Vincent Kompany - 2016/17 performances

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Pep brought Gundogan off after 72 minutes in his first PL start and after 81 minutes in his first CL start. Sane was even more gradual with 3 part appearances from the bench, 32 minutes and 18 minutes in the PL and 11 minutes in the CL.
To leave a player who hasn't played for almost 5 months to play a full 90 minute match is very unusual. There are good reasons why players are brought back gradually. If Pep had brought VK to City this summer would he have been more prudent with his reintroduction following injury?
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Pep brought Gundogan off after 72 minutes in his first PL start and after 81 minutes in his first CL start. Sane was even more gradual with 3 part appearances from the bench.
To leave a player who hasn't played for almost 5 months to play a full 90 minute match is very unusual. There are good reasons why players are brought back gradually. If Pep had brought VK to City this summer would he have been more prudent with his reintroduction following injury?

Is it not different with cb's? A midfielder needs to cover a lot of ground, not sure a CB does
But they aren't related. Pep didn't think Joe was good enough and wanted him out. He definitely thinks Vinny is good enough and the only reason he won't play is due to injury concerns. The two situations aren't similar at all. Pep won't be being ruthless if it transpires that Vinny can't recover - he'll just be taking the doctors advice.
That said I believe he'll give the captain more of a chance than some of the posters on here.
I didn't read through your rant, seen them all before and they tend to go off on a tangent. I presume that one was similar.
The first paragraph was for you. The others were for Karen and Disciple.
Who's to say Pep wanted to be cautious but maybe it was Vinny who felt he was ready and wanted to push himself through the full 90. Nobody knows
The first paragraph was for you. The others were for Karen and Disciple.
But what you wrote wasn't relevent to what I was saying. GD was saying that Pep is ruthless and would have no problem bombing Vinny out like he did Hart. My argument was there are different circumstances in regards to the two players.
Hart isn't here because Pep doesn't think he is good enough. Vinny is because Pep wants him in the team and was/is willing to give him every chance.
You then jumped on the fact that I used the phrase 'Pep would love Vinny in the team' making out I'm wrong and had got the analogy wrong. I don't think I did.

In fact looking back I don't even know how Hart came into it ( unless I've not looked back far enough) all's I can see is him saying Pep should discard with him in the summer. Meh, my point remains the same even if it's me who gone off on a tangent.. :-)

Ahh, found it. Page 68. Thought I was going mad (or more than I am already)
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Would have made much more sense bringing Tosin on for Kompany rather than Garcia. But that's easy to say in hindsight.
Is it not different with cb's? A midfielder needs to cover a lot of ground, not sure a CB does
All of Pep's players seem to cover a lot of ground, ;-) (although agreed CBs probably a little less than midfielders).

Players are more likely to pick up injuries when they are tired, especially when they are not fully conditioned with match practice.
But what you wrote wasn't relevent to what I was saying. GD was saying that Pep is ruthless and would have no problem bombing Vinny out like he did Hart. My argument was there are different circumstances in regards to the two players.
Hart isn't here because Pep doesn't think he is good enough. Vinny is because Pep wants him in the team and was/is willing to give him every chance.
You then jumped on the fact that I used the phrase 'Pep would love Vinny in the team' making out I'm wrong and had got the analogy wrong. I don't think I did.

In fact looking back I don't even know how Hart came into it ( unless I've not looked back far enough) all's I can see is him saying Pep should discard with him in the summer. Meh, my point remains the same even if it's me who gone off on a tangent.. :-)
Lol on tangents. Anyway it's not that serious. I think the analogy is apt as I've explained. GD wasn't saying the 2 scenarios were the same. He was saying the emotionality of those who wanted Joe to stay for what he had achieved vs the practicality of those who wanted Ter Steegen/Bravo for how they would have fit in Pep's system showcases that there can be a divide in the opinions of true City fans without one side questioning the support of the other.

Similarly like then some might want Pep to give Komps all the time in the world while others might conclude that based on his history he simply can't stay fit and thus probably would never be trusted by Pep.

The analogy is about the opinions of fans, not the players themselves. Then I showed how both are analogous from a practical point. Inability to do what Pep wants. One because he lacks the required skills, and the other because he lacks the health.

Put it this way, if Bravo was always injured, he too wouldn't fit Pep's plans. Coz he'd lack one of the qualities required. Pre Seluk-gate, Yaya had both the skill and fitness to play for Pep. But lacks the intensity required.

In a sense all 3 players are analogous in that they lack one of the qualities that's fundamental to playing for Pep. Right skills, right intensity, and health. You need all 3 to be on the field it seems. And they all seem to lack one or the other.
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