and any wavering Repulicans.
What a shit show. What are the rules around Scotus? If Biden kidnaps 6 of the fuckers, as presidential business natch, will the remaining three sane ones still be quorate? Actually it doesn't matter does it, cause Biden can bypass due process and appoint his horse or a fucking chihuahua to the court without any repercussions presumably. Home of the brave my arse, rapidly turning into a banana republic.
Bidens speech has been leaked.

"My fellow Americans. Today I have had to take a decision to protect our national security... Approximately 30 minutes ago I ordered seal team 6 to take out a huge threat to our nation. Donald J Trump was killed on his personal plane. I didn't take this decision lightly. After SCOTUS decision today I had to save the country from being taken over by fascists. God save us all..."
Bidens speech has been leaked.

"My fellow Americans. Today I have had to take a decision to protect our national security... Approximately 30 minutes ago I ordered seal team 6 to take out a huge threat to our nation. Donald J Trump was killed on his personal plane. I didn't take this decision lightly. After SCOTUS decision today I had to save the country from being taken over by fascists. God save us all..."
Don't get them worked up, they are bad enough already.

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