Var debate 2019/20

This is the key point for me. I said on post match thread:

In theory VAR should favour us in the long run but last night that Sterling goal getting chalked off was simply one of my worst moments in nearly 50 years of being a season ticket holder - not that I actually used my seat last night (had to give it away due to being at work 200 miles from MCR) - I celebrated like a maniac and I'm one of those guys that often checks the liner has not flagged before getting carried away. A horrible fucking experience - cruel and unusual punishment.

Yeah, with you on that one, bud. The worst moment of my City-supporting life. So cruel.
Hitting his arm alters the angle the ball hits his hip and propels it towards goal, that is why it should have been disallowed. The referee was initially looking at two different angles and chose to concentrate on the one least favourable to us. Neither of those angles was the best to judge the offence from.
I think I am not too bitter because I am now used to being cheated by UEFA. A part people are not talking about is that Ederson got fouled before the goal and the referee let it stand.

As soon as the referee was going to check the VAR screen, I just knew the people in the VAR room will not show the referee that angle that was quite clear that Llorente used his elbow.

It is time we get this Champions League knockout phases right. If we are not blowing our opponents away, we will get cheated.
VAR could never be as corrupt as Premier League referees and nobody in the league will feel more positive effects from it than us.
Then why did we get that bent ref from last year as well, and why was he only shown one angle.

I know I'm hanging on with the PL but it's all I've got now

The 3rd angle of llorentes goal. Clearly handball. Was never showed to the ref when he went to the screen. Goal would never have stood if they showed him this replay. I love VAR and this is all on those cnts in the review boot. And they ask us why we boo the anthem.

I'm pretty sure they saw the handball but didn't give it because it wasn't deliberate (his hand was up against his body). This wouldn't be the case next season.
The issue is the way VAR decisions are given. There is not communication of tge decision making process to the crowd or TV audience.
Eh? That still has the ball right on him. you can see it.

It definitely isn't near Eriksen's feet
I would prefer to see the next frame of action, as on that photo the ball hasn’t left Bernie yet, if you zoom in it’s just on its way to hitting his leg.
VAR is a great concept poorly implemented. The offside was marginal but probably right. The handball was wrong: having more angles and not giving the ref access is just criminal. I think all three of Spurs' goals could have been avoided by good keeping/defending though.

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