Villa Post Match Thread said:
jrb said:
I was a bit frustrated in the 1st half.

Dzeko against 3 centre halfs. Yaya too deep. And the pace of the attack was too slow.

As soon Jovetic and Fern came on, the tempo was much better and faster, and we began opening them up.

Thankfully we made it look quite easy in the end.

Do you not think this had a lot to do with the fact that The Villa defence was getting tired and ragged. From about 55th minute they started to look like a boxer on the ropes. The tactics were perfect - keep probing, keep working the defenders, get the defence tired and ......BINGO ...... it all starts opening up. Then you can bring on fresh legs and players like Jovetic who make different runs and use the ball a bit differently. Villa were chasing shadows for the last 20 minutes or so - and that doesn't happen by chance. A brilliant team performance from players and management.

Spot on there Bleed. Will be the same on Sunday and I am confident we will have a similar result
proy said:
I can't stand the media in this country, but if anyone has a sky sports app, go and have a read.

Have a look at the title 'pelligrini now expects title'

Have a read between the lines.

$ky sports app?


fuck off!

probably has Tyler crying or summat
Bloody hell, there's going to be a worldwide candle shortage if this keeps up. People better get a shift on and do some panic buying.
Oh Yeah said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Malty said:
Get the champagne on ice and the open top bus parade going!!!

Not yet pal.
Can we just make sure we dont lose first!!!

And if we draw on Sunday just keep your fingers crossed that the Dippers don't win 14-0!

Yes, I'm shitting it about that.
Sky Sports and the rest of the media just can't stand the fact that a couple of weeks ago they all had the scousers down as already winning the league. How fucking wrong can you be! Liverpool had premier league champions t-shirts printed up. I wonder if they are still selling them? No, I guess not.
Stockport mackem said:
Congratulation guys and gals.....all but there now, well done

Same to you, Mackem. Well done. Talk about Houdini. Gutsy team or what?
bluwes said: said:
jrb said:
I was a bit frustrated in the 1st half.

Dzeko against 3 centre halfs. Yaya too deep. And the pace of the attack was too slow.

As soon Jovetic and Fern came on, the tempo was much better and faster, and we began opening them up.

Thankfully we made it look quite easy in the end.

Do you not think this had a lot to do with the fact that The Villa defence was getting tired and ragged. From about 55th minute they started to look like a boxer on the ropes. The tactics were perfect - keep probing, keep working the defenders, get the defence tired and ......BINGO ...... it all starts opening up. Then you can bring on fresh legs and players like Jovetic who make different runs and use the ball a bit differently. Villa were chasing shadows for the last 20 minutes or so - and that doesn't happen by chance. A brilliant team performance from players and management.

Spot on there Bleed. Will be the same on Sunday and I am confident we will have a similar result
Exactly !
If the dippers don't win the title , all they have to do is watch tonight's game . A lesson in patience and tactical nous !
Hopefully they will learn nothing.

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