Villa Post Match Thread

BBC website has it that Pellegrini "expects" to win the title.
What he actually says is that "we are just thinking on trying to play as we did so far during the whole of the season here at the Etihad. If we play in that way we can win the title".
How the fuck is that saying he "expects" to win it.
I don't know how these bastards get away with putting words into everybody's mouths'
In response to Pam's earlier post. Can't qoute it as gives me message about 3 inbedded posts? Yes. I'm shitting it as well. Call me Pessimistic Pete but I won't be counting my chickens just yet. Want to see my eggs hatch,not end up with them on my face!
citysince88 said:
Not going to lie, when they hit the bar and the ball bounced down, for a fraction of a second I was not in a happy place !

Which sort of makes the way we responded all the more pleasing.

My world took a step back at that moment the ball hit the eyes were darting everywhere, ref, ball, ref, player who hit it, ball, ref and so on.
In response to Pam's earlier post. Can't qoute it as gives me message about 3 inbedded posts? Yes. I'm shitting it as well. Call me Pessimistic Pete but I won't be counting my chickens just yet. Want to see my eggs hatch,not end up with them on my face!
JohnnyMarrsGuitar said:
Sky Sports and the rest of the media just can't stand the fact that a couple of weeks ago they all had the scousers down as already winning the league. How fucking wrong can you be! Liverpool had premier league champions t-shirts printed up. I wonder if they are still selling them? No, I guess not.
The cunts will just turn them inside out before they sell them off to an unsuspecting public.
colinbellsballboy said:
Pam said:
Bloody hell, there's going to be a worldwide candle shortage if this keeps up. People better get a shift on and do some panic buying.
Don't forget the bouquet....for gods sake don't forget the bouquet.
I had a shit in ginnel in Liverpool,went back to clear it up,fucking shrine been erected

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