US Presidential Race 2016

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Trump also brags about grabbing women by the pussy against their will, are you okay with that?

CitizenTID: Look, pussies are going to get grabbed you can't deny it. The thing is that Trump is known for having small hands and since he's rich we can assume he keeps his hands fairly clean. What would you rather have, some big-handed homeless guy with dirty hands grabbing pussies? Now I'm not saying I'm in favor of grabbing pussies, I'm just saying that since they're going to be grabbed anyway I'd rather it be Trump.
The thing I was weighing up with the industry pollution seems to have flown over your head there because that is a ridiculous post.

It was a minor discussion but I'll give you a hint - business can locate in US or Honduras, each country has different measures in place regarding pollution.
I don't think there is doubt about the Earth's cyclic effect with the proof of multiple past ice ages. Like you say, people will jump on it to use it as a political (exaggerated) argument against it, say like, fossil fuel salesmen. See my post just then to @aguero93:20 - your post to prompted me to expand on that one:

I'm just saying when I read about it from a historian perspective, it puts things in a different perspective about our actual byproduct affect on Earth. Earth goes through crazy changes, just over a very long time, our ability to implement a crazy change is minute in comparison - apart from a nuclear world war since nuclear fusion and all that is a natural part of the universe. Looking at it in the context of our "warm period," yeah your worried about animals going extinct but it's inventible, it might even be part of the cycle of evolution. However million years ago, there was no homosapien, only neanderthal and homo erectus, before that they didn't exist and there were previous humans. Think of all the animals/fish/plants that have gone extinct in that time. Just because things are going extinct doesn't mean things won't replace them - obviously we're looking at this on a big timescale here.

That post I made didn't say anything about making excuses for continuing the use of fossil fuels - I 100% want everything to be renewable energy and clean ASAP for the sake of health. @Prestwich_Blue was talking about huge US investment in oil a while back and I asked him whether he reckons this investment has slowed the transition to renewable energy but he hasn't answered - don't know if he thought I was looking for an excuse to have a go at the US but I'd assume it's part of the reason due to the obvious.

You have completely ignored the fact the planet should be cooling, not warming up, and the temperature changes should be minute from decade to decade not the large jumps that have been experienced recently over the last few hundred years in the wrong direction. The fact is it isnt as simple as is made out, oh its a cycle we cant change it, we most definitely can effect change for the better or worse.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on the planet in its history, 2 were very large where the majority of all life form were wiped out around 95% of all life and over 70% in the other, and 3 not so large ones, like the most recent that saw the dinosaurs wiped out. What the previous 5 have in common is there was a significant climatic event or series of events that led to them. We are currently in the midst of one, and there is no real change in climate to cause it, the only viable conclusion is that it is a man made phenomenon. A mass extinction is where there is a rapid decrease in bio diversity, not just a few species becoming extinct, we are talking thousands of species disappearing. Completely collapsing ecosystems that were formed over millennia in a matter of years hasnt been experienced on the planet in the manner it currently is. There is a philosophical debate to be had whether as we are a product of evolution, that us destroying the planet is a natural thing and we should stop rallying against it and just let it happen as that is the course of evolution, but if you are religious, then even more effort should be made to save all the wonderful plants, animals and fungi that god created, who are we to destroy his wonderful work.

I am a scientist, I studied biology and ecology at university, you dont have to talk down to me like I havent realised the time scale evolution works on, I am most probably more aware than you are. You are spouting dumb downed science as fact, as there is a semblance of truth it makes it believable, but its still quite wrong. Not your fault at all, as it is very common and is hard to go against as so many people who are ill informed about how evolution works or even worse deniers of the science all together ie people who believe in religious teachings and the planet is 6000 years old for example.

So if you want a move to renewable energy, then Trump's position to roll back on agreements and investment in the area is something you should wholly be against.
Sorry mate haven't got time to watch the vid, have lost hope of keeping up with the thread being so busy in work. During this, I've never been proactive in thinking about what I'd vote if I was a US citizen because there's enough to think about as a Brit. You lot have allowed me to realise I'd probably be avidly against Trump if I was a US voter, though I'm not sure I could bring myself to vote for Clinton, I'd probably remove myself from the equation and the risk of a guilty conscious if it turned out awful by voting Green Party.
no troubles..btw I'm english but currently living in Mexico - have a guess which way they swing ;)
Up to 30 states could legalise marijuana if the people vote for it today. Meaning that half the country will be too stoned to give a fuck about Trump being president
No matter how rich anyone get's if you can't enjoy the Earth whats the point?

I think we may already have the technology but they're selfishly getting the last bits of cash out of the oil.

Then when it reaches a certain point the powers that be determine to start getting dangerous, everyone will suddenly have sustainable energy.

Just a hunch I've got, nothing more.
You have completely ignored the fact the planet should be cooling, not warming up, and the temperature changes should be minute from decade to decade not the large jumps that have been experienced recently over the last few hundred years in the wrong direction. The fact is it isnt as simple as is made out, oh its a cycle we cant change it, we most definitely can effect change for the better or worse.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on the planet in its history, 2 were very large where the majority of all life form were wiped out around 95% of all life and over 70% in the other, and 3 not so large ones, like the most recent that saw the dinosaurs wiped out. What the previous 5 have in common is there was a significant climatic event or series of events that led to them. We are currently in the midst of one, and there is no real change in climate to cause it, the only viable conclusion is that it is a man made phenomenon. A mass extinction is where there is a rapid decrease in bio diversity, not just a few species becoming extinct, we are talking thousands of species disappearing. Completely collapsing ecosystems that were formed over millennia in a matter of years hasnt been experienced on the planet in the manner it currently is. There is a philosophical debate to be had whether as we are a product of evolution, that us destroying the planet is a natural thing and we should stop rallying against it and just let it happen as that is the course of evolution, but if you are religious, then even more effort should be made to save all the wonderful plants, animals and fungi that god created, who are we to destroy his wonderful work.

I am a scientist, I studied biology and ecology at university, you dont have to talk down to me like I havent realised the time scale evolution works on, I am most probably more aware than you are. You are spouting dumb downed science as fact, as there is a semblance of truth it makes it believable, but its still quite wrong. Not your fault at all, as it is very common and is hard to go against as so many people who are ill informed about how evolution works or even worse deniers of the science all together ie people who believe in religious teachings and the planet is 6000 years old for example.

So if you want a move to renewable energy, then Trump's position to roll back on agreements and investment in the area is something you should wholly be against.
What baffles me is why no ones published the fact that 0.1 degree yearly temperature increase is caused purely from the glow emitting from the cheeto faced ****
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I think we may already have the technology but they're selfishly getting the last bits of cash out of the oil.

Then when it reaches a certain point the powers that be determine to start getting dangerous, everyone will suddenly have sustainable energy.

Just a hunch I've got, nothing more.
Lot of scientists think we could pass a point of no return without realising it.
You have completely ignored the fact the planet should be cooling, not warming up, and the temperature changes should be minute from decade to decade not the large jumps that have been experienced recently over the last few hundred years in the wrong direction. The fact is it isnt as simple as is made out, oh its a cycle we cant change it, we most definitely can effect change for the better or worse.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on the planet in its history, 2 were very large where the majority of all life form were wiped out around 95% of all life and over 70% in the other, and 3 not so large ones, like the most recent that saw the dinosaurs wiped out. What the previous 5 have in common is there was a significant climatic event or series of events that led to them. We are currently in the midst of one, and there is no real change in climate to cause it, the only viable conclusion is that it is a man made phenomenon. A mass extinction is where there is a rapid decrease in bio diversity, not just a few species becoming extinct, we are talking thousands of species disappearing. Completely collapsing ecosystems that were formed over millennia in a matter of years hasnt been experienced on the planet in the manner it currently is. There is a philosophical debate to be had whether as we are a product of evolution, that us destroying the planet is a natural thing and we should stop rallying against it and just let it happen as that is the course of evolution, but if you are religious, then even more effort should be made to save all the wonderful plants, animals and fungi that god created, who are we to destroy his wonderful work.

I am a scientist, I studied biology and ecology at university, you dont have to talk down to me like I havent realised the time scale evolution works on, I am most probably more aware than you are. You are spouting dumb downed science as fact, as there is a semblance of truth it makes it believable, but its still quite wrong. Not your fault at all, as it is very common and is hard to go against as so many people who are ill informed about how evolution works or even worse deniers of the science all together ie people who believe in religious teachings and the planet is 6000 years old for example.

So if you want a move to renewable energy, then Trump's position to roll back on agreements and investment in the area is something you should wholly be against.
I just noticed btw I meant to say nuclear wars would have a huge impact, but nuclear fusion and the like is natural to the universe (didn't mean to write since) - it'd still take a fair while to get Earth back to something normal if world war scale.

Exactly, it's not as simple as it's made out, that's why I'm talking about it simply because I don't know about the ins and outs of it - I was looking at it very simply on a huge timescale without thought for us. You seem to know about it, I don't so can't really add anything more than that.

Just read your last paragraph now - think you've got the wrong end of the stick mate, not remotely talking down to you ha - it might have been aguero93:20 I said it to, but I'm not remotely a scientist that's why I was briefly looking at it very simply on a timescale that makes us look like a blink. We both seem to agree on 100% renewable energy ASAP so it's a moot discussion, especially when i can't really add much at all to it. I only just saw it's relation to Trump when west dids brought it up y'day.
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