Vicky Kloss

It would be nice for the club to give her some form of public acknowledgement for her long service. Curious that none of the journalists have commented about this on twitter?
Yep, 20 years, I got the old Jaeger Le Coultre Clock. Let Pep present it at half-time, that should do it. Could be worse, 30yrs I got a video player.
City’s PR department has been mostly a disaster for years.

Hopefully we can get someone who actually knows what they are doing.
It is clear that PR failures are not Vicky’s fault but the result of policy from on high. She would never say anything publicly but I bet it frustrated the hell out of her at times.
There's a famous saying about not fighting with pigs in mud.

Man City will not waste money or energy getting into petty arguments with the low life dwellers in the media.

Anyone who thinks we would come out of any court case with any credit is deluded. You can't win.

Vicki and City will know this and manage it the in the most professional way they can, by ignoring it.

If you're aggrieved by some piss pot story teller, then hook up with them on twitter and call them a "cnut", but don't expect City to do the same.

Keep up the great work City PR.
I’m fed up with repeating this: court cases are not how you manage these issues. If the reason for the policy is potential reaction to court cases, they have it arse about face. Issues management first, court cases last.
PS If you don’t know what issues management is about, you have no business here. This is a classic case. I dont mean you personally but ppl generally.
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My policy would be childish and immature. I would section off the press box, one half would have the usual facilities and the other would be very basic. There would be two standards of food served. The entry to the "posh" section would be strongly policed. Same as the press talk, there would be an order as to who can ask, or be answered. In this way they might get the message.
Go straight to the bottom of the class.
Anyway, the politics that seems to be fuelling part of our negative media is this unwritten alliance between the BBC, Liverpool FC, the Guardian and other social media “human rights” activists. Whoever replaces Vicky Kloss will need ideas about addressing (or even ignoring) this.
Don’t leave United and Arsenal out of that. Arsenal have seemed to be as much as part of this as anyone else, even the ring leaders at times. Fucking horrible club!
Don’t leave United and Arsenal out of that. Arsenal have seemed to be as much as part of this as anyone else, even the ring leaders at times. Fucking horrible club!
True mate. Arsenal were orchestrating meetings to gang up against us and (IIRC) Gill was telling a football conference thst we were going to be sanctioned for FFP days before the UEFA announcement.

Plus, I’ve noticed Labour have got a bit too cosy with the Dippers for my liking.
Who is the girl with the clip board who stands at the head of the players tunnel during matches.
What is she actually doing
Whatever they are paying her I am prepared to do the job for nothing

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