Vieira appointed New York City FC head coach

I'm very close to one of the key players in the academy. The stories I've been told about him have done more than enough to ingrain my view of him being a huge cockwomble.

The same player said everyone loved Viera and respected him as a World Cup winner.

And yet the U18s consistently look a good well organised side and the EDS frequently look disjointed. I realise at least part of this is due to Vieira giving them experience in different positions but from the outside Wilcox looks a very good coach and I would have thought that if he is a prick he wouldn't still be in such a key role given the much publicised 'holistic approach'.
Interesting time scale. If he doesn't do well then i suppose we've potentially dodged a bullet if we seriously have intentions of grooming him to be our manager, but we'll not be able to bring him back as anything other than manager so no more u-21's for him and we lose a very good asset behind the scenes.

If he proves a success, we'll want him to see out his contract before bringing him over here otherwise the NYCFC fans would go apeshit. Is he going to be ready in 3 years? And more to the point are we going to have a place ready for him in 3 years?

If we're bringing pep in during the summer, are we only expecting 3 years from him? If we stick with Pellegrini until his contract is out, do we then bring in a manager for just 1-2 years to fill the gap? Or do we stick with pellegrini for 3 years? I can't see Vieira extending his contract if he's a success. He'll want to manage at the very top and if he does well he'll get other offers, we can't expect him to hang around and wait for us. If he doesn't prove a success at NYCFC i don't think it necessarily means he hasn't got what i takes to be our future manager but i think we'll lose the chance, as i expect Arsenal will hoover him up if it doesn't go to plan in New York.

It's great for Vieira, it's pushed his managerial career forward, he now gets a chance to prove himself. For City, we've essentially said it's make or break time for him, No more chance to learn, I'm sure the club have thought long and hard about future implications and have a plan, I just hope we've judged the timing right and he's ready. Good luck Vieira. I hope to see you back in Manchester one day.

Will he be back in Manchester? Who knows it depends on a multitude of factors. However, I think it is more likely than if he had gone to Newcastle.
If he does a good job over there and the incumbent at the Ethihad is struggling then he may be drafted in at short notice. The fact that fans of NYC might go
ape shit as somebody stated is unlikely to be of much importance to the powers that be. Maybe in 20 years time football in the states will be on par with Europe but for
now at least its viewed as inferior both in football and business terms.
I can't see him going from EDS to MLS to Premier League/Champions League contenders.

Even if he "bosses it", so to speak, in the MLS I would imagine there may be another step in his development if he is to be groomed for our manager's position.

All the best to him out there, I don't doubt he will be a success. Plus it seems to annoy their fans so that's a bonus.
That would be the equivalent of letting Fat Sam take over the first team!
Got to appoint somebody with a proven record of developing youngsters. Can't go for somebody for sentimental reasons. Dickov or Rosler do not have the experience or qualities we need. They have hardly set the managerial world alight. Might as well appoint Andy Morrisson if we are going for sentiment....
And yet the U18s consistently look a good well organised side and the EDS frequently look disjointed. I realise at least part of this is due to Vieira giving them experience in different positions but from the outside Wilcox looks a very good coach and I would have thought that if he is a prick he wouldn't still be in such a key role given the much publicised 'holistic approach'.
They didn't look organised or consistent on Saturday when he took two forwards off at 2-0 and put a 15 year old who's 5ft tall as the lone striker... (They drew the game 2-2).

Anyway, believe what you want, all I'm saying is that I know for a fact that the majority of the players in the Academy can't stand him as a manager. It doesn't matter how good he is, if you hate your boss you're gonna quit!
Personally, I've always thought Vieira was a lot more impressive as a person than he is as a manager. He's clearly a great influence around the club and the players look up to him, but I'm not convinced he's a good manager at all, I'm not even convinced that he isn't a bad manager. The ambassador/youth development role he had before was ideal, but as soon as he decided he wanted to be a manager it put a clock on his time here, unless we were going to make a spectacular gamble on his managerial ability that he has done little to suggest he deserves. This at least keeps him in the organisation and gives him a chance to show what he's like when games actually count, so he can be properly judged instead of always having the excuse of it being about development.
I disagree. Firstly, him doing a bad job in New York doesn't mean he'd do a bad job here. It's a new team in the 2nd season of it's existence in an established league. No manager in the world would be guaranteed success. One of the most successful managers in that league has just failed, so why would anyone else find it easy to win?

Secondly, if he was an assistant to Pep (or Guardiola if you prefer) during a period of success, he could learn from the top man, help integrate the youngsters he has coached, and there would be an easy continuity if he was to eventually take over.

Thirdly, he was doing an excellent job at the EDS, was an extremely popular member of the staff at City with both the established professionals, and the impressionable existing and potential future youth team players.

If he fails at NYCFC and gets sacked, we're losing a major asset from the club.

I disagree, I cant see the sheikh appointing somebody who has never taken charge of a club, big risk, he needs to be tested somewhere else first.
Some people on here think they know better than our owners, unbelievable.
Our owner (singular) probably had nothing to do with any of this. He's far too busy and important to be running the day-to-day of the CFG. The hiring and firing of people at manager level will be done further down the pecking order than the Sheikh. The only people he will have anything to do with the hiring and firing of is the CEO and Chairman.
Yeah he's only got 107 international caps, European Championship and World Cup winners medals, 650 first team appearances in the top European leagues, and 7 League titles, to his name, they clearly can do better.

NYCFC fans really do my fucking head in, they've existed for 1 season, in which they were pretty shit, and they play in a league that is the dumping ground for over the hill former greats, who exactly were they wanting as manager, Carlo Ancelotti?! Sense of perspective is required.
He has no coaching Pedigree. And they are right to think it's a bad choice. Personally, I think he will be immensely successful. But that's coz I'm partial.

But generally speaking, NYCFC fans are not enthused by being the testing ground for MCFC's projects. And I agree they NYCfc shouldn't be run asuch.

I mean, City fans generally pontificate about the suitability of players who play in other leagues visavis those who play here. Hence the once silly argument about "Messi" and "a cold February night at the Britannia" (I.E being 'Prem proven'). Similarly, one can make the same spurious argument about being 'MLS proven' better yet 'Coaching proven'.

That some think of the hiring as poor, doesn't lack merit. Whether it eventually would prove to be, is unknown.

It is a fact that he has very little experience coaching at the senior level, and even less coaching in the States.

So yeah, I can see the argument for not liking the choice, even if I think he will be a good coach.

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