Welbeck vs Balotelli

nashark is the one who doesn't look intelligent here by citing Mourinho. It's clear to see that Mourinho was not complaining about his footballing intelligence but more his emotional intelligence. The example he points to was that he was 'static' against Barcelona; so clearly Mourinho was complaining about his lack of pace then. Or was it that Balotelli's head wasn't in the right place and so couldn't be arsed. The second is a legitimate concern and one most people had when coming here, and many still have. It was hoped Mancini, with the relationship he shares with Mario, would help him mature - on the field at least. I think there are some signs that's going on. In terms of footballing intelligence, I think he's got it in abundance; intelligent runs (and the pace to make them work), finding and creating space, awareness of where the goal and his teammates are without looking; making keepers commit before placing a penalty.
nashark said:
I've played with and against Welbeck and obviously at that level, he was a monster purely because of his athleticism.

But, have you played with or against Balotelli?
Skashion said:
nashark is the one who doesn't look intelligent here by citing Mourinho. It's clear to see that Mourinho was not complaining about his footballing intelligence but more his emotional intelligence. The example he points to was that he was 'static' against Barcelona; so clearly Mourinho was complaining about his lack of pace then. Or was it that Balotelli's head wasn't in the right place and so couldn't be arsed. The second is a legitimate concern and one most people had when coming here, and many still have. It was hoped Mancini, with the relationship he shares with Mario, would help him mature - on the field at least. I think there are some signs that's going on. In terms of footballing intelligence, I think he's got it in abundance; intelligent runs (and the pace to make them work), finding and creating space, awareness of where the goal and his teammates are without looking; making keepers commit before placing a penalty.

Im guessing that you are hungover and havent clicked that nashark, as usual, is on the WUM.
nashark said:
hecandothatfromrange said:
nashark said:
I've played with and against Welbeck and obviously at that level, he was a monster purely because of his athleticism. At this level, along with Balotelli, they're both pretty ordinary.

Balotelli has Welbeck's athleticism but when he cuts in on his right, Balotelli has one of the best shots in the game. Other than that, if you consider the importance of first touch and being able to pass, that's not enough - they're both substandard. They obviously have a certain bit of talent, but the game's no longer about athlete's. You can cheat the stats for a while, but you'll eventually get found out. Balotelli's lucky he has somebody who has a lot of faith in him in Mancini. I don't think many other top level managers would want anything to do with him.

What Welbeck has over Balotelli is reliability, work-rate and probably intelligence (though by no means is he a clever player), all drummed into him from being brought up in England.

Welbeck's more of a man as well, but Balotelli is more talented.

Nah, sorry but you're wrong. Balotelli's an intelligent player. Certainly considerably more intelligent than most strikers. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if his 'media eccentricity' was all fabricated. His talent has been cited by the most revered of football statesmen, Mourinho, Mancini, Fergie etc..... You obviously know more than them.

What's Fergie said about him?

Mourinho might have thought he has a certain degree of talent, as I think he does, but I very much doubt he thinks Balotelli is intelligent as he most clearly is not. He makes some good runs, but he has not got a brain for football. I seem to remember Balotelli hardly ever getting a game at Inter.
Wow. You're talking crap mate.
give them both 2-3 years then we can see what they really can turn into. Think Welbeck's light will burn longer, but Mario's will burn brighter.
I didnt see Milan trying to sign wellbeck on loan when he was available from united, the top teams in the world were not knocking down the door of united to take him loan were they. The amount of times wellbeck lost the ball last night was embarassing and when we played them he was easily muscled off the ball time and time again.
Welbeck vs Ballotelli??? U serious lol no contest Ballotelli is awesome :)))))))))
nashark said:
adrianr said:
nashark said:
Very insightful.

I thought you were leaving it there?

I have. A debate on the ability of footballers on this website is not worth having.

The Balotelli debate is probably the lowest the forum's been in terms of failing to know anything about football. Much lower than when there was a huge consensus that Onuoha was better than Richards.

I stopped debating football a while back when someone said used Barcelona as an example for why we should hit it forward every time. Not much has changed.
Great debate. Everyone that doesn't agree with you (including Mancini and Jose), knows fuck all about football.

Now what were you saying about "a debate on the ability of footballers is not worth having"?

Irony much.

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