Violence at Euro 2016

No the second night involved Russians from what I remember. Also no sorry I'm not buying a song that isn't overly offensive is in any excuse for what the Marseilles ultras did... and no I wouldn't say the Scouser brought it on themselves... it would be taken as banter such as the Swedish singing "Go home to your ugly wives" was by the English fans. I mean come on it's like you're trying to make excuses for attacks on English fans there, why? They looked at them the wrong way, they sang a song, they threw a plastic bottle that hurt nobody... do you not think it looks more likely even the odd case where this was a factor in any way that these individuals were looking for any excuse to do what they fully intended to?

Bollocks. I'm not looking for excuses for the attacks on England fans. But one example, the guy who got sparkled by two ruskies when he was down. You can clearly see him running towards an altercation not away from it. Not justification for what happened. Yeah I know the code. Don't hit a man who is down. They went to far etc. But he was up for a fight. You don't know he would adhere to the code if he got the better. And I don't see lobbing chairs and bottles as adhering to the code.

Double bollocks that Liverpool fans singing about taking over Manchester would be seen as friendly banter. What world do you live in.
Bollocks. I'm not looking for excuses for the attacks on England fans. But one example, the guy who got sparkled by two ruskies when he was down. You can clearly see him running towards an altercation not away from it. Not justification for what happened. Yeah I know the code. Don't hit a man who is down. They went to far etc. But he was up for a fight. You don't know he would adhere to the code if he got the better. And I don't see lobbing chairs and bottles as adhering to the code.

Double bollocks that Liverpool fans singing about taking over Manchester would be seen as friendly banter. What world do you live in.
Bollocks to you john sorry, bitter Scottish angler by any chance?
There are videos of English fans singing "the city is ours". It's not hard to see how this would antagonise the locals who were probably up for it anyway.

Singing you say?

That must be worth an extra couple of months in jail yeah or hospital?
Bollocks. I'm not looking for excuses for the attacks on England fans. But one example, the guy who got sparkled by two ruskies when he was down. You can clearly see him running towards an altercation not away from it. Not justification for what happened. Yeah I know the code. Don't hit a man who is down. They went to far etc. But he was up for a fight. You don't know he would adhere to the code if he got the better. And I don't see lobbing chairs and bottles as adhering to the code.

Double bollocks that Liverpool fans singing about taking over Manchester would be seen as friendly banter. What world do you live in.
If I knew families were in danger I'd be standing and fighting against them too.
Yes. I did not say it justified anything did I? I said I can easily see how it could antagonise the locals. Can you not?

No and if singing is not acceptable to the local population or the whole of France and their police forces then i suggest they dont bother bidding for future football tournaments.

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