US Politics Thread

This is like Hitler wouldn’t have gone before Nuremberg trial as he would’ve been immune under these rules, think I’ll start stocking up on 5000 factor suncream.
And that's the thing. No way in hell Joe Biden would ever, ever do that. Which is why I'm voting for him (or whoever ends up being the Democratic nominee).

Yes indeed, one side is hampered by these inconvenient things called principles.

The other side has no such issue.
I read the CNN analysis of the opinion and some of the opinion itself. The unbelievable cowardice of this court, the breadth of the definition of “official actions” (with which not even Barrett agreed), the almost ridiculous logic of “protecting” a President from future Presidents using the office to prosecute past Presidents — never even remotely contemplated until Trump BECAME President — and the complete ignoring of precedent by the allegedly “strict interpretation” Conservatives is staggering even to me.

I try to avoid hyperbole but this is the most dangerous decision for the future of this nation since Dred Scott. It fundamentally encourages bad actors to run for the highest office in the land by setting them above the reach of the law over everyone else. A President SHOULD be worried about his/her official actions breaking the law — that’s what helps ensure they won’t — that and the hope that we elect principled people to the office. This decision strips that worry away, utterly.

Absolute (or near absolute) power corrupts absolutely.
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I read the CNN analysis of the opinion and some of the opinion itself. The unbelievable cowardice of this court, the breadth of the definition of “official actions” (with which not even Barrett agreed), the almost ridiculous logic of “protecting” a President from future Presidents using office to prosecute past Presidents — never even remotely contemplated until Trump BECAME President — and the complete ignoring of precedent by the allegedly “strict interpretation” Conservatives is staggering even to me.

I try to avoid hyperbole but this is the most dangerous decision for the future of this nation since Dred Scott. It fundamentally encourages bad actors to run for the highest office in the land by setting them above the reach of the law over everyone else. A President SHOULD be worried about his/her official actions breaking the law — that’s what helps ensure they won’t — that and the hope that we elect principled people to the office. This decision strips that worry away, utterly.

Absolute (or near absolute) power corrupts absolutely.
The judges in Germany in the 1930s were in fear of their lives from Hitler. These guys are voluntarily complicit in a fascist takeover.
Sentencing for Hush money case delayed until mid September. Judge actually saying "if sentencing is necessary"
SCOTUS, MAGA and the shit gibbon have managed to turn the clock back to the "wild west"
It's a fucking free for all, the rule of law has been well and truly jettisoned.
Anything really goes... it's open fucking season
The fucking state of that country. It’s fucked.

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