Well done spurs!

There is a light said:
Numptyed said:
I can handle tonight because we played well but we just couldn't handle Crouch. he will do well for England at the world cup in the summer.
Well done City and well done Spurs.
looking forward to next year already and just another reason to hate spuds but you have to hand it to the this season they were better than us.

I cannot stand the Bluemoon know it alls who say they wouldn't have Crouch near the club. He frightened the life out of our defenders all night and I don't even recall that many decent crosses going into the box. Gomes was also quality when called upon, if we had went 1-0 up we would have went on to win, but it wasn't to be.

Well done Tottenham, I still hate you though and you will get yours one day.
Its amazing when you consider they spent 5m less bringing him to their club than we spent bringing a injured RSC to ours, really sad.
Well better team won. We just kept giving the ball back to them in second half was very disappointed but its more than one game, we've have had a good season will get stronger and the project is in it's infancy.

So well done Spurs we came close enjoy your season in UCL and its great to see the big four broken, but keep looking over your shoulder because we are coming to get you
Fuck Spurs! I hate that club with a passion and always have done

I sincerely hope they get battered in the qualifers by Dynamo Siberia

And I hope their rubber faced small time crook of a manager isn't there to witness it cos he's scrabblin round on his hands and knees in his cell trying to catch a cockroach for his tea cos he's finally been nailed for tax evasion !!!
Spurs had 7 British players out there tonight, and a team that had played together for a over full season.
I think City with the same team without going out and buying lots of new players, will play better as a team next season.
chaddblue said:
Fuck Spurs! I hate that club with a passion and always have done

I sincerely hope they get battered in the qualifers by Dynamo Siberia

And I hope their rubber faced small time crook of a manager isn't there to witness it cos he's scrabblin round on his hands and knees in his cell trying to catch a cockroach for his tea cos he's finally been nailed for tax evasion !!!

Haha good post....bollocks to this "well done" shit.
Big John said:
Spurs had 7 British players out there tonight, and a team that had played together for a over full season.
I think City with the same team without going out and buying lots of new players, will play better as a team next season.

There was something in the paper the other day that summed up the cost of each subs bench in the prem matches at the weekend.

We were way down, and am pretty sure Spurs bench cost nearly 10 million more than ours.
chaddblue said:
Fuck Spurs! I hate that club with a passion and always have done

I sincerely hope they get battered in the qualifers by Dynamo Siberia

And I hope their rubber faced small time crook of a manager isn't there to witness it cos he's scrabblin round on his hands and knees in his cell trying to catch a cockroach for his tea cos he's finally been nailed for tax evasion !!!

PMSL agreed
Disappointed tonight but overall delighted with the season. We can look back on individual games and performances as well as some unlucky decisions but at the end of the day I think Tottenham were the better team over the season and tonight they showed why. For all his faults I admire the way Redknapp set off from the outset of this season. I heard him say in an early season press conference that he was prepared to attack and if they won or lost he was just going to have a go and see where it took them. Well fortune favours the brave and they've been rewarded.

I thought City fans deserve all credit for the way we took the defeat with much dignity and respect, maybe we've become used to it but I thought when they scored we all collectively realised that this season we just wasn't good enough and thankfully nobody let the club down and started acting up. I feel the same way as I did for the first hour after the Gillingham game, absolutely bloody knackered and exhausted and now look forward to the future and hopefully many nights like tonight in our favour. Now lets go and win the Europa Cup and maybe get Tottenham in the final ;-)
spurs were the better side, kolo toure couldnt handle the height of crouch.

well done spurs.

and city, i`ve been here before, but is till love ya.

i`ve got my wham ticket for sunday and i`ll be there;(
mancunial said:
bulls--t don,t wish them anything, never will do, despise them not because of tonight, do you think they would be saying that to us if we won, no it would be they are buying the way to sucsess and our club is immoral etc, flippin wake up and stop being mr nice guys to them, the media got what they wanted?

Sadly you are probably right. Just before I read this thread I was wondering what would have been said on our forums and the money you have would have been top of the 'reasons' for you getting success.

Most fans don't like the fact that our game is now completely dominated by money, but I would be a hypocrite if I said I would turn down the chance of being in your position. As long as you don't try to change too much you'll be contenders next season and good luck to you: I've suffered some crap years following Spurs so I understand that you have suffered worse and you deserve success a lot more than certain other teams.

Thanks for the good wishes from many of you, hopefully we can meet in the Champions League final the year after next.

The reason I popped on here was to say thank you for the tremendous gesture of your powers that be to play Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur over the PA at the end, I can't think of many other clubs that would have done the same.

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