US Politics Thread

Oh, I know, (I spent a week, one day, in New Plymouth ID) I’m simply suggesting they fuck off to the Bible Belt to live in willful ignorance and leave the stunning landscapes of places like ID and WY to normal people.
Did you drive there from your area?
The World is full of weak minded people like this who are easily manipulated. Trumpism makes NO sense, but look how many people on here who fell/fall for it.
And don’t forget we still have a high number of “I’m not a fan of Trump BUT...” posters and then you have those that come on here and moan that people are attacking Trump too much, and yet they can’t help themselves keep clicking on to the threads.
Unpopular view, the impeachment is unlikely to work and has just given him another go in the spotlight. Should have waited.
Work how? You don’t think he will be impeached or you don’t think he will be found guilty in the Senate? And what should they have waited for?

No surprise who the one poster was that liked your post.
And don’t forget we still have a high number of “I’m not a fan of Trump BUT...” posters and then you have those that come on here and moan that people are attacking Trump too much, and yet they can’t help themselves keep clicking on to the threads.
I'm not a Trump fan but, people do attack Trump too much.

Which is all well and good, but where are the posts asking what lead to Trump, where are the posts questioning why Trump came to power.

There has to be underlying reasons why Trump came to power and why he commands so much loyalty from his base. There has to be reasons why his base are so animated in their beliefs and no it is not all conspiracy crank theories.

In desperate times people look for hope, whether you like Trump or not he offered something different to the cronyism and warmongering of the Democrat's. Yes it was influenced by factors, some of them unpalatable such as white nationalism and the fear of white people becoming a minority in what they consider their own country. Never underestimate the power of rich white men to make the world in their own image and to make sure others also think that image benefits them. Trump happening is a failure of liberalism, liberalism is on the retreat because liberalism favoured the few not the many. Trump knew this, he allowed people to be illiberal, he allowed them to be racist, he allowed them to indulge in white nationalist fantasy, he allowed men to think it was OK to grab women by the pussy. He indulged people's fantasy.

Now Liberalism will return, will it be chastened, probably not, will it be less imperialistic, probably not, will it be less likely to spread the message of liberal democracy around the world, probably not. There is nothing more illiberal than imposing Liberal democracy on a country that is not a Liberal democracy, it is crude and it is arrogant. It is an assumption of we know what is best for you and if you do not do as we say, we have bombs, lots of bombs.

From an outside perspective America needs an introspective look at itself, because otherwise it will end up like the UK, only next time it will be worse, much much worse.
And don’t forget we still have a high number of “I’m not a fan of Trump BUT...” posters and then you have those that come on here and moan that people are attacking Trump too much, and yet they can’t help themselves keep clicking on to the threads.

Bit unfair on some. I’m not a fan of Trump BUT...

Nah, I'm really not. He's a ****.
Which is all well and good, but where are the posts asking what lead to Trump, where are the posts questioning why Trump came to power.
Posted by Bigga for the last three years whilst you were swanning off to the other place.
There has to be underlying reasons why Trump came to power and why he commands so much loyalty from his base.
Yes, roughly 40% of Americans are not bright racists. Roughly the same percentage that believe the earth is 6,000 years old and that evolution is a myth (along with covid).

It says more about the US education system and religious education than it does anything else. Having said that, if you look at the left hand side of an IQ bell curve, the above isn’t particularly surprising.
Whilst there’s obviously more pro Trump areas in parts of the country, it’s obviously more complex than the slavery issue in the 1860’s, which you could pinpoint views based exactly on state lines.

Unless all the Pro Trump supporters head south into a specific couple of big states and the normal people move out of there.
On that occasion it was the southern states wanting to break away from the Union. If and when it happens, I believe it would be the wealthier, coastal states (and those that abut them) that will eventually have had enough and want to call it a day. Could see it splitting in a much more complex geographical pattern than 160 or so years ago.

It will inevitably involve a degree of migration, like in the Indian sub-continent in the 1940’s, but not as pronounced, although probably just as bitter.

I think the second amendment will be a factor too, as well as the electoral college if it delivers government over a sustained period against the wishes of the majority, and the voters of those coastal states and their neighbours.

Don’t think it will happen anytime soon, and I agree it’s nowhere near as binary as it was in the mid-19th century (tbf the world is hugely more complex now than it was then) but I think the divisions in the country are too great for a fracture to be less than likely to occur.

I've said this before btw, and some folk dismissed the notion out of hand, but global events in the last four years make predicting such a thing with any great certainty, foolish imo.

And maybe it was inevitable. Maybe the end of the civil war put a sticking plaster (albeit a long lasting one) over a profound dichotomy of social philosophy between regions in the US that greater technology and means of communication would eventually expose and cause those divisions In American society to recrudesce to an extent that made them, once again, manifest themselves dramatically and profoundly. There certainly seems enough hate and anger atm, for that to be, at the very least, a realistic prospect, surely.

And maybe social media is the catalyst, not the cause.

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