Vet Fees

Had a family member who said these were an absolute pisstake. They took a pet at 5.55 who had hurt himself jumping, and the dog wasn't able to be examined, but the lady in triage apparently offered anti inflammatory. They then went to pay and were charged £200 because it was past 6pm so therefore out of hours.

I'd have told them to fuckoff and not pay it. Really is worth having insurance with a dog because vets really do bleed you dry.
This is a perfect example of why a private NHS would be disastrous.
I’m actually really starting to fear for the welfare of many dogs and cats etc in general these days because of how many vets operate and how much they’re charging.

As some may remember I lost my last one about 6-7 weeks ago, I have loads of time, and the money, to take another dog on, even two, and give it/them a great home and life, but it’s the potential of sky high vets fees, which is a real possibility these days which is stopping me (what happened to the days when you took your dog/cat to the vet and they used their skills, knowledge, experience etc to diagnose btw ? now it’s straight to blood tests, scans, x-rays as the first port of call for many, so it’s thousands before you even start).

Anyway, the point to my post is, I guess, my path crossed with an old lady recently who has two dogs, one a young “designer” type dog, and a red Beagle, about 8 1/2 years old, she was telling me she was having to re home the Beagle as she was moving away for work, her sister would have the “designer “ one, but not the Beagle as he was too naughty and too much hard work (compared to mine, he was a fuckin Saint, and absolutely adorable), now I know how hard it’s going to be to re home an older dog let alone a hound, but exactly the type of situation I’d be looking for to take another one on, now, I’m actually wracked with guilt and anxiety over it and struggling to sleep at times, made even worse by the fact it came over to me sat on my foot and was all over me loving the attention, all because of vets fees, it really shouldn’t be the deciding factor should it ?

A great many need to sort their moral code out and start to consider animals welfare FIRST ( something they say is the main reason they go into it right ?) rather than seeing it as a cash cow, greedy fuckin cunts.
I’m actually really starting to fear for the welfare of many dogs and cats etc in general these days because of how many vets operate and how much they’re charging.

As some may remember I lost my last one about 6-7 weeks ago, I have loads of time, and the money, to take another dog on, even two, and give it/them a great home and life, but it’s the potential of sky high vets fees, which is a real possibility these days which is stopping me (what happened to the days when you took your dog/cat to the vet and they used their skills, knowledge, experience etc to diagnose btw ? now it’s straight to blood tests, scans, x-rays as the first port of call for many, so it’s thousands before you even start).

Anyway, the point to my post is, I guess, my path crossed with an old lady recently who has two dogs, one a young “designer” type dog, and a red Beagle, about 8 1/2 years old, she was telling me she was having to re home the Beagle as she was moving away for work, her sister would have the “designer “ one, but not the Beagle as he was too naughty and too much hard work (compared to mine, he was a fuckin Saint, and absolutely adorable), now I know how hard it’s going to be to re home an older dog let alone a hound, but exactly the type of situation I’d be looking for to take another one on, now, I’m actually wracked with guilt and anxiety over it and struggling to sleep at times, made even worse by the fact it came over to me sat on my foot and was all over me loving the attention, all because of vets fees, it really shouldn’t be the deciding factor should it ?

A great many need to sort their moral code out and start to consider animals welfare FIRST ( something they say is the main reason they go into it right ?) rather than seeing it as a cash cow, greedy fuckin cunts.
Pet insurance ?
Pet insurance ?
Don’t want to go down that route mate, it’s a cost that seems to be spiralling out of control and although I have the money, I still have a budget I need to consider, (costs more than it does to run my car for a year, and by quite a bit actually too), then there’s the excess, there is also an extra age related component in many insurance contracts for an older dog which this dog is getting close to.

In a way you’ve kind of highlighted a point I’d previously mentioned mate, one of mine had an ACL reconstruction when he was insured, still ended up paying almost £700, that was WITHOUT x-rays and scans as it was with a vet who was a family friend, so it makes me question why they nearly always send you for them when they know exactly what it is in the first place.
I know what you mean we got a cocker spaniel at the end of lockdown, couldn’t get a rescue as there weren’t any available, I’d
love to get another, there are loads been abandoned or rescued from puppy farms (cunts) but the cost of having one is ridiculous, we pay £30 a month for insurance now for one dog, to get another and obviously the costs spiral especially if things go titis up. It’s heartbreaking to see som elf these dogs, I saw one the other day that had been rescued been used for 7 years on a puppy farm, had known no love and just sat in a corner looking at the wall! Fortunately it looks like she’s now doing well, but all these lockdown dogs are been abandoned now, cost of living crisis etc, remember the old a dog is for life not for Xmas these dicks shoudve thought of that, shock horror i can’t walk him as I’m back at work, build my piss.
Anyway back to vets, lots are now part of big companies due to the fact of fear of been sued as an independent, also there is a chronic shortage (Brexit) so that increases prices. I would add lots of drugs they give dogs, antI inflammatory are very similar to human ones, do some research and you can save a fortune.
There is now fairly substantial evidence of links between the vet practices and the insurance companies. I now save the cost of my insurance (up from £11 a month six years ago to £112 a month) in a savings account. If I need it, I will draw on it, and if I don't it is savings. I am not going to support some industry members who are recommending treatments that then inflate my premiums, paid to insurers that are part of the same umbrella organisation. As always, do some research into your vet and your insurer.
We had to have our dog out down on 4 July. We had her from being a puppy and she was 14 and a half when she died. Mini Schnauzer - had a great life and exceeded her life expectancy.

We switched vet in her final year. She had a rare cancer in a paw, which the old vet did nothing with. It was painful for her for eight months of her final year. The new vet suggested amputating a toe, which also removed the cancer from the foot. It worked a treat, and gave her a much better quality of life for her final four months. £400, but we didn't begrudge it one bit.

Other treatments on the final year were expensive too, but we paid, just to give her a comfortable end of life. We never had insurance, and I think overall we would have paid a lot more of we had insurance from day one.

The day we had her put to sleep was heartbreaking. I couldn't even talk to the receptionist when I checked in that morning - I was just too choked up. The receptionist immediately understood and looked after me, my wife and the dog. It was another large bill, but again, we were happy with it because of the excellent service they gave us.

Pets are expensive, but overall we had a happy experience with ours. We won't get another dog (at least just yet), but we care for other people's dogs in their homes as their owners go on holiday. It satisfies our need to be with animals, but goes without the expense.
We had to have our dog out down on 4 July. We had her from being a puppy and she was 14 and a half when she died. Mini Schnauzer - had a great life and exceeded her life expectancy.

Sorry to hear that mate, my girlfriend has a miniature Schnauzer whom I often look after for her as she’s away quite often with work, such lovely little dogs, daft as a brush, but still, she pays £80 a month though for her insurance which considering my ex was paying something like £21.50 for our two only 10 years ago, I’m not aware of any particular reason it would be so high though unless they’re considered a breed with issues ?

Anyway, an update from my last post, apparently they’re having trouble finding a home for this Beagle still, was chatting to my friend who knows her quite well, I’ve asked him to keep an eye on the situation discreetly, IF, and only IF, they end up looking to put him down, then I’ll have him providing he’s ok with kids, can’t bear the thought of such a lovely dog being put down.
Sorry to hear that mate, my girlfriend has a miniature Schnauzer whom I often look after for her as she’s away quite often with work, such lovely little dogs, daft as a brush, but still, she pays £80 a month though for her insurance which considering my ex was paying something like £21.50 for our two only 10 years ago, I’m not aware of any particular reason it would be so high though unless they’re considered a breed with issues ?

Anyway, an update from my last post, apparently they’re having trouble finding a home for this Beagle still, was chatting to my friend who knows her quite well, I’ve asked him to keep an eye on the situation discreetly, IF, and only IF, they end up looking to put him down, then I’ll have him providing he’s ok with kids, can’t bear the thought of such a lovely dog being put down.
Have it!

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