VAR thread 2022/23

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Currently, there are bad decisions being made every week right across the game by VAR.

VAR is regularly the major talking point after games have finished.

SKY have even appointed an ex referee to explain the weekend VAR calls FFS.

The poor fucker has got his work cut out every week, wriggling on a hook like a worm, trying to explain why VAR made the calls they did..

Dismissing it as, human error, not enough cameras in the stadium, it's handball, it's not handball, it's the phases of play and being told, if you're 5 yards offside, running towards the opposition goal with the ball between your feet, attracting defenders towards you and making the opposition goalkeeper set himself for a shot, only for a second player to then score, that the said forward wasn't interfering with play and the goal will stand, IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH..!

Of course football had bad calls before VAR but FFS I cannot recall the huge amount shit calls that are now happening on such a regular basis being made prior to VAR being wheeled in.

Wolves were stitched up at Anfield, then lost the replay.

We got done at united.

Liverpool should have had 3 players sent off within a 10 minute interval today but none were..

The score at the time was 1-1.

These incidents are not hard calls but went a long way in deciding the results..

I'm not having it that the incompetence is solely down to the poor standard of refereeing.

I'm not a referee but I know that all of the above calls were incorrect..

Be interesting if retrospective action is taken against Fabhino, Konte and Robertson as all 3 deserved a straight red card.

Hang on a minute, what am I thinking ?

It's already been forgotten about, nothing to see here, move along now..!
Robertson’s wasn’t a red card. Just a booking that one.
I predicted the quality of officiating would decline due to VAR back in 2018. It is an unintended consequence.... None decision making hands it off feild and deflects blame... It's human nature and why VAR in the current form won't work.
In addition, Webs dictat that VAR should not get overly involved means the none decisions are never over turned...
A direct result of this is dangerous tackles going unpunished and potential injuries.
I predicted the quality of officiating would decline due to VAR back in 2018. It is an unintended consequence.... None decision making hands it off feild and deflects blame... It's human nature and why VAR in the current form won't work.
In addition, Webs dictat that VAR should not get overly involved means the none decisions are never over turned...
A direct result of this is dangerous tackles going unpunished and potential injuries.
It didn’t do that in either code of rugby though.

VAR is being used incorrectly, referees aren’t reffing properly because of VAR. it’s a viscous cycle of wrongly implementing it from both sides.
Every. Single. Week.

I do wonder if they have thought this plan through properly though?

It's that obvious and blatant that it's protecting certain clubs, that it's becoming ridiculous, they've gone too far. You'd think they'd sprinkle in the odd decision in their favour but not every single fucking one?
I went to the womens game gainst Sheff Utd today. Obviously no VAR but my god how refreshing it was to just see the game flowing. No goal checks, no 2nd thoughts or wondering how VAR can intervene.

There were even a couple of referring mistakes and I didnt mind them.

Got me thinking about if I would mind if (Without VAR) City have perfectly good goals or offsides ruled against us, losing games because of the ref...... You know what it wouldnt change a thing, We STILL get the stupid stupid decisions now with VAR.

The game today flowed so much more comfortably, was more entertaining, there were ref mistakes (Admittedly it was a good day for City), but the game didnt become all stop start like some american sport.

Todays womens game with VAR would have been worse no doubts.

I understand that with a perfectly run VAR it would improve the game but I am thinking now that it can never be run perfectly, wherever we see VAR being used (Other countries) it is producing confusing and downright incorrect calls. Its become the equivalent of speeding camera's... no real use except money/job creation.
Robertson’s wasn’t a red card. Just a booking that one.

It all about opinions and in my opinion, I'd have had no hesitation in sending the dirty cnut off..!

Just seen bingo's presser, he saw Fabhino's 'tackle' once and basically shrugged his shoulders when asked if it should have been a red rather than a yellow..

Said he didn't 'really see" Konte's last man assault on Macalister and the sweaty socks dubious foul.

How fkin convenient..

I'd ask for my money back on his laser eye treatment if I was him..!
Just a small point, but I think with the FA Cup there should be VAR for all or no-VAR for all - within the same round, even if it means VAR only comes in at the semi-final stage. It just doesn't seem right that there was VAR at the Liverpool game and no VAR at the Wrexham v Sheffield game in the same round of the competition
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