Using Mobiles Whilst Driving #%×*heads...

worse one i have ever seen was today,, a woman pushing a push chair with a kiddy in it crossing a duel carriageway and a 3 year old following, the woman was on her phone and never clocked where the toddler was, when she got across the road she looked behind to see where the kid was and the child was stood in the centre of the carriageway with an arctic passing by

ffs sake!!! I won't go on but yeah the mum would not be on my xmas card list.

Edit: was she hot?
I talk to my car. Ring home it rings home. Give it an address to drive to it pops up and directs me. Any music track or any station on radio I just ask. What it won't do is text. Either send or read out. A good thing I say.
BBC5L reporting that the government are set to double the penalty points for any fuckwit caught using their mobile while driving; up to £200 of a fine and 6 points on your licence.
Should be a driving ban treated the same as drink driving

Couldn't agree more. I go out walking quite a bit and nearly every time I'm out I see at least one driver either with a phone clutched to their ear or txting. All it takes is one lapse of concentration to put themselves and other people in danger. If you get a txt and want to read it, pull over, similarly if you get a call either set up hands free in your car before you set off, or pull over and call them back. It's a very stupid way for an accident to happen and I hope the police are given the powers to throw substantial punishments at offenders.

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