Was the ball over the line?

The most interesting thing is about Serg leaving it to Kev playing for the team as Kev must have shouted for it.
Chippy boy, I disagree. I was convinced the ball was out but did an experiment tonight (yes that's sad) which made me very doubtful. I placed a ball so that from an overhead view a tiny bit of the ball was not accross a line i.e. in play under the rules. I was amazed that from every angle it looked out and from most, well out. It was only the directly overhead angle that you could see it was in.
Well done, scientific proof for the ocularly challenged.
Well done, scientific proof for the ocularly challenged.

Martinez has contacted NASA...

For the umpteenth time, you do NOT need to be overhead to get the definitive view. ANY view directly along the line gives you the same view as to whether the ball is over or not. How high up you view from makes NO difference to what you see.

We have a clear and definitive view along the line and the ball is definitively out, end of debate. Their is no room for argument here - no "balance of probability" etc. As a statement of incontrovertible fact, the ball went out.

I shown before with the tennis ball pics ..........
one angle the ball is clearly out, the angle above the ball it looks clearly in

for what its worth I think it was out

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