Villa Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

BillyShears said:
Stoned Rose said:
Some serious drama queens on here.

We were comfortably the better side and lost due to poor refereeing, joe hart being complacent fir their 2nd and a freak 3rd.

Fuck all pellegrini got 'wrong' today. Fuck all different he could have done yo change it.

Shit happens.

Ask utd.

In hindsight (yeah I know I laughed when I typed it) he should've taken Milner off for Navas, or better still, not changed it at all. Other than that though - spot on didn't get anything else wrong IMO.

You can see why at that point in the game he felt that he could rest Sami for Wednesday.
bluemoonmatt said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
2 freak results? Are you having a laugh?

In the context of a half billion pound FIRST TEAM against a bunch of total nonentities , ahead TWICE!!! with 70% possession , that is an inept a performance as you will ever see
I am fookin seething
Pellegrini stood fookin clueless on that touch line - his body language was that of a man out of his depth. I feared this from the off. He doesn´t understand the PL and the owners have put all our eggs in the CL basket. We WON´T qualify for the CL with those types of displays. Get it into your heads.
I wanted a change but I NEVER wanted this guy- He is far too nicey fookin nicey for this league
He reminds me of Woy but at least Woy won stuff
Call this knee jerk or whatever you want but if you really think that was acceptable and you want to come up with excuses then you do that
Last week was a fookin waste of time
Scandalous second half
MP won´t last till xmas but the damage has already been done - the league has gone south and may stay there for many years to come - we have blown our chance spectacularly

Beat Chavs , Spuds , dippers 1 and 2 away? You´ve got to be fookin joking
I'm pissed off too but mick, that is a steaming pile of bs, go for a beer and calm down fella
So what´s your opinion ? Bad day at the office? It happens ? Have a beer it will be alright?
Listen mate I appreciate more than anyone what we´ve achieved but please give me a reasoned response rather than that trite garbage. Can you see that lot under that manager understanding what is necessary?
Answers on a fookin postcard ...........
the talisman said:
Am I missing some kind of in joke on here? Are people seriously suggesting that we can't win the league after 6 games?

Same people who were saying it after Cardiff. People who are either hysterical or don't really know/watch/understand the premier league.
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
themadinventor said:
dr mcfc is mine said:
Come on guys...bad result..YES...end of the world...NO...would you prefer to be 5th 3 points off top or sitting in 12th like davey's delightful clowns

Why do some people always seeking solace in Utds results, I don't give a stuff what they do or where they are in the league, yes we are better than what, we have all known that for a while, what we want is some consistency because that's what brings trophies, I'm much more concerned that by the end of business today we could be 5 points adrift of the top place in the league..........worried yes but only a little.

They are our bitter rivals, why would people not be happy when they loose. Whats wrong with comparing results and positioning in the league ???

we should be discussing our performances/results not worrying about what Utd are doing, they are our nearest rivals but we have much better teams to worry about if we must worry about any of them, I user stand what your saying it just pisses me off that Utd get a mention ,
If we had played like the stoke and Cardiff games then i would have been worried. We are played well and deserved to win. You can't say we are not entertaining...

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