Watching City whilst on Holiday experiences

Late 80's me and then girlfriend had a weekend away in the Isle of Man booked in the same hotel as the team.
Saw the match got friendly with Peter Reid and Howard Kendal sat on the subs bench chatting away with Colin Hendrie.
After match invited to sit on their drinking table, sat next to 'Skip' what a nice fella.
Reidy was a laugh and Kendal could drink anyone under the table....loved his Red Wine.
Watched the city Liverpool game where Liverpool won the title last year. Was in Majorca Costa ratjarda - German resort not quite open for the holiday season. Only bar open was German showing about 5 German league matches. Had to pay the barman to switch one of the TV's to English football, took them ages to find satalight signal....
Eventually joined by Danish lad with a Liverpool shirt. Got into a verbal slagging match when the match finished. Mrs Qatarman walked off in disgust. Spoilt my holiday somewhat...
Maybe not one of the more exotic locations, but Blackburn promotion game, had booked to take my missus to Dublin for the weekend for her 30th and didn't realise the importance when booking it. Found a hotel bar that was showing the match,with the sum total of 6 people in; the barman (hadn't a clue what the game was about), two Irish lads (cheering on Ipswich / Blackburn), me, the missus (no interest in football) and one other blue. The two Irish lads fucked off when we scored the second, to leave me and the other blue bouncing around the place on our own. Final whistle went and i rushed out of the bar and down the street to the phone box to call my mate (i still didn't have a mobile then), leaving my missus on her own in the bar. Oh and i did buy the blue a pint, if your on here you still owe me one back.
May 11th 2013 I was on honeymoon with the woman of my dreams in Sharm. We were in a beautiful 5 star place and settled down in the bar to watch the FA cup final against Wigan. It was also my birthday that day. Surely nothing could go wrong? I was sat with this German bloke and as the game went on I was getting more and more worried and wound up. The fucker was taking the piss constantly and when Wigan scored he went "Awwww" and patted me on the head! My wife saw the look in my eyes and took me by the arm and lead me out of the bar before the whistle had even gone. Bless her she had booked a table at a restaurant for my birthday as a surprise but I just felt gutted and couldn't face food or people. The waiter brought over a cake and had the whole restaurant sing Happy Birthday but every time I went to blow the candles out he would whip the cake away! He thought it was hilarious but I just wanted to stab him with a spoon! I didn't even want a birthday shag that night :-)
Not so much watching City but a holiday memory none the less. Was in Spain back in 2000 after we'd been promoted at Blackburn, anyways we got talking to these Charlton fans who had gone up as champions with us. They loved to gloat how shite the Goat was and how they would smash the league the following campaign, the mood soon soured when my old
Man reminded them that the Goat had bagged the winner at The Valley that season (Arf)

For a short time they were right, that season they went on to finish 9th and we were relegated! Who's laughing now though as Allison would say! Would love to see their smug faces now!.
One of my many trips to Benidorm was the same time we played the rags in the FA Cup semi final, had to decide to fire the holiday off and go to the match or give up my ticket and hope we got through to the final. Decided to go through with the holiday and ended up watching the game in the Red Lion sports bar, was me and one or two other blues in the place who went mental when Yaya scored!!

One side note to that trip is I did this the day before the game playing football on the beach, so had to spend a couple of days looking like Mr Bump......


Think this was pre match with one of the lads on the trip.....

Was watching the FA Cup semi-final v the rags in a casino in Surfers Paradise, Australia. Was absolutely smashed having been drinking all day, and was the only blue in the place and was mouthing off at all the plastic Aussie rags (is there anything worse than being an aussie and a rag?).
Went to New York for a week in March 2014. Had a great time In The Mad Hatter on the 22nd watching us beat Fulham 5-0. Unfortunately we were flying back 3 days later on the day of the match at Old Trafford. Boy, was I in trouble for booking that particular flight :(

We thought our best bet would be to get to the airport in time for the start of the match and find a bar there showing it. Loads of bars, none of 'em showing it. So for half an hour, us two and about 2 dozen other desperate Brits were haring around from bar to bar like the world's most frantic treasure hunt trying to persuade one of the staff to change channels. Finally made it, but only after twitter had told me Dzeko had got an early gaol. Phew. Didn't even care that it was the most expensive of all the bars :)
Back around June 2008, I was on a small boat tour around a bay of Cyprus, and the tour guide had a bit of entertainment going. He was an affable enough bloke, and I went up to the front to take part in some kind of question and answer thing with a few other tourists.

One happened to be a cockney rag, complete with replica kit.

When I expressed displeasure at his shirt, in some good natured jest, the tour guide asked me who I supported and I told him City.

He laughed his tits off. Asked me where I was from, and when I told him Manchester, just kept asking me "why?!".

Anyway, I take it well, and laugh it off. And he says "I need to get a picture of this, a City fan, I've never seen one", he takes a quick snap of me taking the piss like I was an endangered animal (you know for the whole tour trip pics that'll they'll then sell to everyone at the end of the trip). And that was that.

A few months later we were taken over by ADUG, and signed Robinho on deadline day at the final hour (after running the rags close for Berbatov), and I immediately though back to that bloke.

I often think back to him now. Nothing like that would ever happen now, reflecting back on that shows just how far we've come.

Who's fucking laughing now?


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