We should sell out against Everton

Don't worry about us we'll finish in the European slots still this season, we know what it is like to finish high up the table. Some of you will start getting nose bleeds soon you lot have never been so high. It'll all crumble though. Everton, United, Spurs, Villa and Arsenal still left to play looking a bit tricky
BlueBoy2010 said:
Don't worry about us we'll finish in the European slots still this season, we know what it is like to finish high up the table. Some of you will start getting nose bleeds soon you lot have never been so high. It'll all crumble though. Everton, United, Spurs, Villa and Arsenal still left to play looking a bit tricky
Shut the fuck up, and fuck the fuck off. Goodbye, and happy wumming.
BlueBoy2010 said:
Don't worry about us we'll finish in the European slots still this season, we know what it is like to finish high up the table. Some of you will start getting nose bleeds soon you lot have never been so high. It'll all crumble though. Everton, United, Spurs, Villa and Arsenal still left to play looking a bit tricky

What is the point of Everton getting in Europe, you are a fucking joke when you get there.
Out of all the teams that could be bitter about our new owners, why is it Everton fans who are the bitterest ?
BlueBoy2010 said:
Don't worry about us we'll finish in the European slots still this season, we know what it is like to finish high up the table. Some of you will start getting nose bleeds soon you lot have never been so high. It'll all crumble though. Everton, United, Spurs, Villa and Arsenal still left to play looking a bit tricky
We've done the double over Chelsea. Have you forgotten so quickly?

I think Everton will be a difficult fixture. You are in form, and your players and fans will be up for this one, but if this thread is about attendances note that we are averaging 45k this season, and you average 36k. I can understand your jealousy. It wasn't so longa ago that everyone regarded Everton as the most likely team to break the top 4.
We don't have a great record in Europe no but is that any excuse not to get into it? Man City don't have a great record at many things infact they're shit and have been a laughing stock for years would you want them to just give up?
The owners have put up now it's time for the fan's to put up and get down to COMS. We should be locking people out not worrying about getting them in. Knock the Stella and Smokes on the head and get a ticket with what you've saved.
BlueBoy2010 said:
We don't have a great record in Europe no but is that any excuse not to get into it? Man City don't have a great record at many things infact they're shit and have been a laughing stock for years would you want them to just give up?

Want a bet on who will win more in the next few years ?
TheMightyQuinn said:
Anyone with less than a 100% attendance record over the last 20 years isn't fit to be called a blue.

Having a life outside of City. Not having a huge disposable income. These, my friends, are traits of a loser.

I think we should get counting tickets for Everton right now, really love those exciting threads. One minute there's 500 tickets left, then it's up to 3000, then it's back down to a 1000, nobody realises they can't understand or operate the online ticket thing and somewhere towards the 55th page, in which some little 15yr old arsehole is telling fathers of 4 how to raise their kids and attend football, I die a little bit inside.

Fucking hell you bore me with your over the top posts. No one was saying that were they?!? Not one poster before your post was complaining about our attendance. No one was slagging anyone for not going. But as usual, you over-react and take the moral "I love City but can't afford to go" bollocks when there was no call for it (perhaps you thought you were on Kiam's thread of a few months back where it may have been appropriate but instead you just shouted that you wanted attention).

As for posters telling other posters what to do, were you not the lefty student wishing death on other posters yesterday? Glass houses and all that.

If this forum makes you die a little inside, mnaybe you should take a break from it? I personally hope you spend more time on it.

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