Wasps coming into my house?

mcfcmatt said:
CTID Chris said:
He's studying how to create and control an alien race to help him take over the world.


If only. I'm studying Horticultural Science.

Though Bio Pest-control is a hell of a lot like strategic warfare.

We're just trying to get rid of dodgy chemicals and let Nature do its thing.

Our problem at the moment is that when we release the predators to kill the pests, they do so with such quick efficiency that their subsequent generations are left with nothing to predate upon and so they all die. So what we need to do is manage their respective populations and tolerate the pests to maintain the predators. It's a fascinating balancing act.
Typical of loutish rugby Union types. Could be worse - might have been the All Blacks with their noisy haka trailing their muddy boots all over your living room carpet. Last time it happened to me I was like, 'Pipe down, the bloody One Show's on!' Half of them are Tongans anyway.
sweynforkbeard said:
Typical of loutish rugby Union types. Could be worse - might have been the All Blacks with their noisy haka trailing their muddy boots all over your living room carpet. Last time it happened to me I was like, 'Pipe down, the bloody One Show's on!' Half of them are Tongans anyway.
surely the sharks have to be the worst?
Little fuckers, got stung by one on the river rapids at Alton Towers. Had no where to run. Hope when it died it was very painful!
mcfcmatt said:
I need a bit of advice if anyone knows anything about this?
Over the last month we have had wasps coming into our house when all the windows doors have been shut. Somehow they are getting in.
Every single day there is around 6-10 wasps that we have to kill.
Most of them are really docile and easy to get rid of, a few today were dive bombing.
We must have a nest? in the roof? but I've read that the nests should be dead this time of year and the only surviving wasps are Queens?
It's a bit strange for this time of year? it's been near freezing over the last week.
I've rung the Council and they are sending someone to have a look tomorrow.
Just seems a bit odd?
And no it's not Bobby's fault!

Had this problem years ago.I was told that they were "masonry wasps??"Hundreds of the little bastards but,like yours they were mostly docile and sluggish.
Totnes Blue said:
mcfcmatt said:
I need a bit of advice if anyone knows anything about this?
Over the last month we have had wasps coming into our house when all the windows doors have been shut. Somehow they are getting in.
Every single day there is around 6-10 wasps that we have to kill.
Most of them are really docile and easy to get rid of, a few today were dive bombing.
We must have a nest? in the roof? but I've read that the nests should be dead this time of year and the only surviving wasps are Queens?
It's a bit strange for this time of year? it's been near freezing over the last week.
I've rung the Council and they are sending someone to have a look tomorrow.
Just seems a bit odd?
And no it's not Bobby's fault!

Had this problem years ago.I was told that they were "masonry wasps??"Hundreds of the little bastards but,like yours they were mostly docile and sluggish.

Were they all wearing little aprons?
mcfcmatt said:
I need a bit of advice if anyone knows anything about this?
Over the last month we have had wasps coming into our house when all the windows doors have been shut. Somehow they are getting in.
Every single day there is around 6-10 wasps that we have to kill.
Most of them are really docile and easy to get rid of, a few today were dive bombing.
We must have a nest? in the roof? but I've read that the nests should be dead this time of year and the only surviving wasps are Queens?
It's a bit strange for this time of year? it's been near freezing over the last week.
I've rung the Council and they are sending someone to have a look tomorrow.
Just seems a bit odd?
And no it's not Bobby's fault!

There is a nest in your roof space.

The workers have done their job now and they are leaving to crawl off and die somewhere ( wasps don't do retirement). They will all be gone by about this time of year and they dont return to the nest, so you should be all OK.
Cheers for all the input, Council are coming around tomorrow to finish them off for a bounty of £50 (robbing gits!)
Not bothered about being stung myself (although I don't want to be stung) but they keep popping up in my little Lads room, and obviously I don't want one to drop into his cot etc etc.
Every window has been closed so it's just a bit odd how they are getting in.
I've been looking around the house all day looking for the way they are getting in but to no joy.
They will be getting nuked tomorrow anyway :)
I once carried out an experiment with wasps.

On my mates farm back in the day, there was a wasp nest near the farmhouse, so more often than not, a wasp would come into the living room. Now I heard that when you kill or endanger a wasp it gives off a signal for other wasps to follow.

So, I rolled up and newspaper and leathered the wasp. Soon, a few minutes later, another wasp came slowly through the window, not in attack mode, more of a cautious check out what's happening kinda mode. Wack, another dead. This went on for a couple of hours, they kept coming one at a time, I kept wacking them, one at a time, until I had a pile of say 20-30 wasps on my mates living room floor, in a pile.

True dat.
bee's are geezers man, one of them saved me when a wasp had me cornered, not gonna tell the story cos no fucker ever believes me!
we had 2 wasps that flew out of absolutely nowhere and into the kitchen one night, big fuck off ones aswell. just open a window and let em stumble out like a pissed granddad<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:08 am --<br /><br />bee's are geezers man, one of them saved me when a wasp had me cornered, not gonna tell the story cos no fucker ever believes me!
we had 2 wasps that flew out of absolutely nowhere and into the kitchen one night, big fuck off ones aswell. just open a window and let em stumble out like a pissed granddad

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