US Presidential Race 2016

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Ah the cyclic theory, which has been totally dumbed down and simplified into a reason for continuing to destroy the earth and its atmosphere, thats without taking into consideration we should be in a cooling phase not a heating up phase if you do believe in the Earth's cyclic effect.

If you wont accept that global warming is harmful, what about the fact we are going through a mass extinction of animals, whereby the number of known animals is dropping rather than increasing, only the third mass extinction in the planet's history, the other 2 were due to ice ages, not the planet heating up, the only reason for this mass extinction is the willful destruction of animal habits both terrestrial and aquatic by humans. Something largely ignored and never discussed as its too uncomfortable.

Not only is it wrong to dismiss global warming, it is incredibly short sighted, fossil fuels will run out eventually, even the most backward of climate change deniers agree with that, so isnt it better to try and be at the forefront on new technologies, to try and corner as much of the market as possible with the most advanced forms of renewable energy rather than forget about it and leave it to everyone else to sort out?
I don't think there is doubt about the Earth's cyclic effect with the proof of multiple past ice ages. Like you say, people will jump on it to use it as a political (exaggerated) argument against it, say like, fossil fuel salesmen. See my post just then to @aguero93:20 - your post to prompted me to expand on that one:

I'm just saying when I read about it from a historian perspective, it puts things in a different perspective about our actual byproduct affect on Earth. Earth goes through crazy changes, just over a very long time, our ability to implement a crazy change is minute in comparison - apart from a nuclear world war since nuclear fusion and all that is a natural part of the universe. Looking at it in the context of our "warm period," yeah your worried about animals going extinct but it's inventible, it might even be part of the cycle of evolution. However million years ago, there was no homosapien, only neanderthal and homo erectus, before that they didn't exist and there were previous humans. Think of all the animals/fish/plants that have gone extinct in that time. Just because things are going extinct doesn't mean things won't replace them - obviously we're looking at this on a big timescale here.

That post I made didn't say anything about making excuses for continuing the use of fossil fuels - I 100% want everything to be renewable energy and clean ASAP for the sake of health. @Prestwich_Blue was talking about huge US investment in oil a while back and I asked him whether he reckons this investment has slowed the transition to renewable energy but he hasn't answered - don't know if he thought I was looking for an excuse to have a go at the US but I'd assume it's part of the reason due to the obvious.
I think you need to read a hell of a lot more, your science is very simplistic view. For example there is every chance that Britain will be one of the most effected areas of the world, as a shift or end of the gulf stream would see temperatures drop significantly not rise.
Right yeah, so cold temperates colder, hot hotter? I only saw a bit about the Sahara and Americas - I'm not remotely a scientist.
Regardless of whether or not climate change is real, why should we be wasteful and disrespectful to the earth when cleaner more viable options are available? Doesn't make sense or maybe it does $$$$$$
You live on an (apparently) overpopulated island nation dependant on a warm ocean current and you're not worried about our surrounding sea area getting flooded with iceberg melt?
See last post to Paul Lakes' Left Knee. Like he said, I'm probably looking with a simplistic view - I'm not a scientist. I was originally talking from the perspective of damage to the Earth, not what we know of the Earth. So yeah ha, while I might have said it's over exaggerated, we could still be fucked within that. Isn't the moon moving away from Earth or something anyway?
Regardless of whether or not climate change is real, why should we be wasteful and disrespectful to the earth when cleaner more viable options are available? Doesn't make sense or maybe it does $$$$$$


Whether climate change is our fault or not, we should act as if it is.

We don't get a second chance if we lose the risk.
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