VAR thread 2022/23

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Just seen the West Ham goals. For the first one he literally turned his arm into the ball changing the direction of it so surely that's not accidental. And his arms were in an unnatural position. Goal should have been chalked of the deliberate handball as despite his arms being across his chest the fact he turned into the ball means it is deliberate on this occasion. Second one is equally stupid, the ball blasted at a defender diving in to make a block, where are his arms meant to be. Fucking VAR is being used to manipulate games. Lee Mason was 'retired' last year as he wasn't deemed good enough to be out in the middle yet so idiot has decided he is good enough to make the same decisions watching a TV screen. Play the incidents in slow motion by all means to judge point of contact etc but then run it in full speed to make a decision as quite often what looks like a bad challenge etc in slow motion isn't as bad at full speed. Refs need to be better trained and conversations need to be heard so we know how decisions are arrived at.
Would it not be easier to have 4 linesman and a ref, look at American football there is that much going on and the speed of it they need loads. Back when football first started the game was not played this fast for 3 men to keep an eye on everything that’s going on with the scrutiny they come under is ridiculous. The play acting by players conning them and their screams as if they’ve been shot are laughable I’d be ashamed to do it. It started with the influx of foreigners (it’s always them ;) ) such as Klinesman, now everyone does it. The introduction of VAR has give them a get out clause for also not been the best, they don’t have to keep up with play as VAR will spot it, we have almost Olympic speed athletes on the pitch fatty Moss had no chance. The players have to take more responsibility for all the diving and shot they do and the laws of the game need to be more clear, that handball was ridiculous last night and just makes it a farce.
I don't think you need any more than 2 linesman. The natural "human" way of calling offsides worked well because in some cases it is a judgement call. And when players were "about level" generally the benefit of the doubt would be given to the attacker, which worked quite well. Now with VAR it's a cluster, with armpits and toenails being used to chalk off goals. It's gone completely mad under VAR, with linesman letting play continue then putting the flag up after goals are scored to "check".

What I would advise in a world without VAR is in major competitions, they could put 2 additional assistants on each end line next to each goal. In case the referee misses something. Generally when the referee misses something or has his view blocked it's in the box near the goal because he's sprinting back and forth up and down the pitch. Even if something happens in the middle of the pitch, the assistant referee on the endline might be able to catch something he missed there too.

If you had an assistant referee stationed on each endline next to the goal, he would catch something like the infamous Henry handball, then notify the main referee. That simple procedure of putting another set of eyes on each endline would likely catch 99.9% of the missed calls that occurred pre-VAR. And he would have a better vantage point to determine who kicked a ball out for corner kicks / goal kicks. Endline assistants would work very well in limiting howlers and you wouldn't need any of this VAR nonsense.
I don't think you need any more than 2 linesman. The natural "human" way of calling offsides worked well because in some cases it is a judgement call. And when players were "about level" generally the benefit of the doubt would be given to the attacker, which worked quite well. Now with VAR it's a cluster, with armpits and toenails being used to chalk off goals. It's gone completely mad under VAR, with linesman letting play continue then putting the flag up after goals are scored to "check".

What I would advise in a world without VAR is in major competitions, they could put 2 additional assistants on each end line next to each goal. In case the referee misses something. Generally when the referee misses something or has his view blocked it's in the box near the goal because he's sprinting back and forth up and down the pitch. Even if something happens in the middle of the pitch, the assistant referee on the endline might be able to catch something he missed there too.

If you had an assistant referee stationed on each endline next to the goal, he would catch something like the infamous Henry handball, then notify the main referee. That simple procedure of putting another set of eyes on each endline would likely catch 99.9% of the missed calls that occurred pre-VAR. And he would have a better vantage point to determine who kicked a ball out for corner kicks / goal kicks. Endline assistants would work very well in limiting howlers and you wouldn't need any of this VAR nonsense.
They tried that but they did fuck all as far as anyone could see, if they had proper powers to call stuff then yes absolutely but the last iteration were rubbish
They tried that but they did fuck all as far as anyone could see, if they had proper powers to call stuff then yes absolutely but the last iteration were rubbish
Well they would just be there for the howler, they shouldn't be getting involved much at all. They would just be there in case of something blatant that was missed. Your complaint that they did "fuck all" when that was tried in the past isn't a bad thing. That was probably because there was no need for them to get involved because nothing major was missed. When that was tested, do you recall any howlers or any reason for them to get involved?

The end line assistants would also be better suited to communicate with the VAR crew upstairs rather than the main referee being distracted by the VARs. The primary issue with the VAR system in place is how they are able to influence the referee by having a direct line to the referee. Also the main referee shouldn't be running over to a monitor at mid pitch. VAR (systemically) would be better with end line assistants being the video reviewers on the pitch rather than the main referee. VAR would be much better if the VARs could only communicate with the end line assistants, then the end line assistants could review and decide whether they need to notify the main referee of a missed error.

I bring this up because, as much as much as I want VAR gone completely, as it stands, the system in place is so poorly designed that I want to at least try to show a way that it could possibly be improved. I have yet to hear any real suggestions to make VAR better. End line assistants could not only see incidents that the main referee misses, but they could also be the ones to communicate with the VARs upstairs, and perhaps review footage from an end line monitor, and then advise the main referee by stepping on to the pitch and getting his attention. I don't like the fact that the main referee has an earpiece. I would like to see the main referee not have an earpiece, and task the end line assistants who are stationed near each goal to be the ones to communicate with the VARs upstairs, and review the footage, so the main referee can fully focus on the match at hand, and wouldn't have to be distracted by the VARs in his ear.
It's certainly commercial success.
Not really. VAR costs a lot of money. Football as a sport is a commercial success, and since VAR is associated with the sport, it's creating the appearance that VAR is a commercial success.

VAR is actually a significant cost to clubs, leagues and fans. VAR has directly resulted in higher ticket prices. VAR is technically a commercial failure, it's just that most leagues and clubs have given it the green light so it gives the appearance of somehow being profitable. It isn't profitable. It's an additional cost that ends up driving up ticket prices just to break even.
Not really. VAR costs a lot of money. Football as a sport is a commercial success, and since VAR is associated with the sport, it's creating the appearance that VAR is a commercial success.

VAR is actually a significant cost to clubs, leagues and fans. VAR has directly resulted in higher ticket prices. VAR is technically a commercial failure, it's just that most leagues and clubs have given it the green light so it gives the appearance of somehow being profitable. It isn't profitable. It's an additional cost that ends up driving up ticket prices just to break even.
Someone is making money out of it.
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