Was David Icke right?

TheMightyQuinn said:
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I think Buzzer has the right idea and has obviously done his homework.

Very easy to dismiss all of this kind of stuff, I'm selective with what I believe but I do think 70% of what Icke says is spot on and he's proven to be right over and over again.

There's no doubt in my mind concerning New World Order etc, I've read a lot myself over the years and try as I might I can't help but feel it's largely based on the truth. I mean, I wish it weren't but it is so yeah

The good thing is mate,unlike religion and govt.,Icke doesnt try to ram it down peoples throats,check him out if you want,if not,dont,simple as. i did,and as the dots connect,it becomes more and more laughable and amazing how conditioned the sheeple really are. Imagine this;1st day at work aged 16,Get up at 6am,put the tele on,listen to the bullshit news,get in the car,put on radio,more BS news,go shop and buy a paper,BS news,get to work,have 3 breaks during day,read paper,finish work at 5,home,tea,put on BS news,watch somert shite,like Big Brother,(ironically watching big brother watching you),go to bed,and repeat the above for 40 to 50 years,thats the way its gone since day dot,and they call me,MENTAL,SCARY MAN.

I'm with you on this.

It's a fucking tedious life, little different to being in prison, just we don't see the walls, not literally anyway.

Most people just want to put their head down though and get on with it, moaning now and again but ultimately being good little people for their masters.

People do not realise, that by being ignorant, they are leading the next generation straight into an orwellian nightmare!
It is okay (ish) for us right now, but with the staggering ignorance, the futures very bleak. Once YOUR FREEDOM has gone you can NEVER GET IT BACK! And this is happening in front of our eyes. "You can live like a sheep for eternity, or live like a lion for a day". Give me the Lion any day.
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.
Newlunar said:
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.

You dont need the internet to know people in power i.e presidents and prime ministers are just puppets...

Anyone who thinks the president and his advisors are the most powerful people on the planet are loons imo.
Newlunar said:
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.

Never needed or taken any drugs,my drug is CITY,people that believe the world isnt quite what it seems,are used to the ridicule and BS,if 1 person thinks somert to be true,and 10 think the opposite,it doesnt mean that the 10 are right. I DONT BELIEVE OR FOLLOW ANYONES VIEWS,as you must have noticed with my postings,i am not a sheep.You should know this yourself,as we would be on some RAG or Chelsea forum and i dont tell anybody what to believe,im just trying to have a decent crack with likeminded human beings.
allan harper said:
Newlunar said:
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.

You dont need the internet to know people in power i.e presidents and prime ministers are just puppets...

Anyone who thinks the president and his advisors are the most powerful people on the planet are loons imo.

Thats right allan,we are being so dumbed down,it amazes me why we aint goin down to parliament and physically draggin these maggots out of office. We slag off contries that do such things and dismiss them as nutters or fanatics. The whole shooting match is upside down and fukd.
buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
Newlunar said:
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.

You dont need the internet to know people in power i.e presidents and prime ministers are just puppets...

Anyone who thinks the president and his advisors are the most powerful people on the planet are loons imo.

Thats right allan,we are being so dumbed down,it amazes me why we aint goin down to parliament and physically draggin these maggots out of office. We slag off contries that do such things and dismiss them as nutters or fanatics. The whole shooting match is upside down and fukd.
No, you're the nutters.
Banned Tosspot said:
buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
Newlunar said:
You're a new poster with an interesting if not paranoid outlook on life. I'm not stalking you, I bear you no malice. I'm glad you're happily married and all that shite, however I suspect that although everything has fallen in to place for you with your domestic circumstances, I can't help feeling that all those recreational drugs have come back and spectacularly bit you on the arse.

I could be wrong and if I am at least I didn't come to this conclusion because some other loon on the internet told me so.

You dont need the internet to know people in power i.e presidents and prime ministers are just puppets...

Anyone who thinks the president and his advisors are the most powerful people on the planet are loons imo.

Thats right allan,we are being so dumbed down,it amazes me why we aint goin down to parliament and physically draggin these maggots out of office. We slag off contries that do such things and dismiss them as nutters or fanatics. The whole shooting match is upside down and fukd.
No, you're the nutters.

I'm with BT on this one :-O
Millions and millions believe in the bible and follow its every word, they are the nutters...
allan harper said:
Millions and millions believe in the bible and follow its every word, they are the nutters...

Now yer talking top grade wholenuts Allan, but if thats what they believe and it helps them in there day to day lives,well live an let live. Me Mum was in a voilent marriage for 28 years and it helped her get through some very dark times,and she still goes every sunday,with the rest of the SHEEP,but they aint doin no harm mate. the bibles been twisted so much and re-written to accomodate even the biggest doubters,people actualy think that theres a guy sat on a cloud watching our every move. If you havent already checked it out,have a watch,on the net,ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE.
buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
Millions and millions believe in the bible and follow its every word, they are the nutters...

Now yer talking top grade wholenuts Allan, but if thats what they believe and it helps them in there day to day lives,well live an let live. Me Mum was in a voilent marriage for 28 years and it helped her get through some very dark times,and she still goes every sunday,with the rest of the SHEEP,but they aint doin no harm mate. the bibles been twisted so much and re-written to accomodate even the biggest doubters,people actualy think that theres a guy sat on a cloud watching our every move. If you havent already checked it out,have a watch,on the net,ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE.
The funny thing is, you are following Icke like a religion/cult to help you through your miserable life. You can't stop quoting his 'sheep' statement,

Ric, can we section this member?

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