Well Well ....interesting read

EVIL said:
On principle we are very different then, because i would not prefer to see a devisive, self-serving and arrogant talent displace a hard-working, talented player with team ethic. You choose Vassell and Benjani wisely, because you know everybody would like to usher them into history. I agree, but i would prefer a team-oriented pro with loads of ability, Elano does not fit the bill, and i'm guessing Robinho won't cut it either.

I did choose them wisely, but they are being chosen week in week out so it seems clear to me that Hughes does value their "hardworking" approach to Elanos ability.

As for the team oriented pro with lots of ability, I think we all want that. But it won't happen overnight and so we're going to have to make do with people with flaws until we can get that type of player.

I have said before, and it still holds true today, that if Hughes feels the need to get rid of Elano then so be it. I'll be disappointed because I think he has a lot to offer and I think he has given a lot of joy to the supporters. I'm not sure what he has done to engender the hatred that some seem to have for him. But if he goes (and I expect him gone next week) why is there a need to slag him off in the press a week before. It strikes me as petulant, petty and self serving behaviour, and I expect more from a manager of my club.

Hughes might be distant, and that may be his policy, it engenders respect. But what i am sure he positively is, is committed to the team ethic and consistent hard work. Not sure the boys from Brasil have those traits. I'm guessing, don't have a source, that their egos are the problem.

I don't have a problem with a distant manager, although I think the best can change their approach depending on the personality and situation. I don't think players will have respect for a manager willing to leak stuff to the press about their teammates, and it wouldn't surprise me if as a result of the articles from the last couple of days that their is even bigger conflict within the squad.
Brucie Bonus said:
moomba said:
What are you talking about?

Well, your attitude reminded me of a character in Paradise Lost, and a bloke I once knew- Pyrrhus, King of Epirus. Anyway, I'll repost what you wrote that caused me to comment, "finally". Here it is:

Brucie Bonus said:

The fact that you would even entertain such a thing so that YOU could be proud is almost, almost beyond belief. But, like I said, better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, right?

Sorry, you've lost me.
moomba said:
EVIL said:
On principle we are very different then, because i would not prefer to see a devisive, self-serving and arrogant talent displace a hard-working, talented player with team ethic. You choose Vassell and Benjani wisely, because you know everybody would like to usher them into history. I agree, but i would prefer a team-oriented pro with loads of ability, Elano does not fit the bill, and i'm guessing Robinho won't cut it either.

I did choose them wisely, but they are being chosen week in week out so it seems clear to me that Hughes does value their "hardworking" approach to Elanos ability.

As for the team oriented pro with lots of ability, I think we all want that. But it won't happen overnight and so we're going to have to make do with people with flaws until we can get that type of player.

I have said before, and it still holds true today, that if Hughes feels the need to get rid of Elano then so be it. I'll be disappointed because I think he has a lot to offer and I think he has given a lot of joy to the supporters. I'm not sure what he has done to engender the hatred that some seem to have for him. But if he goes (and I expect him gone next week) why is there a need to slag him off in the press a week before. It strikes me as petulant, petty and self serving behaviour, and I expect more from a manager of my club.

Hughes might be distant, and that may be his policy, it engenders respect. But what i am sure he positively is, is committed to the team ethic and consistent hard work. Not sure the boys from Brasil have those traits. I'm guessing, don't have a source, that their egos are the problem.

I don't have a problem with a distant manager, although I think the best can change their approach depending on the personality and situation. I don't think players will have respect for a manager willing to leak stuff to the press about their teammates, and it wouldn't surprise me if as a result of the articles from the last couple of days that their is even bigger conflict within the squad.

Elano's ability doesn't outweigh his (total) lack of (any)hard work, imo.

Robinho, on the other hand...
EVIL said:
I'm inclined to think Elano is underperforming, he certainly has done for the last 12 months, and i don't see training, though i guess he's equally committed there, as i don't think you leave a good player out just because you don't like him.

Although not performing to his best he has still contributed more than nearly everyone else in terms of goals scored, passes completed & assists. This is indisputable.

As for training, rather than read anything in the press which has probably been leaked by someone with a vested interest, I'd rather listen to forevercity (who without doubt does know some behind the scenes stuff) who has no agenda. He staes that Elano is one of the better trainers at the club, often staying behind when others are off golfing or whatever else they get up to. This being the case you can only come to the conclusion that MH leaves him out of the team solely because of a personality clash. Cutting off your nose to spite your face is not, as far as I know, a good form of man management.
No Moomba - smartest man on the forum - I haven't lost you at all. You know exactly what you said, and why you said it.
ElanJo said:
Elano's ability doesn't outweigh his (total) lack of (any)hard work, imo.

I think his lack of hard work has been drastically overstated (with no great thanks to the articles over the past few days).

I'm sure it's not his strength, but he does plenty of running and he is one of the players that is constantly wanting the ball.

Involved in 39% of the goals scored by the goals scored by the 9th placed team last season, lazy or not that tells me that he does have value.
moomba said:
Trigger said:
He is already being condemned on here for leaking the news, why? would you sit back and let everyone criticise you at work if there was mitigating circumstances that others did not know about, NO i didnt think so ?

I wouldn't backstab colleagues to get myself off the hook. Thats the behaviour of a coward.

My opinion is that the whistle-blower is the hero, if that is the case. The player shitting out of the physical session through some lame excuse from his wife is the real act of cowardice. Hughes is in command, and thats what management is. The chain of command is clear and has been reinforced, even after the WBA defeat. You disobey in the trenches and your dead. Elano is dead, and has been on the pitch for months, bar the display in santander, where i guess some spanish scouts were present.

Hughes is the opposite of cowardice, he has stood up to the apparent arrogance of the Brasilians, and defended some players that don't deserve a defence. I have never ever heard him publicly criticise them, yet i have heard Elano and Robinho publicly criticise the team.
Bluebeer said:
Once again..........

"the facts which the article is highlighting is something id rather know.....that the players arnt willing to put the effort in for our team, and would rather pull a sickie than pulling their socks up........this is plain and simple lazyness, picking up a cheque.....sheer disrespect for our club"

we as fans have a right to know if players dont care for our club.......and are just their to pick up a huge wage without putting the effort in.....

how many people on here have to work their arses off putting in stupid ammounts of overtime to get by.......these guys cant even be arsed to shut the hell up and get on with it.....weve brought them to the best league in the work, with the best players and the best project........and all they can do it whine and moan they have to 'work' too hard.......fuck that

That is if the article is true and if so that is even more ridiculous that a manager is unable to controle his business and deal with it accordingly behind closed doors. You do not let others know your business especillay weaknesses. Absolutely bad bad management. Just get rid as and when.
If he needs Elano, Jo, Robinho etc in the comming weeks/ months, will this do any good?
That gives me the impression he is doing this for his own ends and not MCFC. Thats my opinion anyway.

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