VAR Thread - 2021/22

Its not perfect obviously. But were much better off with it than without it.

the refs/linesmen are told do not flag for offside unless you are 100000000% sure its offside. Just look at that Mahrez decision. Its tight. Looked offside if im honest. The linesman despite the directive cant wait to give it offside. It would be very different if it was a rag/bin dipper, the flag would never go up for them in that situation….

we cannot judge VAR decisions against what the Rags or Bin dippers would get. We’ll lose everytime. We need to judge it against what decisions WE would get or not before it came in. And we are miles better off with it than without it. Mahrez being the latest example
I think you've missed my point
Blatant dives aren't given (just cute dives) and horrific tackles, elbows, etc are red carded (mostly, except mane planting an elbow in someone's face or putting studs into someone's bollocks).
Also Mané grabbing an Arsenal player by the throat in an angry exchange. He's got away with a fair few since joining Liverpool.
Also Mané grabbing an Arsenal player by the throat in an angry exchange. He's got away with a fair few since joining Liverpool.
He seems untouchable. He always goes through the back of players, kicks out, rash challenges, etc hardly ever booked. Teams should target him more, he's so easy to wind up. Sooner or later (especially if he doesn't sign his contract) refs will turn on him.

pointless debating with him on this subject, he is convinced VAR is corrupt and is used against Man City

' I did not celebrate City's first goal today.
I knew it would be varred so what was the point in celebrating ? It is killing the emotion the passion and everything I have loved about football. ''

(To be fair, that's his opinion)

but meanwhile, in the real world

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pointless debating with him on this subject, he is convinced VAR is corrupt and is used against Man City

' I did not celebrate City's first goal today.
I knew it would be varred so what was the point in celebrating ? It is killing the emotion the passion and everything I have loved about football. ''

(To be fair, that's his opinion)

but meanwhile, in the real world

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I don't normally bother replying to you as it is a waste of time but on this occasion I will.
VAR - offsides. The Liverpool goal on Saturday should never have been reviewed for so long. When it is so tight it is ridiculous to rule it out. That sums up why it is being used abused and openly ridiculed.
VAR - Penalties. when an unknown person can over rule a trained professional elite referee there is something badly wrong with the whole concept and leaves it open to allegations of corruption.
You asked 'If the VAR Agenda stuff had died down'
How can it when a person has a title but nobody has a clue who he/she is, what their remit is, what training they have had and most importantly why are they allowed to over rule an elite referee.
Until the entire set up is open to scrutiny there will always be an 'agenda' belief with fans.
VAR - Penalties. when an unknown person can over rule a trained professional elite referee there is something badly wrong with the whole concept and leaves it open to allegations of corruption.

Sometimes officials are totally blindsided when a player goes down in the box. Other players blocking their view and an incident can happen in a split second and because they couldn’t see the foul or handball, they can’t give it. How is that fair on the team that should be awarded the decision?
What is wrong with helping officials to get the correct decision

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