VAR thread 2022/23

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There was a one a couple if weeks ago. The winger was offside, but the lino didnt flag. He crossed the ball and a defender headed it out for corner. If the attacking team had scored it would have been reviewed and disallowed. But what would the outcome be if they scored from the corner?
As I understand it, he should have raised his flag when the move was over if he thought it was offside. So no corner, indirect free-kick. If he didn't think it was offside, corner.
Plenty of people have said they want everything that the VAR contributes to be broadcast live. The only way to do that would be to have the audio between the officials broadcast for the whole game, as nobody knows when he is going to have some input

No sure what the correlation between the officials communicating and never getting a decision wrong is? The referee and linesman used to communicate a lot using soft signals. For a throw in for example, as the ball is heading out of play and it’s not clear who who touched it last, the linesman would put his flag in the hand of the way he was intending flagging but keep it down by his side. If the referee disagreed he would indicate the other way with a low discreet signal the other way. The linesman would then go with the referee when the ball went out of play. You don’t see that much now when they are in verbal communication. That process will be discussed rather than with signals. You only have to look at the officials during a game to see they are constantly communicating. You can literally see them talking before pretty much all decisions are made that the linesman might be involved in.

I would rather listen to all that than the inane commentaries. Would be very educational I think.

If people don't like it, give the ref/VAR a button to press when they are communicating with each other, that is the only audio that gets broadcast. Ref/linesman chatter is excluded.
I would rather listen to all that than the inane commentaries. Would be very educational I think.

If people don't like it, give the ref/VAR a button to press when they are communicating with each other, that is the only audio that gets broadcast. Ref/linesman chatter is excluded.

VAR does have a button so the four at the ground aren’t getting his chatter in the booth constantly. He hears everything they are saying but presses a button when he wants to join in. I suppose it would be possible for the audio to be broadcast on his button but we’re a long way from that I think. The first step will be releasing some comms after the games which Howard Webb is reported to be thinking of trialling when he takes over.
VAR is ruining the game, that’s an undeniable FACT, whether you agree with it or not … !!
Truth is, it’s getting worse with every passing season … You will all be glad to know that this is my last post on the matter ..

Unless I have to argue the toss with Bluehammer for a few more posts :-)
VAR is ruining the game, that’s an undeniable FACT, whether you agree with it or not … !!
Truth is, it’s getting worse with every passing season … You will all be glad to know that this is my last post on the matter ..

Unless I have to argue the toss with Bluehammer for a few more posts :-)

Well, actually, it isn't. It's a judgement. I happen to agree with it. But it's still a strongly worded evaluation by you. It's not a verifiable fact.
The thing is this. I think I, like many others, wasn't initially hostile to VAR, because I presumed that it would be intervening on a very occasional basis, to correct glaring errors by the ref and linos.
That's not what's happening. At all. It is intervening in every other game, and sometimes more than once a game. As such, it's completely usurping the authority of the ref and the two other qualified people who are there to help him on the touchline. That is why I believe it is ruining certain games, and I strongly believe it ruined the one in Copenhagen.
Just a personal view, but one of the reasons why I'll never take to either rugby union or, still more, rugby league, is the stop-go nature of the sports. Same (but raised to the power of ten) with American football. I'd hate it if we got all the back and forth between the ref and the people in Stockley Part when he goes to the monitor, just as I dislike it on the rare occasions when I watch rugby union (rarely watch rugby league). Even when I can hear what they're saying, I still can't understand the basis on which the decision has been made half the time!
What I want is for the ref to have the balls — whether he's going against the interests of the home crowd or not, and I'd obviously include ours in that — to sometimes say, “Nope. I'm not convinced. I stand by my original decision”. As he should have the other night, re. the two handballs.
Everything gets picked over now. By pundits, by journalists, by us. And by the VAR officials. But the players and ref are playing in real time, not in playback time, which creates an optical illusion, and decisions are made in less than a second in many crucial cases. Taking that reality into consideration seems to have gone right out the window.
You've got to trust the ref and his linos, by and large. With occasional intervention by VAR when there is a “clear and obvious” error. It's not a perfect system — nothing is — but it's the best we've got.

And we've still won the league six times in the last decade, despite the fact that everyone's got it in for us…
Well, actually, it isn't. It's a judgement. I happen to agree with it. But it's still a strongly worded evaluation by you. It's not a verifiable fact.
The thing is this. I think I, like many others, wasn't initially hostile to VAR, because I presumed that it would be intervening on a very occasional basis, to correct glaring errors by the ref and linos.
That's not what's happening. At all. It is intervening in every other game, and sometimes more than once a game. As such, it's completely usurping the authority of the ref and the two other qualified people who are there to help him on the touchline. That is why I believe it is ruining certain games, and I strongly believe it ruined the one in Copenhagen.
It’s ruining the game for me mate, surely you will concede that as an undeniable fact ;-)
Amazing how so many have walked away from the game on here yet the match thread gets hundreds of pages , capacity’s increasing everywhere and record viewing figures on TV - definitely ‘killed’ the game
When Leicester city 'won the league ' one of their first away games was at your own teams ground.Kasper Schmeical ran off his line and pole-axed an attacking WHU forward to the ground .a Nailed on pen to the Hammers. The ref inexplicably decided to neither award a spot kick nor red card our former keeper.

You probably don't recall this incident. too busy on our forum chatting shit. This was the 1st of many to many ( Genesis) decisions which helped the Thailand boys romp home to the title by a whopping ten point margin..

This was well before Var...

Some of us,with eyes to see knew it was a corrupt pile of shit then.
Var,merely ramped it up a little bit.
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