Well done Aleks...

Not a debate worth having,he is rubbish
I have played in amateur teams with better left backs
Next half decent right side forward will ruin him again
Win nothing with him trying to defend.
That is all.
He looks good against teams that offer a limited attacking threat,ask him to do some defending,his job..... and he's poor at best.
Oh, I see. I didn't realize we were just going to stop the pretense we watch matches or anything silly like that. It's really fortunate we had a scapegoat in the squad. Several of you would slit your wrists I think if you had to face a loss without a scapegoat.
Bluescholar said:
Not a debate worth having,he is rubbish
I have played in amateur teams with better left backs
Next half decent right side forward will ruin him again
Win nothing with him trying to defend.
That is all.

Fucking hell that's priceless even by BM post-defeat standards!

Win nothing? You've forgotten the 2011 FA Cup Final already?
Bluescholar said:
Not a debate worth having,he is rubbish
I have played in amateur teams with better left backs
Next half decent right side forward will ruin him again
Win nothing with him trying to defend.
That is all.

Well it certaily wasn't Valencia last Sunday !
Look Aleks and Clichy bring different things to the party.
Neither is the complete package.
But Kolarov seems to be more what Pellegrini wants out of his fulbacks.
I think the game time between the two of them will be alot more even this season.
A Kolarov/Clichy hybrid would be the best left back in the world, a perfect complement. Same probably goes for Zaba/Micah as well. Guess that's why managers structure squads like that purposely though, with players in the same or similar positions possessing contrasting traits & abilities in order to diversify.

It's important then to know how to use them and further more when to use them in order to bring out their best. That's obviously the tricky part and the one that brings managers unstuck. I feel Mancini sometimes did Kolarov a disservice by playing him on the wrong occasions.

Kolarov is perfect for a team like Villa away (better than Clichy imo), and for teams that don't press high & offer room to manoeuvre. Against Bayern, you'd use Clichy 9 times out of 10 with their pressing & attacking threat of Robben.

I've previously been a big critic of Kolarov's but if Pellegrini can use him the right way then I wouldn't mind if he stayed.
I am debating leaving BM forum for good. Are you kidding me? Kolarov was one of the best players today. Was a lot more effective when paired with Nasri than with Milner, but was outstanding regardless. He won the two corners that lead to goals. I can't believe how biased you people are. I am disgusted.
Think people that have a go at Kolarov this season are wrong, I personally think he has done ok this season. I'd still start Clichy against bayern as we'll need to defend better but Kolarov did nothing wrong yday
taconinja said:
Oh, I see. I didn't realize we were just going to stop the pretense we watch matches or anything silly like that. It's really fortunate we had a scapegoat in the squad. Several of you would slit your wrists I think if you had to face a loss without a scapegoat.
Scapegoat? I guess you have completely erased the Villa 1st goal from your memory where he backs off and the lad just knocks it past him.

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