US Politics Thread

If he wins, I’m not sure where America goes from there…and the world will suffer. Putin will have carte blanche in Ukraine, Iran will be emboldened in the ME, and China will laugh their asses off as they takeover the entire Pacific Rim.
China prefer Harris than Trump...
It didn't go his own way one little bit last night and it's absolutely floored him.

The odds of him getting on his private jet and fucking of to Russia or Hungary shortened significantly after that shit show, because barring him getting elected, it's the only way he avoids getting jailed.
Win or lose, he doesn’t go to jail.
The only part you skipped was why other politicians suck Trump’s dick.

And your answer — “It’s a cult of personality” — is the answer to why — because it is, those other politicians must pay him fealty or risk getting primaried by deeper-in-weeds MAGAs e.g. what happened to Liz Cheney (who is now btw actually campaigning for Harris).

Also Trump lies. And keeps lying even after being called out. He has and has never had a moral compass. Very hard to fight that if you do have one. And if you’re a cult leader, the cult believes and re-amplifies your lies until they become truths.
I don't know the timing of OP's post (or indeed what timeframe his question applies to), whether it was before the Republican National Convention or after, but now that the convention is over, I think it's too late to change candidates unless Trump withdraws.

Irrespective of timing, another factor is, that at this point in time, Trump *IS* the Republican party. He's taken over the RNC (Committee) and has loyalists running the organization. Even if a majority of Republicans wanted to remove Trump and even if it weren't political suicide to make such an attempt, there's zero chance that Trump would willingly step down.

Any attempt to remove Trump would result in a huge public spectacle and would so damage the party that they'd have zero chance at the presidency. Even if there were wide sentiment that it would be best to have Trump step down, the party would rather back Trump and hope for the best, than attempt to replace him and all but guarantee failure.

Should Trump lose the election - and I think he will - it will be interesting to see how much difficulty the party has in extricating itself from Trump; or if, on the other hand, they're so tied together at this point, that separation from Trump is impossible.
If Trump wins, I'll just remind people of that old saying "the people get the government they deserve". If they vote him in, they deserve him.

And yes; I'm aware that you can win an election with a minority of the vote. Labour did precisely that earlier in the summer. 34% of the vote won them 63% of the seats. A landslide, with 1/3 of the vote. The same could theoretically happen in America in november, I suppose.
Should Trump lose the election - and I think he will - it will be interesting to see how much difficulty the party has in extricating itself from Trump; or if, on the other hand, they're so tied together at this point, that separation from Trump is impossible.
One thing Trump has done is actively promote loyalists, often at the expense of those that don't show loyalty.

So republicans are faced with the issue that if they speak out against Trump it may well be very costly for their careers.

I think a Trump loss is the only hope for their party. If he wins this time, they may as well change their name to the Trump Party. And those moderates in the party will be better off forming a new one.
Firstly, thanks to Gareth Barry Conlon and Chicago Blue for their responses.

I think Kamala shaking his hand was a superb tactic; really unnerved him imo.

And after the mauling he got, no wonder her team are calling for another debate in October.

That said, Trump has said he doesn't need to do another one, as on one specific poll(?), he was winning 92-8.:)

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