Villa Fans Want Well Over £20mill + Ireland For Milner.....

zapbranny said:
Villa fan here.

Wanted to point a few things out which make the £20M offer pretty irrelevant, even if that probably is his market worth.

Milner wasn't exactly cheap, Villa paid £12m for him from Newcastle after being after him for nearly two seasons. Is £8M quid great profit on someone with a promising future?

He has two years left on his contract, so its not as if he is on a freeany time soon.

He is still only 24 depsite being around forever and is English (new homegrown rule).

Has just played his first season in centre mid, might improve. He is going to the World Cup, if he has a good tournament he could be worth even more, hence why a lot of teams don't sell before.

One of the reasons he wanted to come to Villa was stability, it was only here he started and finished a season with the same manager. Would he get that at City? Do you think Mancini will be in charge at the end of next season?

He is different to most footballers, doesn't drink or go to trendy hotspots, not particulalry flashy, he didn't have an agent (not sure if he still doesn't) and used to get the PFA to assist him. Not sure the Wealth that City have is a huge attraction for a guy like him.

Is more likely to prefer an established Champ League team like Utd or Chelsea, with both supposedly interested.

Has huge respect for O'neil, he has brought him on and got him into the England side and has been good for his career. New manager would be more uncertain.

Known to get on with his team mates in a young Villa side.

As you can see all these factors add up to £20M not really worth a great deal.

Reasons why they would sell.

a) A Big offer, maybe around the £30M mark (after all City have made a rod for their own back playing £24M for Lescott).
b) O'Neil thinks that Fabian Delph is ready to step up (got the attributes to be better than Milner)
c) Milner kicks up a fuss (unlikely for his character).

There you are thats my perspective on it and I definately would have predicted the £20M bid being turned down. What do you think?

welcome mate.

tbh i don't see us paying excessively over the odds so i reckon it will come down to the lad himself asking for permission to have a chat with us - however I have no idea if that is his want and Villa have proven in the past to be able to dig their heels in (as is their right) even if a player wants to move on.....ultimately i'd be surprised if we spent weeks on this deal (i.e. waited for the WC to be completed) and we will almost certainly have a plan b

as for utd, forget it mate - they are going to be spending some time in our shadows very soon ;-)

anyway, stick around
zapbranny said:
Villa fan here.

Wanted to point a few things out which make the £20M offer pretty irrelevant, even if that probably is his market worth.

Milner wasn't exactly cheap, Villa paid £12m for him from Newcastle after being after him for nearly two seasons. Is £8M quid great profit on someone with a promising future?

He has two years left on his contract, so its not as if he is on a freeany time soon.

He is still only 24 depsite being around forever and is English (new homegrown rule).

Has just played his first season in centre mid, might improve. He is going to the World Cup, if he has a good tournament he could be worth even more, hence why a lot of teams don't sell before.

One of the reasons he wanted to come to Villa was stability, it was only here he started and finished a season with the same manager. Would he get that at City? Do you think Mancini will be in charge at the end of next season?

He is different to most footballers, doesn't drink or go to trendy hotspots, not particulalry flashy, he didn't have an agent (not sure if he still doesn't) and used to get the PFA to assist him. Not sure the Wealth that City have is a huge attraction for a guy like him.

Is more likely to prefer an established Champ League team like Utd or Chelsea, with both supposedly interested.

Has huge respect for O'neil, he has brought him on and got him into the England side and has been good for his career. New manager would be more uncertain.

Known to get on with his team mates in a young Villa side.

As you can see all these factors add up to £20M not really worth a great deal.

Reasons why they would sell.

a) A Big offer, maybe around the £30M mark (after all City have made a rod for their own back playing £24M for Lescott).
b) O'Neil thinks that Fabian Delph is ready to step up (got the attributes to be better than Milner)
c) Milner kicks up a fuss (unlikely for his character).

There you are thats my perspective on it and I definately would have predicted the £20M bid being turned down. What do you think?

Hi there,

Would just like to point out that with 2 years left on his contract that if he refuses to sign a new contract within the next year his value will near enough half with only a year left on his contract. I believe this deal going through all depends on whether or not Milner wishes to sign a new contract with Villa. That is the position that Villa will be in. £25m I think this will happen for should Milner want to leave.
samharris said:
And we,ve just bought (jan) Adam Johnson for 6 mill...are you really telling us that James is worth 20 million more.....ah doont fink soo.

Yep for exactly the reasons I have listed. Footballers are not simply valued on their talent... there is age, length of contract, injury record, competition for signature, how much the club has to spend (in Man City's case a lot and everyone knows it), how much profit the club would make selling.

Hence why Milner is worth more than £20M, as is indicated by Villa rejecting the offfer. It is straight forward Capitalism, something is worth what soemone is prepared to buy and sell it for.
Should just leave it a year til his contract has got 1 year left then sign him for half the price

If that was the case do you think he would he go to City if the Rags were then in a position to afford him?

City's main advantage is that they have enough cash to blow other teams out of the bidding, if they don't use that advantage they won't get the players they want as they will just go to the established big clubs. That's my honest opinion as an outsider.

I've got nothing against City, and if you pay a fee that Villa accept, all well and good. I do think he has been a little bit hyped up this season, he's good but I don't think he's world class. His best asset is that he works hard for the team.
zapbranny said:
If that was the case do you think he would he go to City if the Rags were then in a position to afford him?

Big if. Plus, who knows what position both clubs will be in in a years time? We'd certainly risk the chance of not getting Milner but I'd rather take my chances than hand over £30 million. Might be better players available to us then anyway
zapbranny said:
Should just leave it a year til his contract has got 1 year left then sign him for half the price

Hold on, that £12m is with the City premium on it. Who says we will still be in for him next year? I said near enough half anyway.

But....seeing as you are basing it on losing a 1/3 of the value you would be willing to see him go for £15-17m and lose out on £8-10m for the sake of having 1 more season out of him? (I am assuming he will go for £25m which is likely to be the next bid.)

And can speak for Milner himself? Amazing..... It is all down to what the player wants to do.
SamTheGuru said:
Hold on, that £12m is with the City premium on it. Who says we will still be in for him next year?

But....seeing as you are basing it on losing a 1/3 of the value you would be willing to see him go for £15-17m and lose out on £8-10m for the sake of having 1 more season out of him? (I am assuming he will go for £25m which is likely to be the next bid.)

And can speak for Milner himself? Amazing..... It is all down to what the player wants to do.

Who cares if you are not in for him next season, I hope you aren't. Just because you wouldn't be bidding it wouldn't mean that nobody else will.

Yep I personally would keep him, even if he doesn't sign a contract extension with Villa, which he may well do seeing as he is 24. Lose out on £8-10M or make £8-10M same point of the argument from different sides. It stands to reason that if an £8M profit doesn't really get the board excited then an £8M loss (even though its not a loss it, as it would still be profit based on what we paid) wouldn't concern them either.

You're assuming he is going to go for £25 Million based on what? £20 M was rejected out of hand.

At what point did I say I was speaking for Milner? and no it wouldn't be down to his decision it would be the Clubs as they own his registration for the next two years.

My guess is City move onto another target.

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