Wasps coming into my house?

johnny on the spot said:
We're currently studying parasitic wasps as a bio-pest control strategy to tackle Whitefly on plants.

These little bastards are hardcore. Lay their eggs inside the whitefly larvae and you can guess the rest.

No I really cant??
BlueDean said:
johnny on the spot said:
We're currently studying parasitic wasps as a bio-pest control strategy to tackle Whitefly on plants.

These little bastards are hardcore. Lay their eggs inside the whitefly larvae and you can guess the rest.

No I really cant??

Have you ever seen the film Alien?
You might have a wasps nest in or around your house. We had a load knocking about once so me and my brother went up into the loft armed with insect spray to take them on. Luckily the wasps nest was on the other side just under the outside of the roof and we didn't get an ass-whooping (we defrinitely would have)
mcfcmatt said:
I need a bit of advice if anyone knows anything about this?
Over the last month we have had wasps coming into our house when all the windows doors have been shut. Somehow they are getting in.
Every single day there is around 6-10 wasps that we have to kill.
Most of them are really docile and easy to get rid of, a few today were dive bombing.
We must have a nest? in the roof? but I've read that the nests should be dead this time of year and the only surviving wasps are Queens?
It's a bit strange for this time of year? it's been near freezing over the last week.
I've rung the Council and they are sending someone to have a look tomorrow.
Just seems a bit odd?
And no it's not Bobby's fault!

Nothing should be ruled out at this stage of the investigation...
BlueDean said:
johnny on the spot said:
Have you ever seen the film Alien?

Yes, Yes I have

I still dont know what your getting at tho? am i being thick?

Do they come out of the wasps stomachs? am i getting this cmpletly wrong?

To cut a long story short, the implanted wasp larvae gestates inside the still living whitefly larvae, which carries on feeding as if nothing has happened. A pheromone is emitted to tell other wasps that 'This seat is taken', to avoid multiple implantation and subsequent undermining of the reproductive process. Then when the time is right, the wasp larvae bursts physically from its host.

It's brutal and it's amazing.
johnny on the spot said:
BlueDean said:
Yes, Yes I have

I still dont know what your getting at tho? am i being thick?

Do they come out of the wasps stomachs? am i getting this cmpletly wrong?

To cut a long story short, the implanted wasp larvae gestates inside the still living whitefly larvae, which carries on feeding as if nothing has happened. A pheromone is emitted to tell other wasps that 'This seat is taken', to avoid multiple implantation and subsequent undermining of the reproductive process. Then when the time is right, the wasp larvae bursts physically from its host.

It's brutal and it's amazing.

That sounds really disgusting, what do you study? if you don't mind me asking.
mcfcmatt said:
johnny on the spot said:
To cut a long story short, the implanted wasp larvae gestates inside the still living whitefly larvae, which carries on feeding as if nothing has happened. A pheromone is emitted to tell other wasps that 'This seat is taken', to avoid multiple implantation and subsequent undermining of the reproductive process. Then when the time is right, the wasp larvae bursts physically from its host.

It's brutal and it's amazing.

That sounds really disgusting, what do you study? if you don't mind me asking.

He's studying how to create and control an alien race to help him take over the world.

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