Villa Fans Want Well Over £20mill + Ireland For Milner.....

Okay, don't forget there's a premium on Milner because he's English and, because of Platini's attempts to rein in English football, everyone needs English players. It follows that the best ones, Barry, Lescott, Johnson, Milner will command larger than normal fees. Then you have the City factor some people have mentioned and lastly, you have the Manchester United factor. Although barely covered in the media at the time because united never buy players, relying solely on home-grown products, united paid £13m for Chris Smalling thus setting an obscenely high benchmark for unproven and generally shite English players. Now ask yourself, is Milner worth twice as much as Smalling ?
Wreckless Alec said:
Okay, don't forget there's a premium on Milner because he's English and, because of Platini's attempts to rein in English football, everyone needs English players. It follows that the best ones, Barry, Lescott, Johnson, Milner will command larger than normal fees. Then you have the City factor some people have mentioned and lastly, you have the Manchester United factor. Although barely covered in the media at the time because united never buy players, relying solely on home-grown products, united paid £13m for Chris Smalling thus setting an obscenely high benchmark for unproven and generally shite English players. Now ask yourself, is Milner worth twice as much as Smalling ?

he's worth more than lescott, who was a 12-14m player, we only payed that much because it was us... milner would be 20m+ whoever was asking. I just think people are sniffy about him because he's english and hard working, somehow people don't realise it's hard work + undoubted skill, somebody else said if he was argentinian they wouldn't bat an eyelid, and I agree, because the way he runs with the ball reminds me very much of tevez.
Just found this on a Villa forum and PMSL.....

"Act quick Randy and Martin, tell them where to stick that poultry sum of money for one of the World’s leading young talents."

Are we paying in chicken drumsticks now? Or is Bernard Matthews Milner's agent?
citizenblue said:
Just found this on a Villa forum and PMSL.....

"Act quick Randy and Martin, tell them where to stick that poultry sum of money for one of the World’s leading young talents."

Are we paying in chicken drumsticks now? Or is Bernard Matthews Milner's agent?

they're telling us to get stuffed ;)
Sorry folks, not got time to read all the posts but:

We should not buy Milner:

a) because even at £10M he would be massively overpriced
b) we need some stability in our team, we never know from one week to the next who is playing and that chopping and changing IMHO does not work
c) they (Villa) will do like every other team has done to us recently and put the price up because it is Manchester City.

Build a superb squad with what we have Mr Mancini, we have the squad that can beat the world if only you use them properly.

Just my opinion ok?
It's amazing how a single player can divide opinions so much. Some think he's worth over £20m and others think he is overpriced at £10m. Good English players have always been over priced, that's why Wenger keeps going abroad (he's had his fingers burnt twice with young English players). I for one don't think Milner is worth anything near £20m, but that's my opinion. I would be very happy to be proved wrong and see him lift the EPL trophy at the end of next season in a City shirt.
lee-mcfc said:
imo milner is worth 15-17mil no higher.

I think that Milner in a good season is no better than Stevie in a good season, so what the buggery is the £20m for? It's rip off MCFC, they've got cash. It's about time we walked away from some of these deals after the first offer is rejected or they come up with something outlandish. Let 'em try and get £20m and one of their best players from some other suckers.
Oasis_City said:
We should only pay 5 mil because that's how much Richard dunne cost who also made it onto the team of the year.

Yep but that was the fault of Hughes (the master strategist) pay the most and sell for least.

Dunnie was worth way more than £5 mill
Am I the only one who cannot get why are we are even bidding for this player, I think he is completely overrated and cannot see where he would fit in our team. How many more Aston Villa players are we going to buy?

Does anyone really believe that their squad is so much better than ours that we have to look to buy all of their players, we already have Gareth Barry and I have heard people talk about Agbonlahor, Ashley Young and now James Milner. Why don't we just by Aston Villa, I really don't understand it.

There are so many much better left-sided attacking midfielders in the world why are we limiting ourselves to average Premier league players when we have the capacity to buy world-class and potential world-class.

This is the same problem we had with Mark Hughes, who looked to buy steady Eddie's rather than Rolls-Royce's.

Does anyone seriously believe that James Milner is a better player/prospect/more potential than Stephen Ireland?

Like I said at the beginning I cannot understand why we are chasing this player at this time in our development.

I would like some constructive arguments on this point if you agree or disagree.

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