US Politics Thread

I don’t find it condescending so much as strangely misinformed, as I think that we’re both right that other threads were far more toxic on their faces.
The faux outrage at political disagreements in discussion, in a politics sub-forum, designed to allow such disagreements to take place outside of the normal off topic, is unnecessary.
The Trump supporters are long gone, they know they’ve lost and there’s no defending it.

The “thread’s going well lol” shite is condescending by people who are just as biased as those debating what’s left to debate.
I am offended!

I am far more biased than any of you middling folk.

I don’t find it condescending so much as strangely misinformed, as I think that we’re both right that other threads were far more toxic on their faces.
This is an odd thing to hear from you, Fog, given their faces are the (still) public versions of the threads. It’s difficult to be misinformed when @Ric and the mods see all of the posts (read toxic comments/exchanges) that are removed.
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I never said the thread was particularly bad, although your “socialism is cancer” post was a bit weird and out of place. I just made a light-hearted response to Seb’s comment that you seemed to have latched on to for some reason.
I didn’t say that, I quoted my colleague, who is a native, in response to a poster insinuating something that was wide of the mark about a country where people have starved.
I am quite surprised that a light-hearted joke and short exchange between me and @Ric — really intended as a gentle reminder that this could be a better thread than previous ones, after reading through all of the current pages (and some related reports and already removed posts) and seeing some exchanges that were definitely headed toward the high toxicity variety — has lead to a bit of a ‘bash the janitors’ discussion.

But, hey, any way we can bring people together, I guess!
I am offended!

I am far more biased than any of you middling folk.

This is an odd thing to hear from you, Fog, given their faces are the (still) public versions of the threads. It’s difficult to be misinformed when @Ric and the mods see all of the posts (read toxic comments/exchanges) that are removed.
You don’t think this thread is less toxic than some of the Biden stuff or the early Trump stuff? I do. That’s why I thought thinking this thread is as toxic is “strangely misinformed” — cuz I know the mods see all and I thought some of the discussions in those threads were much worse/personal/dumb.
You don’t think this thread is less toxic than some of the Biden stuff or the early Trump stuff? I do. That’s why I thought thinking this thread is as toxic is “strangely misinformed” — cuz I know the mods see all and I thought some of the discussions in those threads were much worse/personal/dumb.
See my post above, mate.

And I am not sure where I said this thread is *as* toxic as the others? Or perhaps you were talking about someone else saying that?

I really am confused.
I am quite surprised that a light-hearted joke and short exchange between me and @Ric — really intended as a gentle reminder that this could be a better thread than previous ones, after reading through all of the current pages (and some related reports and already removed posts) and seeing some exchanges that were definitely headed toward the high toxicity variety — has lead to a bit of a ‘bash the janitors’ discussion.

But, hey, any way we can bring people together, I guess!
Ah. For the record I didn’t take your comments as a criticism but as a rib (and not as condescending in the least). But I think Ban’s right that this thread isn’t as like those became . . . . . but maybe that’s because at one time I had Ban on ignore after a tiff!!!!

All good mate, no worries — job and a half patrolling this place!

And forgive me — I am a strange combo of giddily happy that Trump is getting stuffed and on a nervous edge about what the next ten days holds.
You don’t think this thread is less toxic than some of the Biden stuff or the early Trump stuff? I do. That’s why I thought thinking this thread is as toxic is “strangely misinformed” — cuz I know the mods see all and I thought some of the discussions in those threads were much worse/personal/dumb.
Not sure anyone has described this thread as “toxic” tbh? Feels like there are a few crossed wires going on.

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