VAR - 2020/21

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You must be the only person in the UK who has been suckered in by VAR..

Everyone can see through it, even manager's such as Chris Wilder is sick to the back teeth with it all..

Also, it's not all about Salah diving and miles offside goals ffs, you need to change the record..

It's affecting every team..!

It's absolutely fkin crap..!

You have banged on about VAR for 2 seasons on here, painted yourself into a corner and don't want to lose face by calling it out for what it is..

Blatant, 100% game manipulation, match fixing corruption, in plain sight ..!

You like compiling lists, why don't you do one on the good calls versus the shit calls VAR has officiated over as you seem to be of the belief that it's cleared up all the diving and the miles offside decisions now.?

I'll help you out and start with the bad ones off the top of my head..

1. Laporte's handball v Spurs, ruling out Jesus's last minute winner..

2. Spurs handball goal in the Champions League v us..

3. Trent Darby's handball v us at Anfield..

4. Salah's offside goal against us in the same game..

5. City’s goal v dippers in Champions League on the stroke of halftime, ruled out incorrectly for offside at the Etihad..

6. City’s goal v dippers at Anfield in the CL first leg, incorrectly ruled out for offside..

7.Dippers joke free kick away at Newcastle, leading to a winning goal in 2019..

8. Mane's forearm smash the other week, no red card..

9. Raheem's foul at Leeds, no penalty..

10. Bernardo getting hacked in the same game, no red card..

11. The rags penalty away at Villa when the Portuguese diver fouled the defender..

12. Ref playing 2 minutes over the allotted added on time after Brighton had scored with the last kick of the game v the rags..

13. Sheffield United scoring away at Villa and the goal not given even though everyone could see the ball was well over the line..

14. Shaw hacking down Moura yesterday, no red card..

15. Pogba raking his studs down a Spurs player's calf when he was on the floor, replays shown by SKY, no red card..

16. The dippers last minute penalty v Leicester at Anfield in 2019

17. The non sending off of van Dyke v Everton at Anfield in 2019..

18. The non sending off of Klopp v Everton for running on the pitch.

The following week the Wolves manager was dismissed for exactly the same offence..

19. Newcastle awarded a penalty at Spurs when Dier handled, even though he had his back to goal..

20. City denied a penalty at Leeds the very next week when a defender handled the ball which was behind him, in the penalty area.. same offence, different VAR result..

The above doesn't include the huge abnormality in the number of penalties awarded to the rags in their end of season run in..

A run in that secured them a Champions League place at a time when one of their main sponsors, Adidas were just about to implement their revised payment clause due to the rags potentially missing out on a CL spot for the second successive season..

A clause that would have cost the rags £10's of millions of pounds..!

Coincidence? in your mind, most probably..!

I could go on and on but I'll stop there..

In your world VAR is working well, just a few teething issues is there, you say..?

You either don't understand the game of football or are on the wind up on here.!

VAR is a tool to assist certain teams whilst holding back others..

Technology works well in Cricket, Rugby Union and League, Tennis and American Football to name but a few high profile sports..

All these sports involve the fans, keeping them abreast of the decisions that have been made and all are displayed on big screens..

The dippers and rags don't even have big screens installed in their stadiums ffs..!

It would also be fair to say that both these teams get an unbelievably large rub of the green where VAR is concerned..!

Coincidence? in your mind, most probably..

In other sports where technology is installed, the officials are mic'd up and are audible to the paying supporters not to mention the armchair fans..

What they aren't, are hidden away in a darkened room, faceless people, manipulating situations and effecting results..

The silence regarding how VAR decisions are reached is.. DEAFENING..!

I also don't recall these sports and their fans having to put up with several seasons of teething issues like we have been told we have to when it comes to VAR..

So instead of posting the same post over and over, whining on about how VAR has negated Salah's dives and players not scoring from miles offside positions, I'd suggest you open your eyes and see what everyone else can see and stop wasting everyone's time in having to read the drivel you post when it comes to VAR..!
All this and i still havent celebrated a goal since its introduction...
Ok, clean slate from now and as someone who wants City to do well ... i will check each game from now and see if you are being treated unfairly from the officials/VAR... all i can say, is there doing a bad job of it, seen as you are so successful. but game by game, i'll follow you with a open mind
You, like most fans of other teams, only see very brief, edited highlights of our games, probably on MotD or similar. We sit through the entire game and see with our very own eyes what is going on on the pitch.
We then congregate on a forum like this and discuss our views amongst one another.
What I found most galling was you coming on here and claiming that what we say we are seeing at every game is 'nonsense'. Inferring that we are all blinkered partisans, or swivel-eyed conspiracy theorists who see any decision against our team as part of some sinister plot.
I have watched my team be shafted so many times over the years by incompetent and/or dishonest referees - in particular when up against the rags or the dippers, but not exclusively so. I have seen way too many incidents where the laws of the game are being interpreted so differently by referees that it is almost like watching a different sport.

Over the last few seasons we have been the victims of some of the single most bizarre refereeing decisions ever witnessed in national sport. We know it, millions of other football fans across the globe know it, so don't come on here and tell me that what I see is nonsense.
But before VAR it didn’t even need to be subjective !!!

if the ‘powers’ tell the ref to give Man Utd loads of penalty’s then the ref could literally give one every time a Man U player goes to ground in the box.

Just a simple point to the spot.
no need for replays. No need to check. Nothing.

Pre VAR a ref could give Man U a penalty whenever he felt like it. Far far easier to be corrupt.

Complete nonsense.
If you can’t have a civil debate then it’s you that needs to grow up.

I’m happy to discuss the pros and cons with VAR and have a proper discussion without getting abusive.

I’m critical of VAR, and if you’ve read my previous posts you will know that. So why label me as some VAR fan boy that’s back myself in a corner.

by the way it was Man City that voted for VAR and wanted it. Man Utd and Chelsea didn’t want it.

I didn’t have a say, I’m just a fan - I was sick of players diving for penalty’s and other ridiculous decisions being given by refs, VAR at times shows how laughably bad some refs get it wrong.

if you don’t want to hear my honest pretty balanced views then don’t goad me and be rude.
Refs will INCREASINGLY get it horribly wrong as they know VAR can correct howlers and they become complacent. It will see a decline in standards including marginal calls. See cricket umpiring standards. Those that get it consistently right are now the exception. Not the rule.
Complete nonsense.

So ref's weren't biased towards Man U before VAR ? and if they were, what's to stop them giving Man U every decision in their favour ? why the need for VAR when they already had a perfect system in place to give Man U everything they wanted.
You, like most fans of other teams, only see very brief, edited highlights of our games, probably on MotD or similar. We sit through the entire game and see with our very own eyes what is going on on the pitch.
We then congregate on a forum like this and discuss our views amongst one another.
What I found most galling was you coming on here and claiming that what we say we are seeing at every game is 'nonsense'. Inferring that we are all blinkered partisans, or swivel-eyed conspiracy theorists who see any decision against our team as part of some sinister plot.
I have watched my team be shafted so many times over the years by incompetent and/or dishonest referees - in particular when up against the rags or the dippers, but not exclusively so. I have seen way too many incidents where the laws of the game are being interpreted so differently by referees that it is almost like watching a different sport.

Over the last few seasons we have been the victims of some of the single most bizarre refereeing decisions ever witnessed in national sport. We know it, millions of other football fans across the globe know it, so don't come on here and tell me that what I see is nonsense.

but every fan feels the victim of refs/VAR... I know from watching West Ham how most fans think we are being shafted by the ref and 'the powers' - West Ham were bottom of the VAR table last season... Not Man City... so why are the powers shafting us ?

Spurs fans think refs are against them - , go on there forum and they'll be moaning about being shafted by refs/VAR

here's Arsenal thinking the refs/VAR is against them -

and here's RedCafe... Man U fans moaning about Ref/VAR , All fuming about Martial latest sending off

all fans think they're being shafted at times, with or without VAR
So ref's weren't biased towards Man U before VAR ? and if they were, what's to stop them giving Man U every decision in their favour ? why the need for VAR when they already had a perfect system in place to give Man U everything they wanted.

we know what we’ve seen, we wanted it & look how it’s being used. The body language of our players, they knew what was happening.

VAR is like one of those “Enquiries” they do after a miscarriage of justice & shows there was nothing wrong after years of dragging it out. There is no excuse for getting it wrong after VAR but they do.
So ref's weren't biased towards Man U before VAR ? and if they were, what's to stop them giving Man U every decision in their favour ? why the need for VAR when they already had a perfect system in place to give Man U everything they wanted.
The previous system made it look too obvious. VAR gives them the appearance of being impartial, whilst being anything but.
So ref's weren't biased towards Man U before VAR ? and if they were, what's to stop them giving Man U every decision in their favour ? why the need for VAR when they already had a perfect system in place to give Man U everything they wanted.
Since the start of the 2019 season until now, there has been 40 plus incidents where VAR has screwed City.

Like fans have said; you don’t watch every minute of our games like we do.

Don’t really know what your argument is tbh, is it VAR isn’t corrupt ?
Or VAR is corrupt sometimes?

Not really bothered what Utd, Spuds or arsenal fans have to say, they’ve had plenty of decisions in there favour.
Always 'amazed' me how they didn't show the ref the angle at 0.49 continuously which shows it clearly hit his arm first, instead they chose the angle which was inconclusive, some would say 'strange', others would say deliberate and bent as fook.

You can see the fucking flesh on his arm ripple and still they gave it.
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