pissedagain said:
sorry its more than just a ground, its a shithole, where else in the prem can home fans stand outside the away end waiting for you to come out, even before you go in you are pushed against a wall by the police who then turn a blind eye to them spitting at us as we stand and que, then when we react the police jump on us...no been going to the derbies for over 40 years, nothing changes

this! i hate the walk up there.... then love the huge sigh of relief as u segregate off to the "wall"
I love the walk up to the ground listening in vain for local accents. It just makes me laugh at all the tourists pointing and clicking their cameras as they walk past the chip shop! I also enjoy asking the jobsworth stewards whether they are searching all home fans and if not, why just the away fans. Have to agree with previous about not spending money there, I dont know why people bother.
pissedagain said:
as they ve just gone on sale, i wondered if like me any other blue going just cringes as they approach the ground, i hate it with a passion from the stands to the so called fans who are all eager to let you know that they all come from manchester...yuk

Have they gone on sale today???? im wanting 4 tickets.....
United away,,ahhhh 3 easy ponts,, Ill be paying £0.00 just like last year,, jibed in the lower east with on of my red mates (scumbag),, sat the whole game in silence,,just dying to laugh at all the sulky reds slating there overpaid ponce Ronaldo,, prediction for his year,, Scum 1:1 City,,but that will be a good result,,Livepool for the title and MCFC to win in Istanbul on May 20th
I was there on their Golden Anniversary!! We were well set up for a fall at that game. Absolute silence at the start, and us cheering to an empty stadium at the end. I will never set foot in that stadium again, unless it is in the Champions League final in the future. I have never seen a stadium empty so quick in my life. Who remembers Shinawatra and his wife jumping about in the private seats behind where Baconface was after the game. Good on yer Sven, you made me proud that day
Ive got a feeling were going to do them over again this year! We have had poor away form all season, were going to win a game sooner or later and why not at the swamp?? Players coming back from injury Boj, Petrov, Johnson (from what the club are saying), Bellamy, all of which "should" get a run out before then. Richard Dunne's form has been pretty good over the last couple of games and also Micah seems to be perking up a bit. Nedum has been a revelation since cementing his place in the team. Robinho is class, just been lacking the form shown earlier in the season, press on his back etc etc he could also shine in a game like this, Ireland need I say anymore.

I believe that when the time comes for us to visit the absolute shit hole that is the swamp, we will be ready!!

0-2 CITY!!
pissedagain said:
sorry its more than just a ground, its a shithole, where else in the prem can home fans stand outside the away end waiting for you to come out, even before you go in you are pushed against a wall by the police who then turn a blind eye to them spitting at us as we stand and que, then when we react the police jump on us...no been going to the derbies for over 40 years, nothing changes

this! i hate the walk up there.... then love the huge sigh of relief as u segregate off to the "wall"
i went when they were in second div and the beat us 1-0 in league cup.my rag school chum said i could buy his ticket for scoreboard end as he was going in the stretford end.I was 14 at the time and not wanting to look soft i agreed.obviously didnt wear any colours sat in my seat when some bloke comes up to me and says hoy your in my seat.i show him my ticket and he explains my seat is further down.so off i toddle to my seat and as im getting closer i notice a red from droylsden..closer closer..feck me im sat next to him lol.what my mate neglected to tell me was he and his mate sat together at home games.fair play he never let on.summerbee had a goal disallowed and a couple in front jump up only to be told by a dozen cockney voices to sit darn..pretty scary i tell ya.
I love going to derbys at the Swamp - I cant describe the feeling I get - somehow it just cements the fact that I am a City fan.

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