Was the ball over the line?

The solution is obvious...


Failing that....


Blimey, you're not a groundsman, are you? That'll ruin the pitch!
Still don't know. None of the freeze frames are decisive because none are from vertically above the goal line or directly along it and the camera angle distorts the picture. The referee saw nothing requiring intervention and he was closer than anyone. Gareth Barry made a feeble appeal but no other Everton player did apart from Robles when he saw Barry "appeal". Martinez's comments were disappointing from a manager I've always admired, and to say the ball was clearly out was born of frustration and disappointment rather than anything else. I don't think Martinez can argue that he doesn't want technology but he wants the ref to get decisions right when we're talking about a matter of inches and the game has accepted that only machines will get "goal" decisions right. We saw at Spurs that some officials have difficulties with off side margins! His argument that the penalty claim by Navas at Goodison is a matter of judgement and shouldn't be reviewed by video (even if the ref was unsighted) is ridiculous and narrowly self-interested. The goal was given and unless we're prepared to accept a much wider role for video evidence that's the way it has to be.
I agree with Martinez that it was shocking. Fouls on Navas and Aguero missed, timewasting from the 4th minute that wasn't clamped down on. Fouls on our players that warranted yellow cards that weren't shown on at least two occasions. They should have a lot to speak about.

I thought at one point that the only way they would receive a yellow card was if they beheaded one of our players.
Still don't know. None of the freeze frames are decisive because none are from vertically above the goal line or directly along it and the camera angle distorts the picture. The referee saw nothing requiring intervention and he was closer than anyone. Gareth Barry made a feeble appeal but no other Everton player did apart from Robles when he saw Barry "appeal". Martinez's comments were disappointing from a manager I've always admired, and to say the ball was clearly out was born of frustration and disappointment rather than anything else. I don't think Martinez can argue that he doesn't want technology but he wants the ref to get decisions right when we're talking about a matter of inches and the game has accepted that only machines will get "goal" decisions right. We saw at Spurs that some officials have difficulties with off side margins! His argument that the penalty claim by Navas at Goodison is a matter of judgement and shouldn't be reviewed by video (even if the ref was unsighted) is ridiculous and narrowly self-interested. The goal was given and unless we're prepared to accept a much wider role for video evidence that's the way it has to be.

While agreeing with you, the ref was 20 yds away and straight up the pitch, and not really 'closer than anyone'. Absolutely no way he could make a decision from there. His view may also have been blocked by the players.
Still don't know. None of the freeze frames are decisive because none are from vertically above the goal line or directly along it and the camera angle distorts the picture. The referee saw nothing requiring intervention and he was closer than anyone. Gareth Barry made a feeble appeal but no other Everton player did apart from Robles when he saw Barry "appeal". Martinez's comments were disappointing from a manager I've always admired, and to say the ball was clearly out was born of frustration and disappointment rather than anything else. I don't think Martinez can argue that he doesn't want technology but he wants the ref to get decisions right when we're talking about a matter of inches and the game has accepted that only machines will get "goal" decisions right. We saw at Spurs that some officials have difficulties with off side margins! His argument that the penalty claim by Navas at Goodison is a matter of judgement and shouldn't be reviewed by video (even if the ref was unsighted) is ridiculous and narrowly self-interested. The goal was given and unless we're prepared to accept a much wider role for video evidence that's the way it has to be.
Martinez would have been collared by Sky and shown the footage in the tunnel so that they could make a story of it Without TV there wouldn't have been any comment, that's what's makes them all hypocrites because like the ref they didn't see anything wrong and that's where it should have ended. Whereas the ref missed other incidents that in lots of people's eyes were see live without TV yet Sky made little comment about. Got to say I called the ball out live but have seen the down the line picture it may be just in
Heard that fat Scottish twat on Talkshite this morning say it was a dodgy goal and obviously out of play. It was out by about an inch at best and if that was obvious at the time to Martinez who was 55 - 60 yards away and a linesman who was five yards behind the line and 60 odd yards away then yes it was obvious...
dont remember there being this much fuss being made when spuds scored that goal at the swamp, the one where the ball almost touched the bottom of the net it was that far over the line, think it was mendez who "didnt score it", strange that!!
Heard that fat Scottish twat on Talkshite this morning say it was a dodgy goal and obviously out of play. It was out by about an inch at best and if that was obvious at the time to Martinez who was 55 - 60 yards away and a linesman who was five yards behind the line and 60 odd yards away then yes it was obvious...
He kept saying "The ball was clearly out of play" when it clearly wasn't clearly out of play.
Just seen the latest interview with that oily, snivelling rat bastard shithouse of a manager Everton have got. I truly hate this twat and I hope disaster befalls him. He just cannot find it within his bitter little Iberian pea brain to accept that Everton got away with it on more than one occasion with us when it comes to refereeing decisions. He should fuck off back to some shit kicker Spanish 3rd Division Club where the garlick breathed son of a waiter belongs. There, I feel better now.

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