Violence at Euro 2016

This'll sort it out

Were there Fanzones in Marseilles? If so were they completely trouble free?
Yes, down by the beach. A friend of a friend was down that end of town the whole time and didn't see any trouble at all. Unlike in 1998 when the beach area was like a war zone.

Russia should be stripped of the World Cup and banned for several major tournaments.

If the authorities had a set of balls, football would be in a much better place.

The violence in France is an absolute disgrace and I believe if there's even 1 death because of it, the tournament should be cancelled. Absolutely no place for it whatsoever. The attitude seems to be "oh, there's some violence". Frightening attitude, it really is.

The message surrounding Hillsborough, rightfully so, was that nobody should go to watch football then not come home. Well, the same applies here! Innocent people, young and old, are getting caught up in this.
This is from one of the Russian FA exec cabinet members:

'The boys protected the honour of the country and did not give the English a chance to abuse our motherland. Our fans must be understood and forgive'

Russia a country of gangsters, morons and peasants.
The rest are very nice people.
So, lets see, we have tooled-up, Russian paramilitary cowards running amok in broad daylight, faces uncovered, easily identifiable from numerous CCTV cameras but no arrests? I'll bet they're welcomed home to mother Russia as heroes and will never be held accountable for the orchestrated carnage in Marseilles.
Russia already under threat for violence in the qualifying and now, firmly identified as the main protagonists with further violent behaviour an almost certainty but they have been given the next world cup and thus they will almost certainly get away with virtually anything and the blame and prosecutions will be put on us and any others.

I know its a PR exercise and the plea from the coach and captain has to be made but its almost an acceptance of guilt for what went on and as a country politically and as an FA we should be actually calling for the real culprits to be dealt with instead of lamely accepting the blame.

As a country and as an FA we actively tackle hooliganism and deal with it unlike others........
Spot on!

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