US Politics Thread

This could be a good thing and bad timing for Trump.

It's better this has happened before people vote and not after.

Dems need to push that he has just made himself King and most Amercans are brought up to despise that idea and everyone bar complete Maga nuts will now make sure they vote against him.

For me this has just secured the Dems any undecided voters and any wavering Repulicans.
The dems must push this every single day. Repeat repeat repeat.
Well pitched speech saying it's up to the American People to decide if they want a dangerous **** as president.

From the clips on the news, I agree.

I don't think Trump is actually likely to use the nuclear button on democracy in normal circumstances; I think he's too cowardly to do that. He won't cull Congress, but I could imagine him strongly considering suspending it if it's being a nuisance, but even then, I think he's a coward.

I can see him reacting and hacking at bits pieces in anger or in childish fits of "ner ner, look what I can do".

All he needs to do is appoint MTG or some other barmpot as VP, and he's safe from anyone taking him out!

Question - is murder a federal crime or a state crime in the US?
So let me get this right, Trump could go on national TV and say as president I’ve order the culling of all of congress they will be taken out and shot, because he he thinks they are planning a coup, he is above prosecuting because it’s an official order!
That’s basically Sotomayor’s dissenting opinion! The President is the Commander in Chief and can order the military to do anything. IF they believe it to be an illegal act, they are supposed to be protected if they disobey the order…but if the President gives the order as an “official act” of being President, then it is now considered “legal.”

Trump’s appointments, Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett and Kavanaugh, have basically created an almost unbreakable, 18th century, far-right wing, super majority with bat-shit crazies Alito and Thomas, and when Roberts knows he’s lost, he ensures he votes with the Majority. Ergo, these 6-3 decisions that will stand for decades, if not forever.

Decisions made by one Court used to be thought of as “settled law,” and thus not subject to further judicial review. Unfortunately, this Court made it patently clear that they were open to reviewing new positions on supposed settled law if the right case was brought to them…and here we are!

King Donald.
my understanding is it can be both and it would generally be the state that is expected to act unless there is a reason for feds and then feds have priority.

thanks, that's roughly what I thought - state, unless there are multiple across state lines, or something.

Was just wondering about how many Trump could pardon or claim had been given official sanction.
If Joe loses and it's close , he can tell Kamala to refuse to certify result. What's good for the goose ....
This is how staggeringly thick these SCOTUS Trump lickspittles are.
Immune, immune, immune,immune ))
If Joe loses and it's close , he can tell Kamala to refuse to certify result. What's good for the goose ....
This is how staggeringly thick these SCOTUS Trump lickspittles are.
Immune, immune, immune,immune ))
And that's the thing. No way in hell Joe Biden would ever, ever do that. Which is why I'm voting for him (or whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee).

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