Vet Fees

Sorry to hear that mate, my girlfriend has a miniature Schnauzer whom I often look after for her as she’s away quite often with work, such lovely little dogs, daft as a brush, but still, she pays £80 a month though for her insurance which considering my ex was paying something like £21.50 for our two only 10 years ago, I’m not aware of any particular reason it would be so high though unless they’re considered a breed with issues ?

Anyway, an update from my last post, apparently they’re having trouble finding a home for this Beagle still, was chatting to my friend who knows her quite well, I’ve asked him to keep an eye on the situation discreetly, IF, and only IF, they end up looking to put him down, then I’ll have him providing he’s ok with kids, can’t bear the thought of such a lovely dog being put down.
Paladín had a great idea, put maybe £25-£30 away a month and if you need it draw off that for your dogs expenses. Better than givin it to the thieving bastard vets.
Paladín had a great idea, put maybe £25-£30 away a month and if you need it draw off that for your dogs expenses. Better than givin it to the thieving bastard vets.
Yeah, I’ve just had a chat with my girlfriend, I’d misunderstood her, she only pays £18 a month (the £80 was house insurance) so it’s definitely doable if it comes to it.
That’s what we do.
Also, our dog has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and requires lansoprazole.
Upon enquiring the vet confirmed it is the human one, just a third of the dose.
So now she shares my lansoprazole with me, that I get for nowt being an FOC.
Bought a dose of the cat's flea treatment from the vet this morning. Was told that this was the last one I could buy without bringing the cat in for a health check consultation at a cost of £37. My cat's fit and healthy, if it was off colour I'd take it to the vet. Does anyone else think they're taking the piss, because I certainly do.
Bought a dose of the cat's flea treatment from the vet this morning. Was told that this was the last one I could buy without bringing the cat in for a health check consultation at a cost of £37. My cat's fit and healthy, if it was off colour I'd take it to the vet. Does anyone else think they're taking the piss, because I certainly do.
Sounds like they're telling you a right tail mate..
Get flea treatment from a pharmacist then.
I haven’t got oral flea/tick treatment for my dog from a vet ever.
Bought a dose of the cat's flea treatment from the vet this morning. Was told that this was the last one I could buy without bringing the cat in for a health check consultation at a cost of £37. My cat's fit and healthy, if it was off colour I'd take it to the vet. Does anyone else think they're taking the piss, because I certainly do.
My boy got misdiagnosed with an acl injury when it was actually bone cancer. Thankfully he is fit as a fiddle again now as it had not spread, just a tripod now.

However the fee at my new vet which is not a charity, it is just not for profit would have charged, all in, 1.5k for acl surgery. My previous vet wanted near enough 7k, you read it right, 7 fucking k. Rent is paid, equiptment is maintained, surgeons and support staff are paid a fair wage.

Some people on this thread were saying "medicine, property rental fees, paying off training etc" It never came close to explaining these extortionate fee's. I asked my new vets how they do it for a reasonable fee and they simply said what i already knew. They were independent and had no masters like MARS who seem to own every vet that charge insane fee's.
We put £100 a month away a month. Our cat needs meds for arthritis every month and also has a little cyst on side of her head needs drained about every 6 weeks. Our money covers that plus anything extra like when she needed bloods etc. Plus hypoallergenic food for skin conditions Due to existing conditions we couldn't get insurance
My boy got misdiagnosed with an acl injury when it was actually bone cancer. Thankfully he is fit as a fiddle again now as it had not spread, just a tripod now.

However the fee at my new vet which is not a charity, it is just not for profit would have charged, all in, 1.5k for acl surgery. My previous vet wanted near enough 7k, you read it right, 7 fucking k. Rent is paid, equiptment is maintained, surgeons and support staff are paid a fair wage.

Some people on this thread were saying "medicine, property rental fees, paying off training etc" It never came close to explaining these extortionate fee's. I asked my new vets how they do it for a reasonable fee and they simply said what i already knew. They were independent and had no masters like MARS who seem to own every vet that charge insane fee's.
Sorry to hear about your lad mate, but glad you caught it early and he’s doing ok, for what it’s worth, one of my old vets, who was a friend of the family I was staying with and the best vet I ever had, he always said dogs are just as happy on three legs as four and they’re more than capable of having a great life despite it.

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