VAR Discussion Thread - 2023/24 | PL clubs to vote on whether to scrap VAR (pg413)

Would you want VAR scrapped?

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Can all agree it shouldn't be getting big decisions wrong - but there seems to be an infinity of grey areas that it's difficult to have a blueprint for every incident, now that for me was a 100% penalty but i've seen others argue that it was just a collision after the ball had been played and didn't deny a goal scoring opportunity etc.
even on replay and with the help of tech it's still human decision and so many will have views either way.
There is nothing different about the penalty area than anywhere else on the pitch other than the fact that if a member of the defending team commits a direct free kick offence inside the penalty area, a penalty kick is (should be) awarded.

There is absolutely nothing in the laws of the game that says when the offence has to have happened, or that it denied a goal scoring opportunity. It's STILL a foul.

The keeper recklessly collided with the attacking player. It was the same foul that would have been awarded ANYWHERE else on the pitch.
There is nothing different about the penalty area than anywhere else on the pitch other than the fact that if a member of the defending team commits a direct free kick offence inside the penalty area, a penalty kick is (should be) awarded.

There is absolutely nothing in the laws of the game that says when the offence has to have happened, or that it denied a goal scoring opportunity. It's STILL a foul.

The keeper recklessly collided with the attacking player. It was the same foul that would have been awarded ANYWHERE else on the pitch.

Agreed, that's why I said it should 100% be a penalty.

Wolves themselves got away with one last season ironically on the opening day.

Agreed, that's why I said it should 100% be a penalty.

Wolves themselves got away with one last season ironically on the opening day.

That wasn't a dig at you by the way; more at all those Muppets who use those excuses (including so called 'knowledgeable' pundits) for not giving a penalty.
That wasn't a dig at you by the way; more at all those Muppets who use those excuses (including so called 'knowledgeable' pundits) for not giving a penalty.

Agreed, only point of sympathy i do have for officials that i understand that no one will agree with.
Is just how hard and how big a decision it is to give these calls, the game is so fast and manic, bodies flying everywhere at times, tussling, grabbing, players cheating, crowds appealing for everything.
Put it this way, I just wouldn't want to be a ref or official in the modern game, it's a tough tough job and i am not excusing that non penalty decision.
Agreed, only point of sympathy i do have for officials that i understand that no one will agree with.
Is just how hard and how big a decision it is to give these calls, the game is so fast and manic, bodies flying everywhere at times, tussling, grabbing, players cheating, crowds appealing for everything.
Put it this way, I just wouldn't want to be a ref or official in the modern game, it's a tough tough job and i am not excusing that non penalty decision.
That SHOULDN'T be an excuse with VAR.
Agreed, only point of sympathy i do have for officials that i understand that no one will agree with.
Is just how hard and how big a decision it is to give these calls, the game is so fast and manic, bodies flying everywhere at times, tussling, grabbing, players cheating, crowds appealing for everything.
Put it this way, I just wouldn't want to be a ref or official in the modern game, it's a tough tough job and i am not excusing that non penalty decision.
Good to hear about your little girl. I know all about emergency trips to the ER and it's not fun.

The irony is that, before VAR, referees made mistakes and it was generally accepted that it can happen and it's a difficult job. Other than a few absolute howlers anyway. Now, after VAR has been introduced to help them, they are crucified for every mistake, because they shouldn't be making any.

No way back now, I suppose, but I do miss the simpler days of on-field decision making.
That SHOULDN'T be an excuse with VAR.

Exactly why it was needed and it’s highlighting how impossible it was for the refs. Now they just need to make sure they get it right every single time with the help of tech and review - but it’s not going to happen , probably going to be a head scratching decision that causes outrage once or twice a week. Not sure what can be done except continually pressing for more transparency .
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before VAR, referees made mistakes and it was generally accepted

Honestly, I wish that was true.

the whole reasoning for VAR was because officials were getting it so wrong, Clear offsides given as goals, clear no contact dives (remember them?) given as penalty's. It become farcical and fans were demanding video tech when other leagues were starting to use it worldwide.

Now, if we could scrap VAR and fans would truly accept the odd howler from the officials I would be all for that. but it won't happen and no one would be happy soon as their team is robbed by a ridiculous decision.

It's all opinion, and i don't blame you for wanting a return of the old ways.
And who charges PiGMOL with bringing the game into disrepute when Jonny Moss has to apologise for another ‘crass’ refereeing shambles?
How did Moss get that job anyway? He only retired from refereeing a few months ago.

It's jobs for the boys. Out goes Riley, in comes Webb. Webb gets rid of Swarbrick and installs Moss as a second layer to protect himself from criticism. They all look after each others interests. Cronyism at is finest.
Agreed, that's why I said it should 100% be a penalty.

Wolves themselves got away with one last season ironically on the opening day.

Yea, but it's only a penalty if it involves a team called Manchester City* in whatever colours they are wearing.

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