Well done boss

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Fuck the media we will never be media darlings. Yes it hurts when they slag us but fuck them! Fuck everyone outside of our club #hatersgonnahate
What a tedious post. No - we won't - and it won't be a case of double standards before you think you've scored a massive point.

very tedious, when Pep comes if he keeps reading and hearing that from the fans he will do a Steve Coppell on us....the guy is a born winner, 2nd is not good enough, and happy clappers will not be tolerated.
So you are saying just to clarify that last season and this season up to the announcement of pep that we were playing well?
I'm not saying all is well but we have a squad of very highly paid professionals whose professional integrity on the pitch has vanished. If you think all pell fault then that's your view, personally not enough finger pointing at our highly paid 'heroes'.

Let's see how up for it tomorrow, I'm sure if we win it will be despite pell but if we lose all his fault. Sooner season over the better, the club and us fans
Reading some posts on this and other threads it appears that many of our fanbase are the equivalent of Chavy lottery winners, who have won the jackpot (probably with a stolen ticket) and swapped their stinking council house for a country mansion, and a few years later turned the once beautifully manicured grounds into a cess pit filled with old dirty baths and rusting white goods, who then complain when their neighbours don't like them.

We were told when we were taken over that the money would change us, make us more entitled, cause us to lose our soul.

Whilst happily that is less true of the club, sadly it is fast becoming apparent that it is very true of many of our fanbase. I always used to defend us to fans of other clubs who would squawk that city fans would quickly become spoilt and 'glory hunters'.

"No we won't" I would say, "we have too much shared history of misery, disappointment, and abject failure to ever turn into that sort of fan. Our collective ability to see the good in any and every situation will see us through in the time-honoured manner of every city fan for generations. It's bred into us from the day we go to our first match with our dads to never take good times for granted but instead to always remain grounded and grateful for those fleeting moments of triumph"

"You'll see" they said, those fucking red bastards.

They were right, I was wrong.

Our fathers and grandfathers would be turning in their graves if they read bluemoon these days.

Some of you are a fucking disgrace.
And you're a fuckin balloon. What you see as spoilt glory hunting, the majority see as deep disappointment because of our regression. The football we're playing now is almost pre Mancini and what makes it worse is we've got an infinitely superior squad.

I appreciate everything the club has done for us since the takeover, but ultimately our owner agrees with the majority that Pellegrini's race has been well and truly run. He came, he tried his best but his best wasn't only not good enough for us, he put us in reverse. If you're cool with that, that's your business but for me I want us to get back to the upward linear curve we were nicely progressing along until Mr 'Special players win matches not tactics' Pellegrini came along.
I'm not saying all is well but we have a squad of very highly paid professionals whose professional integrity on the pitch has vanished. If you think all pell fault then that's your view, personally not enough finger pointing at our highly paid 'heroes'.

Let's see how up for it tomorrow, I'm sure if we win it will be despite pell but if we lose all his fault. Sooner season over the better, the club and us fans
The players decide the out come of a match but the manager has a influence on shape tactics subs and counter subs against the opposition and we have been found out and he hasn't or wouldn't adapt to counter this
@BlueAnorak @kismet @Gray @citysince88 @RandomJ @RichardDunneOwnGoal @Rammy Blue @GaudinoMotors @Big Yaya Wilko 12 @The blue phantom

Many thanks for all of the lovely comments guys, I really appreciate it.

The last 2 managers seem to have been a bit divisive in the fan's opinion of them.

I really hope Guardiola is super successful and all of the fans will be united behind him.

Whatever happens in the next two games, I've never been more excited for season than the one that starts in August.

Here's hoping for a brilliant new era where the team plays beautiful football, wins trophies, and all City fans are behind the manager and the team.

Whether we're in the Champions League or not.
@BlueAnorak @kismet @Gray @citysince88 @RandomJ @RichardDunneOwnGoal @Rammy Blue @GaudinoMotors @Big Yaya Wilko 12 @The blue phantom

Many thanks for all of the lovely comments guys, I really appreciate it.

The last 2 managers seem to have been a bit divisive in the fan's opinion of them.

I really hope Guardiola is super successful and all of the fans will be united behind him.

Whatever happens in the next two games, I've never been more excited for season than the one that starts in August.

Here's hoping for a brilliant new era where the team plays beautiful football, wins trophies, and all City fans are behind the manager and the team.

Whether we're in the Champions League or not.

I'll give it until a 3-1 loss to Dortmund on our ore season tour of China.....

We actually signed our best players when we were not in the CL. We need to find these hungry players again who want to work with Pep and become better players and win things not buy overpriced shite like we have been doing.
@BlueAnorak @kismet @Gray @citysince88 @RandomJ @RichardDunneOwnGoal @Rammy Blue @GaudinoMotors @Big Yaya Wilko 12 @The blue phantom

Many thanks for all of the lovely comments guys, I really appreciate it.

The last 2 managers seem to have been a bit divisive in the fan's opinion of them.

I really hope Guardiola is super successful and all of the fans will be united behind him.

Whatever happens in the next two games, I've never been more excited for season than the one that starts in August.

Here's hoping for a brilliant new era where the team plays beautiful football, wins trophies, and all City fans are behind the manager and the team.

Whether we're in the Champions League or not.

You could of used a different word than the one I made bold and underlined :)
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