I’m actually really starting to fear for the welfare of many dogs and cats etc in general these days because of how many vets operate and how much they’re charging.
As some may remember I lost my last one about 6-7 weeks ago, I have loads of time, and the money, to take another dog on, even two, and give it/them a great home and life, but it’s the potential of sky high vets fees, which is a real possibility these days which is stopping me (what happened to the days when you took your dog/cat to the vet and they used their skills, knowledge, experience etc to diagnose btw ? now it’s straight to blood tests, scans, x-rays as the first port of call for many, so it’s thousands before you even start).
Anyway, the point to my post is, I guess, my path crossed with an old lady recently who has two dogs, one a young “designer” type dog, and a red Beagle, about 8 1/2 years old, she was telling me she was having to re home the Beagle as she was moving away for work, her sister would have the “designer “ one, but not the Beagle as he was too naughty and too much hard work (compared to mine, he was a fuckin Saint, and absolutely adorable), now I know how hard it’s going to be to re home an older dog let alone a hound, but exactly the type of situation I’d be looking for to take another one on, now, I’m actually wracked with guilt and anxiety over it and struggling to sleep at times, made even worse by the fact it came over to me sat on my foot and was all over me loving the attention, all because of vets fees, it really shouldn’t be the deciding factor should it ?
A great many need to sort their moral code out and start to consider animals welfare FIRST ( something they say is the main reason they go into it right ?) rather than seeing it as a cash cow, greedy fuckin cunts.